
MARRIAGES 1654 to 1819 & 1837 to 1925

Transcribed from the parish registers by me, Eileen Penfold. I can also provide details from later marriages, please contact me using the e-mail on the previous page.

KEY. Details in GREEN are the father and his occupation

Details in BLUE are the witnesses

Details in green italics are transcribers notes

[x] signifies the bride or groom made their mark as opposed to signing their name


1 John RUSSELLE & Honor SHAVE married 15 December 1654

2 William SKINNER of Bere Regis & Anne CARMAN widow married 27 March 1655

3 Richard PARTINGTON Gent of Gregory Parish London & Elizabeth COKER dau of William esq. married 12 April 1655

4 Henry DAY son of Robert & Mary POLDEN dau of Anna married 26 March 1656

5 Thomas GLANVILL son of Agnis of Piddletrenthide & Margeria ELLIOT dau of Jone widow married 27 December 1656

6 Nicholas ROLE son of Robert Helton & Mary WOODROW dau of John of  Horsye Melcombe married 10 April 1660

7 Tristram KEYNES & Mary SAGE married 10 June 1662

8 John MITCHELL & Elizabeth KEYNS married 30 April 1667

9 John DRAKE & Rebecca JANES married 01 April 1668

10 John RUSSELL & Julian BENVILE married 17 April 1668

11 William LANE & Mary DOWNE married date says 1669 Trin. Munday date says 1669 Trin. Munday

12 William MITCHELL & Jeane MERCIMAN married date says 1670 7th after Easter date says 1670 7th after Easter

13 Mellchizedec RAWLES Gent of Sturminster & Mary WOOD Mrs married 30 May 1671

14 ? STRANGEWAYS eldest son of Giles Esq. of Charlston Adam Somerset & Jane COKER Miss dau of Robert Esq married 08 October 1672

15 Edward BARNARD of charleston Whorethorn Somerset & Anne MAL.(?) married 15 October 1672

16 Benjamin OSMOND of Blandford & Deborah THORNE married 14 October 1673

17 George LANE of Brockhampton in Buckland & Elizabeth MITCHELL married 14 January 1674

18 Walter GILLINGHAM & Hannah GOODWIN married 15 October 1675

19 Thomas HEWETT Clerk & Elizabeth COKER dau of John Gent married 24 May 1676

20 Richard CHANNING & Elizabeth BARTLETT married 24 May 1676 At Plush banns put against male entry

21 John MILLER of Buckland & Jane STANFIELD married 30 August 1676

22 Robert STICKLEY of Puddle-Towne & Ffrances KAINES married 10 June 1679

23 Thomas WHITENALL & Joan BOUNDS married 13 November 1679

24 Humphrey HAYS & Joan WHITENHALL married 16 January 1682 At Buckland

25 John SNOW of Bell-Chalwell & Jane WILSON married 23 April 1683

26 Richard ROLLS of Stoak Wake & Elizabeth DOMINE married 27 December 1683

27 Robert TURNER of Stoak Wake & Mary KAINES dau of Tristram married 03 June 1684

28 William POPLE of Pulham & Mary BRINE married 29 April 1689

29 John Smith MITCHELL of Haselbury & Mary KAINES dau of Anne widow married 30 November 1689

30 Richard GIBBS Gent of Brappole & Anne SAUNDERS married 08 April 1690

31 Henry HUMBER of Whitechurch & Mary SSAUNDERS jnr married 16 October 1690 At Stoak Wake

32 Richard FRENCH of Coscombe & Mary KING married 23 February 1690 by licence check year

33 Bullen REYMES Esq of Reymes Waddon & Anne COKER Mrs. Dau of Robert Esq married 08 June 1691

34 Alexander STICKLEY & Elizabeth GLOVER alias Alford married 22 June 1691

35 John SYMMS of Bishop Caundle & Sibyll RUSSEL dau of John married 05 April 1692

36 Richard DONNE & Jane RUSSELL of  Stalbridg married 02 May 1693 by licence

37 Edward COOK alias Langdon & Anne HOLLAN married 02 June 1693

38 James WIAT of Dunhead St. Mary Co. Wilts & Elizabeth PHELPS married 20 June 1695

39 John MAXFIELD of Mason Hill Deverill Col. Wilts & Mary SHOARD married 25 July 1695

40 John RYAL & Mary NORMAN married 20 September 1696

41 William HODDINOT & Mary MILLER of  Heydon married 09 May 1698

42 John AMES & Anne HOLLAN Widow married 10 April 1699

43 John YEATMAN Husbandman & Elizabeth MEGG married 19 July 1700

44 Robert GREEN Husbandman of Mintern & Elizabeth MILLER married 09 August 1700

45 John DOULAN Husbandman & Mary SHORY (or Elizabeth) married 25 April 1704

46 George HOTKENS of East Coker Co. Somerset & Susanna MITCHELL married 09 October 1704 Supposedly married at Haselbury Brian

47 Richard ARNOLD of Weymouth/Melcombe Regis & Margaret WEST Servant of Robert Coker married 02 May 1708

48 Joseph DAY Labourer & Mary DAY dau of Robert tailour married 19 October 1708

49 Thomas MARTIN & Edith CHAMBERS married 14 February 1709 Milbourne St. Andrew

50 John SHORT & Vertue HAWTHORN Servants of Robert Coker married 07 May 1710

51 Thomas BRADLY & Mary PETTY married 19 June 1710 Cerne Abbas

52 William ALLEN & Elizabeth MALTBY married 30 July 1717

53 William SURCOMBE & Mary TYLER married 04 July 1720 Penridgestow co Devon

54 William EDWARDS & Sarah CHURCHHOUSE married 04 July 1720

55 William KAINES & Sarah ADAMS married 1721 1721 shown as year no date idenitified

56 Edward LANGDON alias Cooke & Ann BRACHERS married 08 September 1726

57 William SHEPPARD of Dorchester & Ann HILL of  Hazelbury Brian married 15 May 1728 by licence

58 William SNOOKE & Ann BARNARD married 29 June 1728

59 Titus FOOT & Mary ROBINS married 02 February 1729

60 John DAVIDGE & Mary RUSSELL married 23 July 1730

61 John GYLLET of Stoke Wake & Sarah CAREY Widow of  Hazelbury Brian married 25 September 1732 by licence

62 James CROCKER & Betty PARISH of  Cheselborne married 28 July 1733

63 John BAKER & Mary DOWLAND married 24 December 1733

64 Richard MULLET & Elizabeth SYMES of  Buckland Newton married 27 December 1735

65 Robert WEST of Buckland Newton & Rachel HEAMS married 02 August 1736

66 William COOMBS & Susanna  YEATMAN married 23 May 1738

67 Willilam BRAGG of Stickland & Betty CARLEY married 29 April 1739

68 John DOWLAND & Betty DAVIS married 27 April 1740

69 Robert TRATTLE of Newport I.O.W. & Elizabeth BRABANT Miss of  Milton Abbas married 22 May 1740

70 Robert CANDY of Hilton & Anne GERARD of  Hilton married 28 February 1741

71 Richard RUSSELL & Anne LOVELACE of  Leigh married 25 May 1742

72 Laurence JACKSON of Stoke Wake & Anne EYRES married 07 June 1742

73 Robert CHOLDICOURT & Susanna Coombs married 27 December 1744

74 John MITCHELL of Pulham & Betty SYMES married 19 February 1745 Year assumed to be 1745

75 Richard ALLEN & Hester COOMBS married 15 July 1745

76 William TRIM of Pulham & Katharine GREEN of  Pulham married 09 July 1746 Year assumed to be 1746 because  of date order

