
St George's Church Burials 1734 - 1755

© Originally transcribed from BT's by Michael Russell OPC for Fordington 2007 from CLDS film 1279496 & last few from Film 1279497
Checked and where necessary updated from Parish Registers indicated by (PR) November 2011

[Note:- The Rev RG Bartelot who was vicar of Fordington from 1906 to 1936 has added some notes to the register detailing inscriptions on gravestones that he located
Transcribers comments are in brackets in italics]

[409 Burials]

Last updated July 2024

Burial ground behind St George's Church - Fordington


The original registers for this period exist in the Dorset History Center (DHC) & there appear to be some transcription errors between those records and the Bishops Transcripts (BT's) transcribed here which were done in some cases several years later by the vicar. In August 2010 the file was checked against the National Burial Index which itself contained errors and any differences annotated. I have now (November 2011) been able to check this file against the original Parish Registers (PR) and have commented accordingly.

The Bishops Transcripts are in many cases a composite return of baptisms marriages and burials in date order, as were the original parish registers. Where the originals are not clear it is easy to mistake a baptism for a burial so always check the originals if you can.

Readers are reminded that each year started on 25th March not the 1st January [up until 1752] so January and February Christenings for example will appear at the end of the year

At the request of the Church of Latter Day Saints we have added CD image reference numbers to the text to aid identification.

1734 A Copy of the Register of Fordington

    [Note:- This Bishops Transcript is one large tri-annual return copying all Births Marriages and Deaths from the Parish Registers for the period 1734 to 1736. It is covered by two overlapping CLDS Images 4002460-2175 and 4002460-2176. BMD's on the original are combined and listed in date order as they occurred but burials have been separated here for ease of reference]

Elizabeth daughter of George LISTER [LESTER] & Mary his wife May 5 [Note Baptised April 9th - NBI and PR has surname as LESTER which is correct although spelt Lister BT's]

Rebekah wife of Joseph BENETT May 22 [PR has surname BONETT]

John son of John COAT & Elizabeth his wife May 27 [Note:- NBI incorrectly has family surname as LOAT](PR)

Elizabeth HALL Widow July 22 (PR)

Alice BUNN Widow Oct 25 (PR)

Thomas FROME 28 Oct (PR)

John PEARSON January 31 [Note:- BT's incorrectly have surname as PARSON]

[ 1735 ? - continued with no break on same return]

Mary daughter of John KING & Sarah his wife March 26 (PR) [Note Baptised June 30 1734 - i.e. 9months old]

Ann daughter of Andrew HALL & Bridget his wife April 20 (PR)

Mary daughter of William LOCK & Mary his wife June 27 (PR)

Elizabeth daughter of John FOAN & Elizabet his wife July 15 - which said Elizabeth was privately baptised July ye 8th (PR) [Note NBI incorrectly has family surname as JOANS - John FOANE married Elizabeth Lawrence in Fordington 26 Dec 1724]

Christian the wife of Thomas GILLHAM buried Aug 16 (PR)

Tho: [Thomas] BUNN buried September 14 (PR)

John son of John MATHEWS & Sarah his wife September 21 (PR) [Note; Baptised January 30 1734/5]

John son of John FOAN & Elizabeth his wife buried November 19 [Note:- Baptised for August 15th 1735]

Elizabeth daughter of Thomas HARRIS & Eleanor his wife January 11 1735/6 (PR)

Betty daughter of John & Cecilia SEAL of Dorchester January 23 1735/6 (PR)

Elizabeth BARTLETT January 24 1735/6 (PR) [Note:- Elizabeth BARTLETT (bur.1735/6) the 2nd known daughter of Joseph BARTLETT (c.1645-1725/6) ]

Ann & Elizabeth daughters of William LOCK & Mary his wife which said Ann & Elizabeth were privately baptised February 26 1735/6 (PR) [I have assumed baptised shortly before burial]

James COLLINS March 1 1735/6 (PR) [See Wills Index for 1735]

Sarah KING March 11 1735/6 (PR)

[ 1736 - but continued with no break on same return]

Thomas son of Moses BEDLOW & Deborah his wife March 29 (PR)

William CHICK of Dorchester April 7 (PR)

