
Will of Frances Dirdoe Single Woman of Gillingham, Dorset

Dated 16th October 1733 and Proved 12 June 1734

© Transcribed by Joy Waters and donated to Dorset OPC

Note: Line breaks added to enhance readability

In the name of God Amen. I, Frances Dirdoe of Milton within the parish of of Gillingham in the county of Dorset Single woman, do on the sixteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty-three, make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner following.

First of all I give and devise unto my two sisters, namely Rebecca and Rachel, all my freehold Estate, Land, Tenements and Hereditaments situate in Milton aforesaid and elsewhere, to hold to them and to their heirs and assigns in fee forever. On this condition and to the intent and purpose that they, my said sisters do and shall pay, satisfy and discharge all such legacies, bequests, funeral expenses and the like as are herein after mentioned and directed by me to be given, paid and discharged which are as follows (That is to say) I give and bequeath unto the poor of the said parish of Gillingham, the sum of five pounds a year, the same to be given and distributed every year on Saint Thomas Day at my now dwelling house at Milton aforesaid to such persons as shall then come there to desire or receive the same. But in case that at any time hereafter those persons who shall come to receive my said Legacy shall behave themselves rude and disorderly so that thereby it becomes an intolerable trouble and fatigue to my said sisters, then my will is that from thenceforth the said five pounds a year shall be yearly laid out and applied for the placing out one poor child of the said parish of Gillingham as an apprentice to some honest trade or calling. And I do hereby charge my said Lands and freehold estate for payment of the same forever to and for one of those charitable uses above directed.

Also, I give the sum of one hundred pounds to be laid out in erecting a handsome monument to be set up in the Chancel of Gillingham with proper inscriptions thereon (after my decease) with my Statue or Effigies at large (as near as may be) cut in pure marble. And my will and desire is that my said two sisters do and shall cause their statues to be erected (after their several deceases) in the same place by the side of mine and in the same manner.

Also my will is that the sum of one hundred pounds shall be laid out and expended in the charges of my funeral, all the mourning to be served by Mr. Thomas Bennett of Shastone. Desiring my brother-in-law the Reverend Mr. Dalton and Mr. Robert Nation the younger of Silton to be assisting my Executrix's in directing and managing all other things relating to my funeral.
Also, I give unto my sister-in-law Mrs. Elizabeth Dirdoe the sum of forty shillings a year for the term of her widowhood, the same to be added to and paid with her present annuity of three pounds a year now already payable out of my said Lands and Estate.
Also, I give unto my sister Dorothy Chapman the sum of twenty pounds to buy her mourning withal.
Also, I give unto my sister Sara Tinney the sum of twenty pounds for the same purpose.
Also, I give unto my sister Mary Marnes the sum of one shilling.
Also, I give unto my sister Ann Galpon the sum of five pounds a year for the term of her life to and for her own separate use and benefit.
Also, I give unto my sister Elizabeth Whitchurch the sum of twenty pounds.
Also, I give unto my sister Catherine Dalton the sum of twenty pounds.
Also, I give unto my sister Jane Long the sum of twenty pounds.
Also, I give unto the two daughters of my sister Chapman, namely Dorothy and Elizabeth, the sum of forty pounds apiece.
Also, I give unto the three children of my sister Whitchurch, namely Samuel, George and Elizabeth, the sum of forty pounds apiece.
Also, I give unto the four children of my sister Dalton namely Nathaniel, John, Dirdoe and Mary, the sum of forty pounds apiece, and also, I give unto the said Mary Dalton, my cherry-coloured satin suit.
Also, I give unto Elizabeth, the daughter of my sister Jane Long, the sum of forty pounds.
Also, I give and forgive to my tenant William Butt the sum of ninety-four pounds which was due to me for rent at Michaelmas last, and likewise I give him the sum of six pounds more in money.
Also, I give unto Mr. John Perren of Gillingham three guineas to buy a mourning ring.
Also, I give unto my neighbour Thomas Pitman one guinea for the same purpose.
Also, I give unto the above-mentioned Robert Nation the younger of Silton five pounds to be laid out in a piece of plate, or what else he pleases, for him to keep in remembrance of me.
Also, I give unto my brother-in-law, the Reverend Mr. Dalton, one guinea.
Also, I give unto Mr. Tatum of Meer, one guinea.
Also, I give unto Richard Hannam the younger of Kinton, one guinea.
Also, I give unto the widow Sparrow of Bourton, who was my nurse, two guineas.
Also, I give unto Sarah Weight of Salisbury, two guineas.
Also, I give unto Margaret, the wife of William Green, half a guinea.
Also, I give unto Grace, the wife of Stephen Butt, one guinea, the same to be paid or allowed to her on payment of a debt due to me from her husband.
Also, I give unto Mary, the wife of Thomas Forward, half a guinea.
Also, I give unto Alice, the wife of John Mathew, half a guinea.
Also, I give unto the widow Mathew, late of Sherborn, (my sister Long's nurse woman), half a guinea.
Also, I give unto my servant Susan Haimes, thirty shillings to buy her mourning withal.
Also, I give unto the Reverend Mr. Robert Edgar, the sum of five pounds.
Also, I give unto my old neighbour Henry Jukes, one guinea to buy him a mourning ring: as before directed or designed for several others.
Also, I give the sum of fifteen pounds to buy a silver tankard for the use of the parishioners of Gillingham at the sacrament of the Lord's supper, with my name, age, time of death and coat of arms engraved on the same.

And my will further is that I do hereby give and bequeath all the rest of my goods, chattels, leasehold estates, money, plate, jewels, rings, and all other my goods, chattels and credits whatsoever (not herein before given) unto my said two sisters Rebecca and Rachel whom I make joint Executrix's of this my last Will & Testament. And I do also hereby also further nominate direct and appoint my said two sisters Rebecca and Rachel or the survivor of them personally to come into the Court of the Lord of the Manor of Gillingham and there claim to be admitted Tenant or Tenants to the Lord of the said Manor of all those Copyhold lands of that Manor as I shall happen to die seized of, according to a surrender signed by me (now lodged in that Court) for that purpose.

And lastly my will is that all the legacies herein above given (except annuities or such like) shall be paid and discharged and monument raised within two years next after my decease according to the true intent and meaning of this my said last Will and Testament.
In witness whereof, I the said Frances Dirdoe have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.
And further, I give half a crown a year for cleaning the Monuments belonging to our family which was forgotten to be inserted in its proper place.

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Frances Dirdoe, the Testator, as and for her last Will & Testament, the same being on five sheets of paper in the presence of:

John Doggrell
Thomas Mathews
Elizabeth Colbron
(her mark)

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