77 Richard MULLET of Buckland Newton & Sarah SYMMONDS married 03 May 1747

78 John PARICK of Hasilbuty Bryan & Edith SYMMONS of  Hasilbury Bryan married 28 September 1747

79 Samuel MATTOCK & Amy KARLEY married 14 April 1748

80 John NEW & Mary AESH married 27 March 1749

81 William ------ of Knighton & Mary -------- married 23 May 1749

82 Richard UPSHILL of Lychett & Elizabeth LOCK Widow of  Dorchester married 07 June 1750

83 John COSH of Piddletrenthide & Rachel SPICER Widow of  Hasilbury Brian married 14 September 1750

84 Edward BARNARD & Mary ----- married 20 November 1750

85 Robert LOVELL of Buckland Newton & Frances ROGERS married 13 May 1753

86 Thomas LANNING of Melcombe Regis & Jinney COKER married 01 November 1753

87 Edward BARNARD & Elizabeth BOLTER married 24 March 1754

88 John SIMMONDS & Mary ROBINS married 17 January 1757 William Foot Giles Legg No more marriages recorded until 1759

89 Robert BARNES of Lydlinch & Betty ALLEN married 16 January 1760 Thomas Hewlett Giles Legg The only date shown is 16 no month or year

90 William FOOT & Milier WILLS married 27 February 1759 Richard Mullett Giles Legg

91 Richard PERHAM & Mary ROBINS married 21 July 1759 Samuel Allen Giles Legg

92 William ROBINGS & Mary RIDOUT married 14 July 1761 Samuel Allen Giles Legg

93 Chales HIDDICK (?) of Hasilbury (?) & Anne LACY married 09 February 1763 John Locke Giles Legg

94 James DRAKE & Hannah FRY married 04 April 1763 Richard Mullett Giles Legg

95 William DRAKE & Sarah SATCHELL (?) married 16 October 1764 Thomas Rools Giles Legg

96 Barnard BEAUMONT & Fanny HALE married 22 September 1767 John Foot Giles Legg

97 Joseph SHITLER of Hasilbury Brian & Ann HEWLETT married 12 April 1768 by licence Thomas Hewlett Giles Legg

98 Charles DUNNING of Buckland Newton & Mary DOWLAND married 03 October 1768 Robert Pople Giles Legg

99 Charles YEATMAN & Mary ALLEN married 22 October 1771 William Foot Giles Legg

100 Abel POPE of Hasilbury Brian & Mary JACKSON married 07 January 1772 Giles Legg Benjamin Mullett

101 Robert ROGER & Bethia HEWLETT married 20 October 1772 by licence Thomas Hewlett Giles Legg

102 George LEGG & Judeth JACKSON married 16 October 1772 Giles Legg Willm. Robings

103 William FOOT & Jinny MOORE married 14 December 1773 John Foot Giles Legg

104 Richard JACKSON & Susanna COOMBS married 08 May 1776 Richard Allen Giles Legg

105 William BAKER Labourer & Elizabeth HEWLETT married 15 October 1776 by licence Thomas Hewlett Giles Legg

106 William SHERRY of Buckland Newton & Mary KINGMAN married 26 June 1777 Charles Dunning Giles Legg

107 Robert POPLE & Sarah DUNFORD married 28 October 1777 John Foot Giles Legg

108 Thomas LAWRENCE & Betty FOOT married 26 February 1778 John Foot  Giles Legg

109 William CHALDICOTT & Fanny ROBINS married 14 January 1779 Benj. Mullett Giles Legg

110 John SIMONDS & Jinny HEWLETT married 27 December 1780 William Baker Giles Legg

111 Andrew NEW & Leah JACKSON married 04 June 1781 William Baker Giles Legg

112 Robert HEWLETT & Mary BULLEN married 10 May 1781 John Elliott Giles Legg

113 Robert VINCENT of Dawlish & Christian REW (?) married 01 January 1782 Robert Foot Giles Legg

114 Nicholas FRANCIS of Fifehead Nevil & Mary CAINS married 28 July 1783 by licence John Torevell Aquila Caines

115 James CROCKER & Betty ALLEN married 08 September 1783 Giles Legg Thomas Crocker

116 Henry FOOT & Elizabeth SIMMONDS married 15 June 1785 Thomas Legg George Legg

117 (?) CROSS & Susannah (?) married 1786 Jn. Wheller Benj. Godwin No date in register but entered as listed

118 James NEW & Martha SQUIB married 20 August 1787 John Robins George Legg

119 Thomas LEGG & Maria MULLETT married 1788 Jonas Roles Susannah Mullett No date entered only the year

120 Jonas ROLES & Anne BARNET married 1789 William Barnett George Legg No date entred only the year

121 William BAKER & Bithya BARNETT married 17 July 1789 Benj. Mullett George Legg

122 Thomas SIMMONDS & Mary ROBBINS married 27 July 1789 Benj. Mullett George Legg

123 William FOOT & Susanna MULLETT married 22 March 1790 John Foot George Legg

124 Thomas HALE & Margaret MULLETT married 31 1791 George Legg Thomas Legg No month entered just date and year

125 Henry STANFIELD of Cheselbourn & Mary LEGG married 25 April 1791 Barbara Lucas Ann Allen

126 William BARNETT & Ann ALLEN married 16 June 1794 Ann Foot Sarah Foot

127 John NEW & Mary ASH married 19 February 1798 Wm Voss Elizabeth Foot

128 Robert ROGER & Betty MULLETT of  Stoke Wake married 14 January 1799 Margaret Mullett Thomas Legg

129 Samuel FOOT & Sarah Ann FOOT married 16 May 1799 by licence John Pople George Legg

130 George DEVENISH of Sydling St. Nicholas & Ann POPLE married 16 July 1799 by licence F. Wiltshire John Pople

131 John COOMBS & Sarah SIMMONDS married 20 January 1800 Simon Simmonds George Legg

132 William CHENEY of Broughton Astley Leicestershire & Judith MULLETT married 09 February 1800 Thomas Legg George Legg

133 Joseph PATEY & Mary FOOT married 19 August 1800 George Legg William Foot

134 Cave BENNETT & Elizabeth FOOT married 21 May 1801 by licence Edward Chaney Jane Coombs Consent of parents being a minor

135 Richard FOOT & Sarah DAMPNEY of  Haydon married 30 June 1801 by licence Betty Shittler Ann Dampney Roger Young

136 William CHENEY & Jemima MULLETT married 20 July 1801 Thomas Legg Mary Hawkins

137 William WOODLAND & Jenny COOMBES married 15 May 1802 John Pople Jenny Woodland

138 William FOOT & Ann WILLIAMS of  Buckland Newton married 10 June 1805 Thomas Legg Mary Foot

139 John SIMMONDS & Ann SATCHELL married 1805-7 Simon Simmonds Elizabeth Satchell Betty Sampson Ann Foot Year entry shows "1805-7"