Richard SQUIB of Dorchester June 3 (PR) [Note:- See Wills index for Dorchester for letter of Administration granted to his widow Sarah SQUIBB dated 23rd Feb 1741]

Thomas SANGER June 6 (PR)

Prudence LOCK July 8 (PR)

Joseph son of Joseph & Hannah his wife August 1 [Note:- Entry in brackets on PR in capitals shows surname of "BISHOP " added after the entry was made]

Thomas WYNZAR August 11 (PR) [ See Wills Index for 1736 ]


    Signed Jn: [John] JACOB [someone has added a note to this record John JACOB Vic 1714-1757]
    [BT's rest illegible]  [CLDS Images 2175 & 2176 which cover this return end here]
    [New page with no heading still 1736]

Thomas MEADER October 23 (PR) [Start of CLDS Image 2177]

Joseph BISHOP of Dorchester January 6 1736/7 (PR)

John the son of John FOAN & Elizabeth his wife January 28 1736/7 (PR) {Note:- Baptised 25th Jan 1736/7]

George BRICE 2nd Feb 1736/7 (PR) [ See Wills Index for 1736 and Link to Tombstone inscription for him and his wife]

Betty daughter of John FOAN & Elizabeth his wife February 6 1736/7 (PR)

John son of William CHIN & Ann his wife March 5th 1736/7 (PR) [Note:- date out of alignment in register]

Elizabeth daughter of William BISHOP & Mary his wife March 11 1736/7 (PR) [Note: Baptised Feb 6th ]

Anna & Ann daughters of Brian WEST & Mary his wife March 23 1736/7 (PR) [End of CLDS Image 2177]

[Note:- Parish Register noted april 22nd 1737 Confirmed by me signed John MEECH and Jo: [Joseph] MICHEL]

[ 1737 ] [Note new document no heading ] [Start of large document; overlapping CLDS Images 2178 & 2179]

Deborah daughter of Andrew & Bridget HALL April 3 (PR)

Nathaniel BRICE April 5 (PR)

Elizabeth daughter of Richard & Elizabeth DILLER June 12 (PR)

Mary CHICK Widow Aug 14 (PR)

Jane JOANS Nov 16 (PR)

Thomas son of Thomas and Mary MANUELL Nov 20 (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has family name as MARWELL - Thomas MANUELL is noted in the return as being born on 16th Nov 1737]

Mary wife of John SWIER [Note:- often spelt Swyer] Dec 18 (PR) [NBI has 2 entries Mary Swier for 10 Dec & Mary Snow for the 18th?]

Andrew son of Samuel & Martha ALLEN Jan 6 1737/8 (PR) [Note previous entry in register Bapt. Jan 6th ]

Thomas TAPP Junior February 5 (PR)

Susanah ye wife of Samuel BEDLOW [Bedloe] February 7 (PR)

Betty daughter of William & Betty TRIPP March 5 (PR) [Note Bapt 9 June 1737 so aged 9 months at death] [End of CLDS Image 2178]

Richard the son of ye Widow SQUIBB March 9 (PR)

Betty daughter of John & Ann HAYN March 17 (PR) [NBI has surname as HAYNE][Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John HAYNE to Ann COLLINS at FStG on 21st Oct 1711, baptised as Elizabeth Hayne at Litton Cheney Dorset 4th Dec 1718]

[Note:- Parish Register noted April 10th 1738 Confirmed by us signed Wm CLARCOTT and Jo: [Joseph] MICHEL]

[ 1738 ] [Note new document no heading ]

Rebekah daughter of William & Mary BARTLET April 18 (PR) [Note:- NBI wrongly has date of 10 April - Rebecca BARTLETT (1710-1738) daughter of William BARTLETT (1671-1741/2) and Mary his wife]

Amos son of Thomas & Sarah ARNOLD April 20 (PR) [Note- NBI wrongly has Christian name of Arron]

Mrs Ann HACKHAM Widow May 18 (PR)

Joseph BISHOP Sen [Senior] of Dorchester June 14(PR) [NBI wrongly has date of 23 May]

Betty daughter of John & Elizabeth MANUELL July 9 (PR)

Joseph BONNETT July 16 (PR)

William son of Jeremie & Mary CLARK July 19 (PR)

Thomas JOANS July 27 (PR) [ See Wills Index for 1739 ]