140 Robert CHALDECOTT & Elleanor TIZARD married 03 January 1808 Thomas Foot Honor Durrant

141 Thomas FOOT & Susanna CHALDECOTT married 22 May 1809 Thomas Legg George Legg

142 John LEGG & Harriett NEWTON married 02 July 1810 Elizabeth Newton William Barnett

143 John COATES Widower of Hilton & Sarah LEGG married 26 February 1811 Thomas Kingman Mary Kingman

144 James PULLMAN & Elizabeth ABBOTT (?) married 30 September 1811 Elizabeth Symes Thomas Foot

145 James POPLE & Repentance FOOT married 11 November 1811 by licence James Foot Frances Reed

146 John CAINES & Jane FRY married 30 December 1811 Ann Frey Robert Caines

147 John SYMES & Ann FOOT married 13 February 1812 Elizabeth Symes Thomas Foot

148 John NEWTON & Elizabeth POSHENS married 15 October 1812 Thomas Legg George Legg

149 Joseph WOODLAND of Winsham Somerset & Jane YEATMAN married 13 November 1812 James Yeatman Susanna Yeatman

150 Thomas ALLNER of Piddlehinton & Elizabeth NEWTON married 08 November 1814 Thomas Legg Ann New

151 William CHALDICOTT & Elizabeth FOOT of  Buckland Newton married 12 October 1815 Thomas Foot Johanna Tizzard

152 Matthew GARLAND & Elizabeth COLLINS married 22 April 1816 Thomas Legg Ann New

153 Peter LAMB of Caundle Marsh & Frances MULLETT married 25 April 1816 Isaac Baker Susannah Elford

154 George JACKSON & Johanna TIZZARD married 01 May 1816 Jane Tizzard Priscilla Simmonds

155 John YEATMAN & Maria TIZZARD married 05 June 1816 Susannah Yeatman Priscilla Simmonds

156 John BILES & Elizabeth BARNET married 09 June 1816 Rachel Barnett Joseph Biles

157 James ELFORD & Anne SAUNDERS married 08 August 1816 Elizabeth Lacy George Legg

158 Thomas CHRISTOPHER of Dawlish & Margaret SPRANKLEN married 18 March 1817 Thomas Legg Elizabeth Snook

159 John VINCENT of Buckland Newton & Sarah  LACEY married 04 November 1817 Mary Kingman John Loveless

160 Giles LEGG & Sarah HOWES married 22 April 1818 Thomas Legg Elizabeth Legg

161 Samuel DRAKE of Hilton & Rachel BARNETT married 23 April 1818 James Ryall Ann Allen

162 George LEGG & Margaret MULLETT married 20 October 1818 Thomas Legg Jemima Mullett

163 Thomas FOOT of Hazelbury Bryan & Mary HOPKINS married 17 December 1818 by licence Cave Bennett Mary Ann Sampson

164 John READ of Alton & Priscilla NEW married 19 January 1819 James Young William Gibbons

165 Daniel HALLETT Widower & Charlotte STICKLAND of  Alton married 21 January 1819 Thomas Legg

166 George LOWMAN of Piddlentrenthide & Elizabeth LACY married 05 February 1820 Henry Lacy Saray Lowman

167 Henry WALLBRIDGE of Shatcomb in Wynford Eagle & Priscilla SIMMONDS married 21 December 1820 John Simmonds Rachel Drakes

168 William MITCHELL & Eliza FOOT married 24 December 1821 Cave Bennett M. Chalker

169 William YOUNG of Glanville Wootton & Sarah MEECH married 01 May 1822 by licence William Cross Elizabeth Meech

170 John MASH & Susannah NEW married 02 May 1822 Thomas Kingman Mary Kingman

171 Joshua SIMMONDS & Rachelk RAKE Widow married 14 May 1822 Ann Rolls Robert Morris

172 John DRAKE of Stoke Wake & Ann Shepherd married 03 April 1823 Robert Drake Mary Drake

173 Isaac SANSOM of Buckland Newton & Jemima MULLETT married 21 February 1824 Joseph Hallett Mary Hallett Check surname - Mullett?

174 John MARSH Widower & Susanna GILLS married 07 April 1824 William Cosh Lucy Pearcey

175 Thomas HORLICK & Elizabeth NEW married 07 June 1824 John Bird Mary Horlick

176 John BILES & Elizabeth ROBBINS married 29 December 1824 Joshua Simmonds Sophia Robbins

177 William SMART of Stoke Wake & Louisa YEATMAN married 18 August 1825 James Yeatman Elizabeth Durrew

178 Edward MARSH & Elizabeth COOMBS married 27 October 1825 John Munckton Louisa Marsh

179 Thomas YEATMAN of Hazelbury Bryan & Elizabeth DURRANT married 29 December 1825 Emanuel Cross Ann Durrant

180 Emanuel CROSS of West Knighton & Ann DURRANT married 14 December 1826 Thomas Yeatman Jane Durrant

181 Robert NEWTON & Jane NEW married 02 January 1827 Thomas Horlick Ann Peaty

182 John WEBBER of Hazelbury Bryan & Elizabeth JAMES married 04 January 1827 by licence William James Jane Margaret New

183 James PULMAN & Ann LEGG married 29 May 1827 Thomas Legg Ann New

184 James THORNE of Stoke Wake & Jane BILES married 24 June 1827 William Barnett  Eliza Beck

185 Thomas SAMWAYS & Mary MULLETT married 27 December 1827 Isaac Sansom Elizabeth Samways Consent of Isaac Sansom

186 Henry LACY & Elizabeth COOMBS married 12 February 1828 Robert Coombs Sarah Coombs Consent of Isaac Sansom

187 William DURRANT & Eliza WARREN married 22 April 1828 Thomas Yeatman Jane Durrant

188 Thomas MARSH & Susannah CHALDECOTT married 19 July 1828 Robert Chaldecott Lusier Marsh

189 Alfred LEGG & Mary SHORTO married 05 November 1828 John Legg George Legg Hannah Legg

190 Thomas Caines CROCKER of Buckland Newton & Jane FOOT married 03 February 1831 by licence Simon Strange Martin Foot

191 Isaac NEW & Jane COOMBS married 24 March 1831 James Spicer Sophia Simmonds

192 William FOOT & Sarah BENNETT married 08 December 1831 by licence Edward Russell Bennett Eliabeth Bennett

193 James SPICER & Sophia SIMMONDS married 25 December 1831 George Spicer Bathsheba Simonds

194 Charles POPE of Blandford Forum & Frances CROSS married 15 March 1832 by licence William Meech Ann Cross

195 Charles FOOT & Elizabeth SNELLING married 08 May 1832 Sarah Foot Edward Russell Bennett

196 John SIMMONDS & Jane DURRANT married 17 May 1832 Hannah Durrant Edward Russell Bennett

197 George SAMPSON of Pulham & Sarah MULLETT married 28 October 1832 Thomas Samways Bethia Vincent

198 Thomas HARLOCK of Fiddleford & Harriet RUSSELL married 29 January 1833 William Horlock Maria Baker

199 Thomas WARREN & Bathsheba SIMMONDS married 01 December 1833 Nathaniel Simmonds Mary Pople

200 Joseph ADAMS & Matilda FOOT married 11 February 1834 Edward Russell Bennett Eliza Foot

201 Thomas SIMMONDS & Mary SIMMINDS married 21 February 1834 Robert Simmonds P. Simmonds

202 John Edward MILES & Matilda SHORTO married 18 January 1835 Sarah Jeanes Charles Jeanes

203 John ROSS & Anne PATTEY married 05 July 1835 Absolom New Elizabeth Pattey

204 William DUNNING & Hannah DURRANT married 21 July 1835 John Simmonds Anne Biles Elizabeth Dunning Jane Simmons

205 Thomas LAWRENCE & Sarah COOMBS married 09 August 1835 Robert Coombs Honour Legg

206 Alfred BARNELL of Puddletown & Catherine WEBBER married 07 September 1835 William Norris Sarah Coward

207 Stephen MITCHELL of Pulham & Mary STEPHENS married 03 November 1835 David Mitchell Sarah Walbridge

208 Charles AILES & Kitty MARSH married 30 November 1835 Thomas Marsh Honour Legg

209 John  NEW & Susannah LONGMAN married 26 February 1836 Thomas Horlick Mary Pople

210 Absolom NEW & Elizabeth PATEY married 26 May 1836 Solomon New Barbara Patey

211 Robert CHALDECOTT & Harriet JEANES married 13 October 1836 Thomas Chaldecott Jemima Jeanes

212 Thomas CHALDECOTT & Ann BILES married 15 October 1836 Robert Chaldecott Mary Pople

213 Edward Russell BENNETT & Elizabeth HOUNSELL of  Buckland Newton married 20 April 1837 by licence Jonathan Hounsell Mary Bennett

214 Thomas COOMBS & Honour LEGG married 13 June 1837 George Legg Ann Legg

215 Nathaniel SIMMONDS & Mary POPLE married 16 October 1837 Robert Chaldecott Elizabeth Pople

216 Anthony ABDEN of Pimperne & Rachael SPICER Widow of  Hasilbury Brian married 14 September 1750

217 Thomas LEGG & Charlotte STICKLAND of  Alton married 17 December 1819 Thomas Legg

  No records transcribed for 1820-1837

1; 1837; October sixteenth; Nathaniel; SIMMONDS; ?; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; John Simmonds; Carpenter  &   Mary; POPLE; [x]; Full age; Spinster; Labourer; Mappowder; John Pople - decd; Farmer; by banns; L M J Allen Rector; Robert Chaldecott; Elizabeth Pople

2; 1839; August third ; George; HELIAR; 24; Bachelor; Labourer; Buckland Newton; Robert Hellier; Labourer &  Barbara; PEATY;    [x]; 22; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; Josepth Peaty; Labourer; by banns; John Wickins officiating minister; Charles Hillyear; the mark x of Sarah Peaty

3; 1840; ? 7th ; Frances; MARSH; 21; Bachelor; Plasterer; Staunton Caundle ?; Thomas Marsh; Labourer &   Sarah; PEATY; [x]; 24; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; Joseph Peaty; Labourer; by banns; L J Hinton ? Offg minister; Edward Peaty his x mark; Martha Biles her x mark

4; 1840; Dec 24th; James; YEATMAN; 22; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; John Yeatman; Labourer &   Jemima; LEGG; [x]; 19; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; George Legg; Labourer; by banns; ?? Allen rector; William Butt; Elizabeth Yeatman her x mark

5; 1841; Feby 23rd; Henry; SNOOK; full age; Widower; Tailor; Mappowder; Altimus ? Snook; Tailor &  Louisa; MARSH; [x]; full age;    Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; William Marsh; Labourer; by banns; J H Allen rector; William Chaldecott; Elizabeth Legg her x mark

6; 1841; April 22nd; John; DURRANT; Full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; John Durrant; Labourer &   Jemina; JEANES; [x]; Full age;  Spinster; Dairy Girl; Mappowder; James Biles; Dairyman; by banns; J H J Allen rector; William Chaldecott; Sarah Jeanes

7; 1841; Sept 16 1841;    William; CHALDECOTT; Full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; Robert Chaldecott; Shop Keeper ? &   Sarah; JEANES; Full age; Spinster; Dairy Girl; Mappowder; James Jeanes Deased; Dairy Man; by banns; J H J Allen rector; Joseph Chaldecott; Jane Biles

8; 1841; Nov 3rd; Joseph Sheppherd; DIBBEN; Full age; Bachelor; Yeoman; Stoke Wake; John Dibben; Yeoman &   Mary; BENNET; Full age; Spinster; Yeoman's daughter; Mappowder; Cave Bennett; Yeoman; by licenses; J H J Allen rector; William Bennett; Anne Bennett

9; 1842; May 17th; Robert; SIMMONDS; Full age; Bachelor; Baliff; Holwell; Simon Simmonds;    Yeoman &   Mary Jane; GUPPY; Full age; Spinster; Yeoman's daughter; Mappowder; Thomas Guppy decd; Yeoman; by license; J H J Allen rector; Simon Simmonds; Elizabeth Simmonds

10; 1842; June 1st; Solomon; NEW; Full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; George New; Labourer &  Mary Ann; VINCENT; Full age; Spinster; Servant; D?; Adam Vincent; Carpenter; by banns; J H Allen rector; Charles Symes; Emma Vincent

11; 1842; June 2nd; Edward; PEATY; [x]; Full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; Joseph Peaty; Labourer &  Martha; BILES; [x]; Full age; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; John Biles; Labourer; by banns; J H J Allen rector; Frederick Allen his x mark; Elizabeth Pople

12; 1842; August 11th; John; BATCHAM; [x]; Full age; Widower; Labourer; Pontington ?; John Batcham Decd; Labourer &  Caroline; HANHAM;    [x]; Full age; Spinstger; Buttoner; Mappowder; John Ridout Decd; Labourer; by banns; J H J Allen rector; Henry Ridout his x mark; ? New her x mark

13; 1842; Sept 17th; Walter; WATTS; [x]; Full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; William Watts; Labourer &  Louisa; WATTS; Full age; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; John Watts; Labourer; by banns; J H J Allen rector; James Yeatman his x mark; Martha Watts her x mark

14; 1843; Augst 8th; Giles; GRIFFIN; Full age; Widower; Gent; Yeovil; James Griffin; Yeoman &  Elizabeth ?; LACY; Full age; Spinster; -----; Mappowder; Thomas Lacy Decd; Parish Clark; by license; J H J Allen Rector; William James; Angelica J?

15; 1843; Augst 24th; Charles; WARREN; 20; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; ? ?; Footman &   Jane; BILES; 20; Spinster; Dairy Girl; Mappowder; Christopher Hose; Labourer; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; William Chaldicott his x mark; Harriet Chaldicott her x mark

16; 1844; Augst 29th; John; BROWN; Full age; Bachelor; Tailor's Daugher ?; Mappowder; John Brown; Plasterer &  Arabella; FOOT; Full age; Spinster; Plasterer; Mappowder; Saml Foot; Dealer; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; Cave Bennett; Clarisa ? Pople

17; 1845; Jany ? 19th; Albin; LEGG; Full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; John Legg; Parish Clerk &  Elizabeth; SHORTO; [x]; Full age; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; Israel Shorto; Labourer; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; Thomas Legg his x mark; Jemina Darrent her x mark

18; 1845; Jany ? 27th; John; GUY; [x]; Full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; Thomas Guy; Labourer &  Elizabeth; ELKINS; Full age; Spinster; Buttoner; Stoke Wake; John Elkins; Labourer; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; Thomas Guy his x mark; Hannah Scott

19; 1845; Feby 26th; George; YEATMAN; Full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Stoke Wake; George Yeatman; Labourer &  Martha; ELKINS; Full age; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; John Elkins; Labourer; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; William Butt; Elizth Yeatman her x mark

20; 1845; Nov 27th; James; PULMAN; [x]; Full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; James Pulman; Labourer &  Mary; LEGG; Full age; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; George Legg; Labourer; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; Abel Legg; Margaret Legg her x mark

21; 1846; Jany 15th; Simon; ELSWORTH; full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; Joshua Elsworth; labourer &  Elizabeth; DURRANT; [x]; 19 years; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; John Durrant; labourer; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; John Durrant his x mark; Maria Durrant her x mark

22; 1846; Feby 23rd; Frederick; ALLEN; [x]; full age; Bachelor; Carpenter; Mappowder; Robert Allen; Labourer &  Elizabeth; POPLE;    full age; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; John Pople deceased; farmer; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; Wm Jeanes; Ann? Pople her x mark

23; 1847; April 19th; William; BRAKE ?; full age; Bachelor; Labourer; St. Peters Dorchester; William Brake?; labourer decd &  Silora Maria; NEW; [x]; full age; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; ? New; labourer; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; George New; Hannah New her x mark

24; 1847; June 20th; Edward; UPWARD; [x]; full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Melcombe Horsey; John Upward; labourer &   Emma; BILES; [x]; full age; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; James Cole; labourer; by banns; J H J Allen rector; John Upward his x mark; Mary Biles her x mark

25; 1847; Dec 14th 1847; George; LEGG; [x]; of full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; John Legg; labourer &   Jemima; DURRANT; [x]; of full age; Spinster; -----; Mappowder; John Durrant; labourer; by banns; James Lewis Venables offg minister; Thomas Legg his mark x; Maria ? Durrant her mark x

26; 1848; Feby 1st 1848; William; YEATMAN; of full age; Bachelor; Woodman; Mappowder; James Yeatman; woodman & ******; POPLE; of full age; Spinster; farmer; by banns; James Lewis Venables off minister; Robert Pople; Anne Pople her x mark