Robert son of Robert & Mary SEAGER August 1 (PR)

Ann daughter of John & Sarah MATHEWS August 16 (PR)

Johanna FREAK Widow August 20 (PR)

Robert son of Robert & Jean MYDFORD August 22 (PR)

Elizabeth daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth MITCHELL Sept 1 (PR)

Elizabeth BARTLETT Aged 89 years [i.e. born approx. 1649] Sept 2 (PR) [ See Wills dated 21 Oct 1735 proved 5th July 1739. She left bequests to her neice Mary Amey and her children John, Joseph and Jane also to neice Elizabeth Bartlett. Link to more information about this Family]

Margaret SQUIBB Widow Oct 19 (PR)

Mary daughter of George & Mary LESTER buried November 26 (PR) [Note:- Side entry made by Rev RG Bartelot Vicar of Fordington 1906-1936:- "Inscription on old stone ---(7 illegible words)--- in the (4 illegible words) -- the Standfast in very ?-- "here lyeth the Body of Mary daughter of George and Mary LESTER who departed this life November ye 22nd 1738 in the 7th year of her age ]

Elizabeth daughter of George & Mary LESTER Nov 26 [Note Baptised same day]

Mary daughter of John & Mary NELSON December 18 (PR) [Note:- Baptised Oct 3 ] [NBI incorrectly has date as Dec 10th]

Ann daughter of John & Ann GREENING January 1st 1738/9 (PR)

Thomas MITCHELL January 5th 1738/9 (PR) [ See Wills Index for 1739]

Christian BRINE January 17th 1738/9 (PR)

Henery [NBI has Henry] son of Richard & Elizabeth DILER [i.e.Diller] January 23rd 1738/9 (PR)

Frainces PROUS Widow Age 89 [i.e. born approx 1669] January 26th 1738/9 (PR) [Note:- NBI incorrectly has surname BRONS - A transcription of her Will dated 25th April 1733 can be accessed via this link]

John Son of William & Mary CLEAR February 17th 1738/9 (PR)

Sarah ye wife of John LUCKAS February 20th 1738/9 (PR records surname as LOOKUS]

Mary daughter of Samuel & Martha ALLEN February 25th 1738/9 (PR)

    [End of large document; overlapping CLDS Images 2178 & 2179 & start of another CLDS Images 2080 & 2081]

Thomas DILLER March 22nd 1738/9 (PR)

[Note:- Parish Register noted May 5th 1739 --- Confirmed by us Syd WILLIAMS and Jno MEECH]


Samuel HAYN May 19 (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John HAYNE to Ann COLLINS at FStG on 21st Oct 1711, baptised at St Mary's Church Litton on 8th Mar 1715]

Mary FRANCES Widow May 20 (PR)

Christopher RASKER Ides [Note the “ides” here should refer to 15th May or 13th of June presumably the latter to preserve date order - PR and NBI however have the correctv date of 7th June]

Christmas son of William & Mary FOWELL July 17 (PR) [NBI has surname POWELL]

John son of John and Ann ANDERSON August 24 (PR)

Betty Da [daughter] of William & Susanah BARTLETT August 24 (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of William BARTLETT to Susannah WHITE at All Saints church on 13th July 1735]

John LUCKUES Oct 7 (PR)

William son of William & Mary LOCK Nov 2 (PR) [Note: Baptised Sep 27]

Mary wife of Robert VALLENS Nov 11 [PR incorrectly has " Mary HALLENS buried 11th Nov 1739] [Note:- Mary nee CLASBY married Robert VALLENS at FStG church on 15th Aug 1736]

Honor Da [daughter] of John & Sarah JOANS Nov 27 (PR) [ Note:- 4th child from the marriage of John JOANS to Sarah HUNT at FStG on 22nd Jan 1721/2]

    [Note:- NBI seems to have an erroneous entry for 2nd Dec for a 'Flower DARRT' - It appears to be a transcription error misreading the Christian name of the entry above which does look like 'Flower' because of the handwriting but is actually' Honor', and combining it with the surname and date of the next entry in the composite return which is actually a baptism]

Mr Nathaniel SEAGER Dec 9 (PR)

Elizabeth COWARD Dec 9 (PR)