27;    1848; May 28th; Thomas; CHALDECOTT; full age; Widower; Labourer; Mappowder; Robert Chaldecott; deceased &   Martha?; SHORTO; [x]; full age; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; Israel Shorto; labourer;    by banns; William Chaldecott; Maria Durrant her x mark

28; 1848; Augst 6th; Thomas; DURRANT; [x]; full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; John Durrant; laboure &  Jane; CURTIS; full age; Spinster; Domestic Servant; Mappowder; George Curtis; ?????; by banns; John Durrant his x mark; Caroline Curtis

29; 1849; Feb 19th; Henry; KINGMAN; full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Buckland Newton; Thomas Kingman; Dairyman &  Sophia; MITCHELL; [x]; full age; Spinster; -----; Mappowder; Wm Mitchell; Inn Keeper; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; John Mitchell; Frances Kingham

30; 1849; Aug 4th; Mary Ann; WHITE; full age; Spinster; Domestic Servant; Mappowder; Mark White; Deceased &   George; KINGHAM; full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; Thos Kingham; Dairyman; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; Thomas Kingham; Lydia ? White

31; 1849; Oct 14; James; PADDOCK; [x]; full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; Jonathan Paddock; labourer &  Martha; LEGG; [x]; full age; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; George Legg; labourer deceased; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; William Hillier his x mark; Elizabeth Legg her x mark

32; 1849; Dec 22nd; William; THOUGHER?; full age; Bachelor; Dairyman; Magne Peverill?; Richard Thougher ?; Dairyman &  Mary Elizabeth; ROGERS; full age; Spinster; -----; Mappowder; John Rogers; Dairyman deceased; by license; J H J Allen Rector; Robert Biles; ?

33; 1850; Jany 7th; John; LEGG; full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; John Legg; Labourer &   Martha; SAMSON?; [x]; full age; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; Isaac Samson ?; labourer deceased; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; Simon Spicer ? His x mark; Ann Samson ? Her x mark

34; 1850; April 13th; Joel; CARTER; [x]; full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Hazlebury Bryan; John Carter; labourer &  Elizth Jane; LEGG; [x]; full age; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; Alfred Legg; labourer; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; George Legg; Elizth Legg her x mark

35; 1850; Dec 31st; Simon; SPICER; [x]; full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Hazlebury Bryan; Stephen Spicer; labourer deceased &  Ann; SAMPSON; [x]; full age; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; Isaac Sampson; labourer deceased; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; John Legg; Maria Sampson

36; 1851; March 6th; David; BORNE?; [x]; full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Buckland Newton; David Borne ?; labourer; &   Margaret; LEGG; [x]; full age; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; George Legg;  labourer deceased; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; James Pulman x his mark; Mary Pulman x her mark

37; 1851; May 19th; Thomas; DOMINEY; full age; Bachelor; Coachman; Mappowder; Robert Dominey; Groom &  Lydia Alice; WHITE; full age; Spinster; School Mistress; Mappowder; Mark White; Carpenter; by banns; John Wickens offg minister; George Kingman; Maria White

38; 1851; Dec 31st; Emmanuel; NEW; [x]; 20 years; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; Andrew New; labourer &   Sophia;    LEGG; [x]; 19 years; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; Aldred Legg; labourer; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; George New; Elizth Legg her x mark

39; 1852; May ? 20th; John; MARSH; full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; Edward Marsh; Publican &   Mary Bullen; BARTLETT; full age; Spinster; Dairyman's Daughter; Mappowder; John Bartlett; Dairyman; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; William Bartlett; Matilda Marsh her x mark

40; 1852; July 15th; George?; (JEMIEFS); full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Hazlebury Bryan; John ?; labourer &  Sophia?; LEGG; [x]; full age; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; George Legg deceased; labourer; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; Elizabeth Legg x her mark; Alfred Legg

41; 1852; Sept 7th; Emmanuel; ELSWORTH; full age; Bachelor; Blacksmith; Hazlebury; Benj Elsworth; Thor ? Make &  Susannah;    YEATMAN; [x]; full age; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; John Yeatman; labourer; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; George Elsworth; Mary Yeatman

42; 1852; Dec 22nd; John; YEATMAN; full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Stoke Wake; John Yeatman decd; labourer &   Mary Ann; LEGG; full age; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; Thos Legg; labourer; by banns; J H J Allen Rector; Thomas Legg his x mark; Leavince ? Legg

43; 1853; March 22nd; John; DRAKE; full age; Widower; Shoe Maker; Hazelbury Bryan; Thomas Durrant; Shoe Maker &   Jane; SIMMONDS; [x]; full age; Widow; Buttoner; Mappowder; John Durrant; labourer; Mappowder; J H J Allen Rector; John Durrant; Sarah Drake

44; 1853; March 23rd; Alfred; LEGG; full age; Widower; Labourer; Mappowder; John Legg; Parish Clerk &  Mary Rodges?; SIMMONDS; [x]; full age; Widow; Buttoner; Mappowder; John Pople - decd; Farmer; Mappowder; J H J Allen Rector; Thomas Legg his x mark; Louisa Legg

45; 1854; Sepr 19th; Louis; LEGG; [x]; full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; George Legg; labourer &  Eliza; JACKSONS; [x]; full age; Spinster; Glove Maker; Mappowder; George Jacksons; labourer; Mappowder; Basil Jas Woodel; Thomas Marsh; Suffier Jacksons

46; 1855; May 24th; Michael; MARSH; full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; Thomas Marsh; labourer &   Beatrice?; ELKINS; [x]; full age; Spinster; Buttoner; Mappowder; John Elkins; labourer; Mappowder; J H T Allen Rector; Joseph Chaldecott; Eleanor Marsh

47; 1856; July 7th; William; BENNETT; full age; Bachelor; Farmer; Haselbury Bryan; Cave Bennett; farmer &   Lavinia?; YEATMAN; full age; Spinster; Mappowder; John Yeatman; farmer; Mappowder; Basil J Woodd offg minister; Barwell Bennett; Ann Bennett

48; 1857; Oct 16th; Joseph; CHALDECOTT; full age; Bachelor; Miller; Mappowder; Robert Chaldecott; baker &  Maria; WHITE; full age; Spinster; Mappowder; Mark White; carpenter; Basil J Woodd off min; Thomas Dominey; Ann Chaldecott

49; 1858; May 25th; Samuel; KINGMAN; full age; Bachelor; Farmer; Cerne Abbas; Thomas Kingman; dairyman &  Ann; BENNETT; full age; Spinster; Mappowder; Cave Bennett; farmer; Basil J Woodd offg mins; Barwell Bennett; Frances Kingman

50; 1858; August 17th; William; CHALDECOTT; full age; Widower; Labourer; Mappowder; Robert Chaldecott; labourer &  Martha; TUCKER; full age; Spinster; Domestic Servt; Mappowder; William Tucker; newsman; by banns; Basil J Woodd Curate; James Chaldecott; Add Tucker

51; 1858; Dec 23rd; Edward; ROLLS; [x]; 24; Bachelor; Labourer; Rasclling Bridge ?; Thomas Rolls; labourer &  Eleanor; MARSH; 22; Spinster; Mappowder; Thomas Marsh; labourer; Mappowder; W W Blandford curate; Herbert John Rolls; Deborah Marsh

52; 1859; Decr 22nd; Herbert John; ROLLS; full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Haselbury Bryan; Thomas Rolls; Labourer &  Deborah; MARSH; 19; Spinster; Mappowder; Thomas Marsh; labourer; Mappowder; Richard Burton Rector of Haselbury; Michael Marsh; Mary Jane Marsh

53; 1860; August 7th; Emanuel; ELSWORTH; full age; Widower; Blacksmith;    Ibbaston; Shoe Maker &  Lavinia; LEGG; full age; Spinster; Mappowder; Thomas Legg; labourer; Mappowder; W W Blandford curate; Thomas Elsworth; Lebina ? Legg