Ann Da [daughter] of William & Ann LOUCAS Dec 26 [PR simply has " Anna LOVLES buried]

Elizabeth WINZOR Dec 28 (PR)

Ann Da [daughter] of Thomas & Mary MANUELL January 14 (PR)

John HOOCKEY January 15 (PR)

Sarah baseborn Da [daughter] of Martha ALLEN January 21 (PR) [Note Bap Jan 16]

Joan DENES [Dennis?] Widow Feb 10(PR) [NBI incorrectly has Feb 16]

William BELMAN Feb 20 (PR)

Martha ye wife of Jacob HITCHCOCK Feb 22 (PR)

John GREENING Feb 29 (PR)

Thomas son of John & Sarah BONNETT March 1 (PR)

Mary PERTON Widow March 2 (PR) [NBI has surname PERSOK & BT's BERSON]

John son of Thomas & Barbery ROBERTS March 26 (PR)

    [Signed on a separate sheet]
    Jno [John] JACOB Vicar of Fordington
    Chas [i.e.Charles] WELLS } Ch Wds [i.e. Churchwardens]
    Wm [William] HACKHAM }[End of overlapping images 2180 & 2181]

[Note:- Parish Register noted April 7th 1740--- Confirmed by us Wm EYRES and Jno MEECH]

1740 Dorset Fordington - A Copy of the Register of Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials in the Parish of Fordington for the following years.

Buried [BT's - Start of large document with 2 overlapping CLDS images 2182 & 2183]

John son of Samuel BEDLOE April 20 (PR) [PR & NBI spell surname BEDLOW]

Joseph BONNETT April 21 (PR) [ See Wills Index for 1740]

Thomas son of Thomas & Elizabeth SEALL May 7 (PR)

Charles ALLEN May 26 (PR)

Elizabeth Daughter of Jeremey & Mary CLARK May 27 (PR)

Mrs Honer SPARKES September 4 (PR) [Note:- In all probability the wife of William SPARKS the Elder (1665-1740) ]

James son of James & Jane ALLEN September 9 (PR)

Mary Daughter of William & Ann CHINN September 19 (PR) [NBI has date of 22 Nov which is the date William was buried see below]

William son of William & Ann CHINN November 22 (PR)

Joan SPARKES of Puddletown January 8th 1740/1 (PR) [Note:- Not clearly identified but would have been a close relative (possibly his mother) of William SPARKS Senior (1665-1741/2 who held property in Puddletown]

Alice HOLMORE January 18th 1740/1 (PR)

Robert BELMAN January 21st 1740/1 (PR) [ See Wills Index for 1741]

Joan BLANDMORE aged 84 years [i.e. born approx 1656] February 16th 1740/1 (PR)

Ann daughter of John & Mary WYATT March 4 [PR & NBI spell surname WIATT] (PR)

Joan the wife of John SCANDANETT March 10 [Note:- PR and NBI have surname as SEANDRETT but a John Scandnett married a Joan Cobback in Fordington on 25 May 1731]

1741 [continued on same return]


Richard GILLINGHAM April 16 (PR)

Mary the wife of Ambrose HUNT May 8 (PR) [Note:- wife of Ambrose HUNT VII (1708 - ) married Mary SPARKS (d.1741) at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 28th July 1729]

Mary Daughter of William MARSHFIELD & Margaret his wife May 15 (PR)

Robert BURT May 17 (PR)

Marjory the wife of Henry TAPP July 26 (PR) [NBI has Margory]

Mary SYMES of this Parish aged 82 years [i.e. born approx 1659] August 16 (PR) [Note:- Mary SYMES was a widow, and the sister of William SPARKS the Elder (1665-1740) ]

Edward SMITH August 26 (PR)

Alice ADAMS of Dorchester August 28 (PR)

James KATES September 29 (PR)

Mary Daughter of Richard MEADER & Joan his wife October 11 (PR)

Elizabeth Daughter of Mary PARKER October 25 (PR)

Mary PARKER Widow November 20 (PR)

Mrs Sarah GATROLL [GATRELL] December 22 (PR)

Sarah the Wife of Thomas ARNOLD December 27 (PR)

Betty the Wife of Thomas LOCK December 29 (PR)

Margaret the Wife of Giles LUCAS January 6th 1741/2 (PR)