54; 1861; March 21st; Michael; NEW; full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; Andrew New; Labourer &  Rosetta; CHALDECOTT; 20; Spinster; Mappowder; Robert Chaldecott; labourer; Mappowder; J P Woodman off min; Job House x his mark; Eleanor Chaldecott

55; 1861; Aug ?  21st; George (middle name?); BEAR; full age; Bachelor; Blacksmith ?; Nether Compton ?; Luke Bear ?; labourer &  Rachel; CHALDECOTT; full age; Spinster; -----; Mappowder; Thomas Chaldecott; labourer; J H T Allen Rector; Luke Bear his x mark; Ann Chaldecott

56; 1862; August 28th; Thomas Egeshou?; TURRELL?; full age; Bachelor; Clerk on the E.?. Railway; Parish of St. Mary ??; William Turrell; Baggman ? &   Susannah; NEW; full age; Spinster; Servant; Mappowder; John New; labourer; in the Parish Church; ? ? Curate; the mark x of John New; Jane Newton

57; 1863; August 6th; Job; HOUSE; [x]; 32; Bachelor; Labourer; Parish of ? County of ?; John House; labourer; &  Susannah; NEW; 26; Spinster; Mappowder; Andrew New; labourer; The Parish Church; Hubert F ? Curate; Michael New; Elizabeth Samways x her mark

58; 1864; December 6th; William; SPICER; 26; Bachelor; Farmer; Burly Hamphrix ?; Joseph Spicer; farmer &   Elizabeth Sarah; MARSH; 30; Spinster; Mappowder; William Marsh; farmer; Parish Church; W W Blandford curate; Samuel Marsh; Jane Elizabeth Marsh

59; 1865; April 27th; George William; SIMMONDS; 30; Bachelor; Farmer; Mappowder; Simon Simmonds; farmer &  Mary Jane; MITCHELL; 29; Spinster; Mappowder; William Mitchell; Publican; Mappowder; W W Blandford curate; George Mitchell; Mary Jane Symes

60; 1865; Novbr 8th; William Charles; BICKNELL; full age; Bachelor; Master in the navy; Portsmouth; William Cox Bicknell; gentlemen &  Angelica (middle name?); JAMES; full age; Spinster; Mappowder; William James; deceased; Mappowder; William ? Radcliffe ?; James ? ?; ?

61; 1866; January 1st; George William; LILLY; Bachelor; Shoe Maker; Mappowder; Charles Lilly; shoe maker &  Sarah Samms?; UPSHALL; Spinster; Mappowder; Thomas Upshall; labourer; Mappowder; W W Blandford curate; ? Stephen Upshall ?; Eunice Upshall

62; 1866; February 13th; William Coleman; JEANES; 26; Bachelor; Carpenter; Mappowder; Job Jeanes; carpenter; &   Frances; YEATMAN; 21; Spinster; Mappowder; George Yeatman; labourer; W W Blandford curate; Charles Yeatman; ?

63; 1866; March 27th; Henry; KING; 22; Bachelor; Carpenter; Bishops' Null ?; John King; carpenter &   Mary Jane; WARREN; [x]; 21; Spinster; Mappowder; Thomas Warren; thatcher; W W Blandford curate; George Simmonds; Elizabeth Simmonds

64; 1867; April 3rd; George; HICKS; 26; bachelor; labourer; Plush; Thomas Hicks; labourer; &   Ann; DURRANT; 23; spinster; mappowder; John Durrant; labourer; W W Blandford curate; James Durrant; Hannah Durrant

65; 1868; June 17th; Albert; RIDOUT; full age; Widower; Shoe Maker; Haselbury Bryan; Michael Ridout; shoe maker &  Mary; CHALDECOTT; full age; Spinster; Mappowder; Robert Chaldecott; labourer; W W Blandford curate; Michael Marsh;    Susanna Chaldecott

66; 1869; March 8; George; PULMAN; full age; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; James Pulman; labourer &  Jane; ELSWORTH; under age; Spinster; Mappowder; Simon? Elsworth; labourer; Church; Wm Lavage curate; William Chaldecott; Lydia Elsworth

67; 1870; 19th May; Henry; HOPKINS; 27; Bachelor; Carpenter; ?; Richard Hopkins; labourer &   Dinah; NEW; 22; Spinster; Mappowder; Solomon New; labourer; I G Kelly Rector; Joseph New; Jane Goddard ?

68; 1870; 16th June; George; MAYO; full age; Bachelor; Gentleman; Piddle Hinton; George Mayo; gentleman &  Jane Alice; JAMES; full age; Spinster; Mappowder; William James; deceased; I G Kelly Rector; Charles Penny? Mayo; Margaret B James

69; 1870; 15 October; Thomas William; MEASDON?; of full age; Bachelor; Blacksmith; Thlierton ?; James Measdon ?; Innkeeper &  Jane; COLE; of full age; Spinster; -----; Mappowder; James Cole; Glover; I G Kelly Rector; Henry Ware....?; Margaret Ann Cole

70; 1870; 29th December; Charles; MARSH; full age; Bachelor; Haulic in Laboures ?; Haslebury Bryan; Michael Marsh; Haulic in Laboures ? & Priscilla; CHALDECOTT; 19; Spinster; -----; Mappowder; William Chaldecott; labourer; I G Kelly Rector; Henry Watts; Charlotte Durrant

71; 1872; 14 nov; Charles Henry; MAYO; full age; Bachelor; Farmer; Piddlehinton; George Mayo; deceased &  Margaret Brenzesi?; JAMES; full age; Spinster; Mappowder; William James; deceased; William J Birdbeck off min; James ? James; John L ?

72; 1872; 24th December; Henry; WATTS; of full age; Bachelor; Sawyer; Haselbury Bryan; George Watts; Sawyer &   Fanny Charlotte; DURRANT; of full age; Spinster; -----; Mappowder; Thomas Durrant; labourer; I G Kelly Rector; George Watts; Mary Durrant

73; 1873; 27 Nov; Charles; ELSWORTH; 20; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; Simon Elsworth; labourer &  Harriett; LEGG; full age; Spinster; Mappowder; John Legg; labourer; William J Birkbeck ? Off min; William Elsworth; Lydia Elsworth

74; 1875; February 25th   William; KELLAWAY; 25; Bachelor; Dairyman; Mappowder; John Kellaway; Dairyman & Jane Miller; BILLES; 24; Spinster; -----; Mappowder; John Miller Billes; Labourer; mappowder church; John Lemon Rector; Joseph Kellaway; Ann Kellaway Matthew Hunt ? Jane ?

75; 1875; Decr ? 25; Arthur; THORNE; 22; Bachelor; Blacksmith; Mappowder; Anthony Thorne; baker &  Mary; DURRANT; 24; Spinster; -----; Mappowder; Thomas Durrant; labourer (deceased); ? Rector; John Upshall; Caroline Durrant

76; 1876; Jany ? 6th; John; UPSHALL; Bachelor; ?; Hazelbury Bryan; Frederick Upshall;  &  Caroline; DURRANT; Spinster; -----; Mappowder; Thomas Durrant; labourer; ? Rector; Thomas Upshall; Letitia Durrant

77; 1877; Feb: 22; James; CHALDECOTT; 26; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; Robert Chaldecott; labourer; &   Margaret; PULMAN; 25; Spinster; -----; Mappowder; James Pulman (deceased); labourer; Mappowder; John Lemon Rector; George Pulman; Elizabeth Pulman

78; 1877; Sep: 5th; Charles; KELLAWAY; 23; Bachelor; dairyman; Mappowder; John Kellaway; Dairyman; &  Elizabeth Jane; CHALDECOTT; 25; Spinster; -----; Mappowder; Thomas Chaldecott; Labourer; Mappowder; J Lemon Rector; William Chaldecott; Susanna Chaldecott