Mary Daughter of Benjamin BRINE and Mary his Wife January 17 (PR) [Note baptised January 10] [NBI incorrectly has surname BRYNES]

William CLARE February 3rd 1741/2 (PR) [NBI incorrectly has surname CLARES - See Wills index for Letter of Administration for his estate granted to Mary CLARE widow & Relict on 3rd Feb 1742]

William DOWLE February 10th 1741/2 (PR)

William BARTLETT February 10th 1741/2 (PR) [William BARTLETT husband of Mary BARTLETT (Maiden name unknown) who married about 1709 . Follow link for more information about his family. See also his Will dated 5th Feb 1741/2]

Joseph GUY February 19th 1741/2 (PR)

Mary BISHOP widow March 7th 1741/2 (PR has Christian name as Margaret)

William SPARKES aged 76 years March 10th 1741/2 (PR) [ See transcription of Will for William Sparks (1665-1740/1) Fellmonger of Fordington ]


1742 [continued on same return]


Mary daughter of Samuel CROSS & Dianah his Wife April 11 (PR)

James son of Alexander CRIST [CREST] & Honor his wife April 12 (PR) [Note: See comments about this family under baptisms for 27 Nov 1737 - NBI has recorded surname as GRIST]

Mary RASKER Widow April 16 PR) [NBI incorrectly has family surname as BARKER]

Robert COMBE aged 93 years [i.e. born approx 1649] April 23 (PR) [NBI has surname of COMBS]

John JONES May 2 (PR) [Note:- John JOANS husband of Sarah HUNT whom he married at at FStG on 22nd Jan 1721/2 -

Edith HUNT Widow aged 82 years [i.e. born approx 1660] May 5 (PR) [Note:- widow and 3rd wife of William HUNT (c1662-1715) whom she married at St Georges Church in Fordington on 18th July 1693]

Rebekah DOWLE May 25 (PR)

George RYALL June 23 (PR)

William BELBIN July 16 (PR) [ See Wills Index for 1742]

William WALKER July 23 (PR)

Elizabeth SPARKES August 20 + sideline entry in parish register made by Rev RG Bartelot Vicar of Fordington 1906/1936:- " Tomb "Elizabeth wife of W. SPARKS died 17th Aug 1742 aet 35 ". RGB. (PR) [Note:- Elizabeth SPARKS nee Bennett (1707-1742) the wife of William SPARKS Junior (c1700-1778)]

Rachel GREENING Widow August 23 (PR)

Thomas son of John FREKE and Susanah his Wife August 24 (PR)

George son of George BONNETT and Ann his Wife September 3 (PR)

Amos STYLE September 5 (PR)

Mrs Hannah ROBERTSON September 5 (PR)

John son of William STILL and Grace his Wife September 21 (PR)

Mary Daughter of Thomas STONE and Ann his Wife October 15 (PR)

Thomas son of William BISHOP and Mary his Wife October 25 (PR)

Betty Daughter of Henry JACOB and Betty his Wife October 31 (PR) [NBI incorrectly has surname BISHOP][Note:- 7th child from the marriage of Henry JACOB to Betty PHIPPARD at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 9th Sep 1724].

John son of John FREKE and Susanah his Wife November 3 (PR)

Arthur HACKHAM November 5 (PR) [ See Wills Index for 1742]

Mary BISHOP Widow November 12 (PR)

Jane MORES aged 86 years [i.e. born approx 1656] November 24 (PR) [NBI incorrectly has age as 96 years]

Elizabeth Daughter of Thomas LOCK December 3 (PR)

Hannah Daughter of Widow DREW December 18 (PR)

John son of Thomas HARRIS and Eleanor his Wife December 28 (PR)

Bathsheba SQUIBB January 14th 1742/3 (PR)

Mary the Wife of Robert HURDLE January 27th 1742/3 (PR)

Mary the Wife of William NORRIS January 28th 1742/3 (PR) [NBI incorrectly has date of 30th - - Mary NORRIS nee DIFFEY 1st wife of William Norris whom he married at FStG on 28th May 1738]

Elizabeth the Wife of John COATE February 1st 1742/3 (PR)

John BONNETT March 9 (PR)

1743 [Note:- only 3 burials as listed below are on the CLDS return as the subsequent return which would have covered most of 1743 up to the end of 1746 is missing in the Bishops Transcripts - I have therefore added the missing names from the Parish Registers]

Thomas MANUEL March 30 (PR) [Image 2183]

Elizabeth BULL April 8 (PR) [Image 2183]

Joan WINZAR April 17 (PR) [Image 2183]

    Signed Jno. [John] JACOB Vic [Vicar]
    Tho: [Thomas] TERREL
    [Rest of 1743 would have been on a subsequent return] [End of overlapping CLDS Images 2182 & 2183]

Charles PITFIELD buried aged 76 years July 13th 1743 (PR) [Charles PITFIELD (1665-1743) Link to more information about the Pitfield Family. See also the Wills Index for 1744]

James ALLEN September 12 (PR) [ See Wills Index for 1743]

Joseph JATT September 13 (PR)

John COAT October 21 (PR) [ See Wills Index for 1744]

Thomas SEAL October 21 (PR)

Charles WELLS October 28 (PR)

Thomas TAPP November 10 (PR) [Note:- See Wills index for Dorchester for his will dated 20th Oct 1743 proved by his widow Sarah 19th Nov 1743]

Miriam MOORS December 26 (PR)

William WALKER December 26 (PR)

Thomas son of Ambrose and Elizabeth HUNT buried December 31 (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Ambrose HUNT to  Elizabeth BARTLETT married 01-Jan 1742]

David MORGAN January 29th 1743/4 (PR) [See Trancription of his Will dated 29th September 1741]

John WINZAR Aged 88 years February 13th 1743/4 (PR) [Note:- John WINSER (1656-1743) husband of Mary GREENE whom her married at All Saints Church in Dorchester in January 1679/80]

Mary HALLET February 19th 1743/4 (PR)

Thomas PAINTER March 11th 1743/4 (PR)

Susanah daughter of Humfrey HARDY buried March 12th 1743/4 (PR)

Ann daughter of [Blank] BRINE March 13th 1743/4 (PR)

1744 [Missing in BT's]

Henry HUNT March 28 (PR) [Note:- Henry HUNT (1675-1744) of FStG who married Elizabeth TEWXBERY from St Peters Church in Dorchester at FStG Church on 29th May 1712]

Thomas son of Philip and Mary BISHOP buried June 27 (PR)

John BELL a travelling Scotsman buried July 13 (PR) [See Wills index for Dorchester for Letter of Administration granted to his principal creditor Thomas Armstrong of Shaston dated 3rd Apr 1744]

William son of Roger JAMES and Jane his wife buried July 19 (PR)

Mary daughter of Benjamin VINCENT and Elizabeth his wife burioed July 22 (PR)

John son of John SYMES and Mary his wife August 17 (PR)

Thomas son of Benjamin VINCENT and Elizabeth his wife September 2 (PR)

Ann BISHOP September 11 (PR)

William TOLLERFIELD September 12 (PR)

Anne wife of John HAYNE September 21 (PR) [Note:- Ann nee COLLINS who married John HAYNE (d.1799) at St Gerorge's Church in Fordington on 21st Oct 1711]

Mary PEARCE a widow aged 78 years buried December 6 1744 (PR)

Mary BISHOP December 16 (PR)

James son of Benjamin VINCENT and Elizabeth his wife buried January 15 1744/5 (PR)

Elizabeth daughter of John SEAL and Cecilia his wife buried 20th Jan 1744/5 December 16 (PR)


William son of John MATHEWS and Sarah his wife biried 4th Apr 1745 (PR) [Note:- baptised 12th Aug 1744]

Rebekah base born daughter of Margaret LUCCAS April 7 (PR) [Note:- baptised 3rd Feb 1744/5]

Elizabeth LOCK April 15 (PR)

Rebekah BAMPFIELD April 24 (PR)

James LIDE April 28 (PR)

Henry WYNZAR July 1 (PR)

John son of James ALLEN and jane his wife buried July 2 1745 (PR)

Roger JAMES August 18 (PR)

Ann the wife of John JACOB Vicar buried August 23rd 1745 (PR) [Note:- Ann JACOB was the 2nd wife of the Rev John JACOB and the widow of John TUCKER and the daughter of JOHN WILLIAMS (1660 -1722 ) Esq of Herringston]