79; 1878; June 6th; Frederick; ELSWORTH; 25; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; Simon Elsworth; labourer &   Anna; KENNISTON; 23; Spinster; Domestic Servant; Mappowder; Samuel Kenniston; tailor; J Lemon Rector; George Kenniston; Lydia Elsworth

80; 1878; September 20; Charles; HIGHMAN; 30; Bachelor; Shopkeeper; Blandford; Charles Highman; shopkeeper &   Frances Ann; CROSS; 21; Spinster; -----; Mappowder; Giles ? Cross; dairyman; J Lemon Rector; Bouina Cross; Edward Freak

81; 1878; December 25th; William; HELLYER; [x]; 20; Bachelor; Labourer; Woodland; James Hellyer; labourer &   Mina?; NEW; [x]; 23; Spinster; ----; Mappowder; Emmanual New; labourer; J Lemon Rector; G Lawrence; Mary New

82; 1879; March 18th; Harry; GARRETT; 22; Bachelor; Dairyman; ?; John Garrett; labourer; &   Maria; SALE; 21; Spinster; -----; Mappowder; John Sale; ? Labourer; J Lemon Rector; Tom ?; Harriet Sale

83; 1879; July 14th; Tom; WARREN; 22; Bachelor; Labourer; Buckland Newton; Charles Warren; Laboure &  Harriet; GALE; 21; Spinster; --; Mappowder; John Gale; Shepherd; J.Lemon rector; John his x ?; x mark ? Spencer Milles ?

84; 1879; November 4th; William Charles; RIGGS; full; Widower; Labourer; Ar??well? Buckland Newton; William Riggs; Labourer;

84; 1879; November 4th; Eleanor; CHALDECOTT; full; Spinster; --; Mappowder; Robert Chaldecott; Labourer; J.Lemon rector; James Chaldecott; Susannah Chaldecott

85; 1880; Jan 1st; George; LAWRENCE?; full; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; Elias Lawrence; Labourer &  Mary Elizabeth; NEW; full; Spinster; --; Mappowder; Emmanuel New; Labourer; J.Lemon rector; Henry New; Ann Maria ? Her x mark Lawrence

86; 1881; August 1st; William; COLE; full; Bachelor; Cooper; Poole; Robert Cole; deceased &  Elizabeth; PULMAN; full; Spinster; --; Mappowder; Thomas Pulman; deceased; J. Lemon rector; Louisa ? Hicks ?; Mary Ann Pulman

87; 1881; September 29th; Henry; NEW; 21; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; Emmanual New; Labourer &  Love; EYERS?; 25; Spinster; Domestic Servant; Mappowder; John Eyers; Labourer (deceased); J.Lemon rector; George Upshall; Unity Eyers

88; 1882; January 31st; William; FENWICK; full; Bachelor; Solicitors Clerk; St Peter's ???Smith; William Fenwick; Yeoman &  Mary; CROSS; full; Spinster; --; Mappowder; Henry Crofs; Yeoman; J.Lemon rector; Sarah Fenwick; Walter John Crofs

89; 1882; February 2nd; Hugh Bright; DOBLE; full; Widower; Dairyman; Mappowder; &  Ann; KELLAWAY; full; Spinster; --; Mappowder; Dairyman; By licence J. Lemon;    Henry Barnes ?; Charles Barnes ?

90; 1884; January 31st; Edward; ELSWORTH; 21; Bachelor; Dairyman; Mappowder; Michael Elsworth; Dairyman &  Fanny; KELLAWAY; 23; Spinster; --; Mappowder; John Kellaway deceased; Dairyman; J.Lemon rector; Frederick Kellaway; Alice Elsworth

91; 1884; January 31st; John; WILKINS; full; Bachelor; Dairyman; Mappowder; William Wilkins; Dairyman &  Susan; KELLAWAY; full; Spinster; --; Mappowder; John Kellaway deceased; Dairyman; J.Lemon rector; Edward Saunders ?; ? Saunders ?

92; 1885; June 10th; Simmeon; CHALDECOTT; 21; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder;    Robert Chaldecott; Labourer &  Catherine Jane; DURRANT; 21; Spinster; Mappowder; Thomas Durrant; Labourer; Banns J Hamilton rector ?; Henry Watts; Alice Caretes? Durrant

93; 1886; 11th Feb? 1886; George; SAMWAYS; 22; Bachelor; Labourer; Buckland Newton; Walter Samways; Labourer &  Sarah Ann; ELSWORTH; 23; Spinster; Glover ?; Mappowder; Simon? Elsworth; Cowman ?; after banns Alfred Roberts rector;    William Elsworth; Lydia Elsworth

94; 1887; 29 March 1887; Walter Charles; CUFF; 21; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; Charles Cuff; Labourer &  Theresa; MILLER; 25; Spinster; Glover; Mappowder; John Miller; Labourer; Alfred Roberts rector; Thomas Cuff; Sarah Ann Miller

95; 1887; 21st June 1887 (followed by illegible text 3 words); George; MITCHELL; 25; Bachelor; Labourer; Hazlebury Bryan; Samual Mitchell; C? &   Elizabeth; NEW; 24; Spinster; Glover; Mappowder; Michael New; Labourer; Alfred Roberts rector; H John ?lute; Alfred Riggs

96; 1887; 4 October 1887; Frederick William; CHALDECOTT; 26; Bachelor; Dairyman; Hilton; William Chaldecott; Labourer &   Alice Jane; ELSWORTH; 23; Spinster; --; Mappowder; Michael Elsworth; Dairyman; Alfred Roberts rector; Frederick George Elsworth; Fanny Elsworth

97; 1890; 25th November 1890; Charles Arthur; NEW; full; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; Emmanual New; Labourer &   Eliza; MITCHELL; full; Spinster; Domestic Servant; Mappowder; George Mitchell; Labourer; Alfred Roberts rector; George William Mitchell; Fanny New

98; 1891; 10th Febr 1891; William John; JEANES (JUNIOR ?); 24; Bachelor; Carpenter; Mappowder; William Coleman Jeanes; Estate Carpenter &   Jemina; LEGG; 24; Spinster; Glover; Mapower; John Legg; Labourer; Alfred Roberts rector; Oswald Coleman Jeanes; Elenor Jose ?

99; 1891; 20th ? Dec 1891; David Robert; TIZZARD; 22; Bachelor; Shepherd; Mappowder; David Tizzard; Cowman &   Eliza; WHITE; 21;  Spinster; Domestic Servant; Mappowder; Benjamin White; Labourer; Alfred Roberts rector; Joseph Woodsford; Bessie Jane Durrant

100; 1892; 30th March 1892; Emmanuel; MARSH; full; Bachelor; Carter; Mappowder; Michael Marsh; Coachman &  Louisa Charlotte; LEGG; full; Spinster; Machinist; Mappowder; Thomas Legg; Parish Clerk; Alfred Roberts rector; James Legg; Martha Marsh

101; 1892; 19th May 1892; Frederick James; SELBY; full; Bachelor; Keeper; B?k? F? Somersetshire; Henry Selby; Keeper &   Sarah Anne; HUNT; full; Spinster; --; Mappowder; William Hunt; Carter; Alfred Robers rector; William Hunt; Elena Hunt

102; 1893; 28th Dec 1893; Herbert; WARR; 25; Bachelor; Carter; Mappowder; Mark Warr; deceased; &   Flor Upshall; CUFF; 20; Spinster; Domestic Servant; Mappowder; Charles Cuff; Labourer; Alfred Roberts rector; Thomas Mitchell; Bessie Warr

103; 1894; 1st Febr 1894; Eli Robert; WELCH; 27; Bachelor; Miner; Llwynybis ?; William Welch; Labourer &  Emily; ROPER; 21; Spinster; Domestic Servant; Mappowder; John Roper; Labourer and (unreadable text); Alfred Roberts rector; John Roper (Innis?) his x mark; Ann Mitchell

104; 1894; 30th April 1894; William Studley; COX +; full; Bachelor; Postman ?; Scarborough; Joseph Cox; Fishmonger &  Jessie Martha; JEANES; full; Spinster; Domestic Servant; Mappowder; William Coleman Jeanes; Estate Carpenter; Alfred Roberts rector; Oswald Coleman Jeanes; Frances Mary Jeanes

105; 1898; 9th June ? 1898; Christopher Robert; HOUSE; [x]; full; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; Robert Samuel ? House; Labourer &  Mary Ann; SMITH?; [x]; full; Widow; --; Hazlebury Bryan; John Smith ?; Labourer; by license Alfred Roberts rector; Frederick Walter House; J Rose Mary House

106; 1898; 30 August 1898; William Henry; REEKS; full; Bachelor; Farmer; Bransforth ? Hampshire; George Reeks; Farmer &   Priscilla; HUTCHINGS; full; Spinster; Farmer's Daughter; Mappowder; Henry Adams Hutchings; Farmer; Alfred Roberts rector; Henry Adams Hutchings; Annie Reeks

107; 1900; 24 July 1900; Charles Hiram; FENBY; full; Bachelor; Sch: Master; St Clements parish? unknown word; Jonathan Fenby; Retired;

107; 1900; 24 July 1900; Frances Mary; JEANES; full; Spinster; --; Mappowder; William Coleman Jeanes; Farmer to.....missing; Alfred Roberts rector; Charles Ernest Jeanes; Clara Anne Jeanes

108; 1901; 8th Augst 1901; George William; MITCHELL; full; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; George Mitchell; Inn Keeper &  Beatrice Annie; KELLAWAY; full; Spinster; Assistant Sch Mistress; Mappowder; William Kellaway; dairyman; St Peter & Paul Church; Alfred Roberts Rector; Robert William Kellaway;    Susan Agnes Ricks

109; 1902; 29 April 1902; Benjamin John; GILLINGHAM; 35; Bachelor; Grower Gardiner ?; Mappowder; Indas ? Gillingham; Labourer &  Fanny; NEW;    31; Spinster; Glover; Mappowder; Emmanuel New; Labourer; Alfred Roberts rector; Emmanuel Henry New; Rose Lawrence ?

110; 1904; 1st August 1904; Albert Tom; BRIDLE; 23; Bachelor; Plumber ?; Bournemouth; William Bridle; Blacksmith &  Agnes; FRAMPTON; 23; Spinster; Domestic Servant; Mappowder; John Frampton (Deceased); Labourer; Alfred Roberts rector; J Frampton; M Frampton

111; 1904; Nov 9 1904; Frederick George; TOMS?; 31; Bachelor;    Stoker; Portsmouth; William Toms?; Labourer &  Rose Matilda; LAWRENCE; 24; Spinster; Domestic Servant; Mappowder; Geo: Lawrence; Labourer; Alfred Roberts rector;    Benjamin John Gillingham; Ada Martha New

112; 1905; August 16 1905; John Richard; ELLIS; 26; Bachelor; Butcher; Kirkby Malgeard ? Ripon: ???; Richard Ellis; Butcher &  Clara Anne; JEANES; 27; Spinster; --; Mappowder; William Coleman Jeanes; Farmer;   .. Missing; Alfred Roberts rector; Charles Ernest? Jeanes; Edith Staple

113; 1908; 25th June ? 1908; Tom; LEGG; 36; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; John Legg; Labourer &  Alice Kate; CUFF; 24; Spinster; Mappowder; Charles Cuff; Labourer; Alfred Roberts rector; Edward Cuff; Frances Cuff

114; 1911; 22nd March 1911; Edward; DRAKE; 22; Bachelor; Farmer; Holwell; Edward Drake; Farmer &   Hilda Mary; CROSS; 19; Spinster; --; Mappowder; Henry Cross; Farmer; Alfred Roberts rector; Charles Edward Cadie; Olive? Gertrude Drake?

115; 1911; 19 April 1911; John; DIMENT?; 32; Bachelor; Farmer; Cerne Abbas; Robert Diment ?; Farmer &  Vera Cecily; TOPP; 23; Spinster; --; Mappowder; Richard Topp; Farmer; Alfred Roberts rector; William Diment; Linda Mary Topp

116; 1911; 1st November 1911; Charles William Wyatt; ROBERTS; 46; Widower; Brewer; Mappowder; * No 2 Revd John ?; Rector of Howgath??; York &   Emily Frances; MERRILL; 42; Widower; 4 words unreadable; Mappowder; * No1 Revd Alfred Roberts; Rector; by licence Alfred Roberts rector; Sophia Elizabeth Roberts; George Legg (Parish Clerk)

117; 1913; 7 April 1913; Henry Charles; RIGLAR; full;    Bachelor; St. ??: Parish Dorchester; Henry William Riglar; Labourer &   Elizabeth Mary; EDWARDS; do; Spinster; --; Mappowder; Isaac ? Edwards; Labourer; Alfred Roberts rector; Frederick William Edwards; Gladys Jessie Edwards

118; 1915; 10 November 1915; Charles; HOPKINS; 28; Bachelor; Farmer; West Stour Gillingham; Thomas Hopkins (deceased); Farmer; &  Louisa Kate; HOUSE; 29; Spinster; --; Mappowder; Walter House; Farmer; H G Trevor priest in-charge Hazelbury Bryan; Olive Beatrice House; Walter Bertie House; Tom? Hopkins

119; 1915; Christmas Day 25th Decm 1915; Reginald James; FRANCIS; 24; Bachelor; Soldier; Manston; Charles Francis; Farmer &  Alice Lavinia; CARTER;    28 or 23?; Spinster; Post Mistress; Mappowder; Henry Carter; Shop Keeper; Alfred Roberts rector; Henry Carter; Lily Carter

120; 1916; December 28th 1916; Reginald Herbert Summers; ROLLS; 22; Bachelor; Driver in the Royal Engineers; London B? Camp Biggleswade Bedford; Herbert John Rolls; Farmer;

120; 1916; December 28th 1916; Mildred; HOUSE; 22; Spinster; --; Old Boywood Farm Mappowder; Walter House; Farmer; by licence Edward ?? Rector at Hazelbury Bryan; Walter Bertie? House; Olive Beatrice House

121; 1917; March 6th 1917; Wesley John; COOMBES; 23; Bachelor; Royal Navy; Hazelbury Bryan; John Robert Coombes; Farmer &  Mary Elizabeth; CHALDECOTT; 23; Spinster; --; Mappowder; Frederick William Chaldecott; Farmer; License by Sclh Morgan BA Rector of Stoke Wake; Christopher Holland; Florence Coombes

122; 1920; Oct 11th 1920; Thomas; WILLIAMSON;    27; Bachelor; Master Builder; Hexham Northumberland; Thomas Williamson; Master Builder &  Margaret Kathleen Mitchell; HANSFORD; 25; Spinster; School Mistress; Mappowder; Frederic Hansford; Estate Agent; Denis Moore Canon; Beatrice Mitchell; Anne Penfold; Liley Mary Fugett

123; 1922; May 11th 1922; George William; VALLANCE; 22; Bachelor; Labourer; Mappowder; John George Vallance; Farm Labourer &   Victoria Alice; KIRLEY; 22; Spinster; --; Mappowder; William James Kirley; Cowman deceased; Geo A ?? Rector; Edgar John Vallance; Alice Curtis Marsh

124; 1925; Sept 16 1925; Arthur; COOMBES; 39; Bachelor; Farmer; Mappowder; John Robert Coombes; Farmer &  Laura Mabel; CHALDECOTT; 35; Spinster; Mappowder; James Chaldecott; Farm Labourer; J.O. Thompson offc min; Ellis James Chaldecott; Amelia Mary Chaldecott; Harris Robert Chaldecott