Sarah daughter of Sarah WYNZAR Widow buried September 8th 1745 (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Henry WINZAR (1713-1745) to Sarah ANDREWS at Owermoigne on 10th April 1738. ]

Sarah WYNZAR Widow buried September 16th 1745 (PR) [Note:- Sarh WINZAR nee ANDREWS wife of Henry WINZAR (1713-1745) whom he married at Owermoigne on 10th April 1738. ]

William son of Thomas VINCENT and Honer his wife buried 27th Oct 1745 (PR) [Note: Baptised 18th Oct 1745]

Ann the wife of George BONNETT buried 30th Oct 1745 (PR)

Mary the wife of William PARKER buried January 9th 1745 (PR)

Elizabeth the wife of Robert BELBEN buried January 12th 1745 (PR)

Mary the wife of John SYMES of Dorchester buried January 26th 1745 (PR)

Sarah daughter of Thomas HARRIS and Eleanor his wife buried February 9th 1745/6 (PR)

John SWYER buried February 24th 1745/6 (PR)

William HACKHAM buried March 19th 1745/6 (PR)

1746 Fordington Parish - A Copy of the Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials

    BT's from March 27th 1746

Ann Daughter of Henry TOMKINS and Ann his Wife March 27 (PR) [Start of overlapping CLDS Images 2184 & 2185]

John WELLS April 7 (PR)

Elizabeth WALDEN April 8 [Note:- NBI incorrectly has date of 8th May] (PR)

David KATE buried April 19 (PR) [ See Wills Index for 1746 under the name David KEATS - NBI incorrectly has surname as HATE]

Mary Daughter of Mary CLARE Widow April 29 (PR)

William PARKER April 30 (PR)

Elizabeth Wife of William HARDY May 2 (PR)

Thomas ROBERTS June 3 (PR)

Sarah TRIP June 16 (PR)

Vertue Daughter of James ALLEN and Jane his Wife June 26 (PR) [NBI incorrectly has surname STONE & date 19 July]

John son of George ADAMS and Ann his Wife July 19 (PR)

John DIFFEY August 10 (PR) [Note son Thomas baptised 3 days later]

Jane Daughter of Robert MUDFORD and Jane his Wife August 27 (PR)

Christian MILLER November 14 (PR)

Ruth ALLEN December 10 (PR)

Robert SQUIBB December 19 (PR)

James SEAGER January 10 1746/7 (PR)

Sarah wife of Richard DAW February 7th 1746/7 (PR)

Mary CHURCHILL February 10th 1746/7 (PR) [Mary, 2nd wife of Francis CHURCHILL see their marriage FStG 24th Jun 1700 she had 4 children last in 1713]

Elizabeth MOORS March 1 1746/7 (PR) [NBI incorrectly has family surname MOON]

Sarah SANGER March 12th 1746/7 (PR) [BT's have surname as SEAGER PR's and NBI have SANGER]

Rebekah CHURCHILL March 19th 1746/7 (PR) [Note:- Rebecca CHURCHILL nee SNOOKE widow of William CHURCHILL Churchwarden of St Georges Church who died 1728]

1747 Fordington Parish - A Copy of the Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials

    BT's from March 27th 1746

Elizabeth BUNN of Dorchester April 9 (PR)

William STILL April 24 (PR) [Bt's have surname HILL PR's and NBI have STILL]

Elizabeth BAKER April 24 (PR)

Mary TOMBS May 11 (PR)

Edward VOS June 5 (PR)

John ROBERTS June 27 (PR)

Elizabeth wife of Giles COOMBS July 28 (PR) [NBI incorrectly has date July 26th]

Humphrey HARDY August 11 (PR)

Edith RASKER Widow August 14 (PR) [NBI incorrectly has date Aug 19th]

Hester Daughter of Philip BISHOP and Mary his Wife buried August 22 1747 (PR) [Note:- Baptised 10th Jan 1741/2]

John WILLIS September 21 (PR) [NBI has date Sep 14th which is the date of the preceding entry on BT's and PR's]

Sarah LOCK September 29 (PR) [NBI incorrectly has date as 21 Aug]

William CHURCHILL October 1 (PR)

Mary daughter of Alexander CREST & Honour his Wife October 18 (PR) [Note: See comments about this family under baptisms for 27 Nov 1737]

James ALLEN November 1 (PR)

    [Page Break end of Image 02185 left hand column ]

Sarah Daughter of Thomas LOCK November 8 (PR)

John son of Henry TOMKINS and Ann his wife November 22

Elizabeth ROBERTS Widow November 26 (PR)

Mary wife of William DERBY December 3 (PR)

Joseph CHRISTOPHER January 19th 1747/8 (PR) [Note:- Joseph was the 5th of 8 children of Charles CHRISTOPHER (1700-1791) and baptised in Fordington on 15th Feb 1741/2]

Mary ALLEN widow buried January 26th 1747/8 (PR)

Amos son of Amos STILE and Mary his wife January 30th 1747/8 (PR) [Note: 1st child from the marriage of Amos STILE to Mary PITFIELD at St Georges Church Fordington 23rd Dec 1746 - Amos junior was Baptised January 20th 1747]

Elizabeth HALLET February 9th 1747/8 (PR)

Margaret WHITE February 18th 1747/8 (PR)

John SPARKES March 3rd 1747/8 (PR) [Note:- Thought to be the 1st child from the marriage of John SPARKS (c1716-1750) to Elizabeth POPE at St Georges Church in Fordington on 23rd Sep 1746. follow link for more information]

Joseph WINZAR March 20 (PR)

1748 [Continued on same return]


Ann FRAMPTON April 11 (PR)

Mary HITCHCOCK April 21 (PR)

John LOCK May 16 (PR)

Sarah HOUNSELL May 22 (PR)

Robert HURDLE June 5 (PR)

William COWARD June 16 (PR)

Elizabeth LOCK June 23 (PR)

Susanna Daughter of John LOCK July 7 (PR)

Mary Daughter of Robert POPE July 14 (PR)

William LOVELESS August 3 (PR)

John WINZAR August 12 (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Henry WINZAR (1713-1745) to Sarah ANDREWS at Owermoigne on 10th April 1738. ]

Elizabeth HALLETT August 31 (PR)

Martha HALLET September 15 (PR)

John BUSSELL September 25 (PR)

John WHITE October 13 (PR)

John SEAL December 1 (PR)

Richard STEVENS December 4 (PR)

Benjamin JACOB December 9 (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Henry JACOB to Betty PHIPPARD at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 9th Sep 1724].

James FRAMPTON December 25 (PR)

John CRAFT [CREST?] December 25 (PR)

Thomas BRINE January 29th 1748/9 (PR)

William BURD January 29th 1748/9 (PR) [NBI incorrectly has surname BURT]

Philip BYSHOP February 15th 1748/9 (PR) [NBI has surname BISHOP]

Mary HARVEY March 5th 1748/9 (PR)

Mary HELLARD March 17th 1748/9 (PR) [End of overlapping CLDS Images 2184 & 2185]

1749 Dorset [illegible] the Parish of Fordington - A Copy of the Register, of Births, Marriages and Burials

[Start of overlapping CLDS Images 2186 & 2187]

Dorothy WHITE March 27 (PR)

Daughter of Mr William BRYERS April 10 + side line entry by the Rev RG Bartelot who was Vicar of Fordington from 1906 to 1936 " SEE St Peters Register Gertrude D of Mr. William & Gertrude BRYER of {illegible word} (PR)

Rebeccah BEDLOE April 12 (PR) [NBI has spelt surname BEDOW]

Sarah MATHEWS April 19 (PR)

John BONNETT buried April 20 + side line entry in PR by Rev RG Bartelot who was vicar of Fordington 1906-1936 " In memory of James BONNETT who died April 17th 1749 aged 40 years"(PR)

James GARRET April 27 (PR)

Robert VALLENS May 5 (PR) [Note:- Robert VALLENS married twice: 1st to Mary CLASBY at FStG on 15th Aug 1736 - she died and was buried at FStG on 11th Nov 1739: 2nd marriage was to Miriam SANGER FstG on 16th Aug 1741]

Mary NORRIS May 7 (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of William NORRIS to Mary VOS at FStG on 29th Apr 1744 - Their next child which happened to be another girl was also named Mary being baptised at FStG on 26th Dec 1749]

Sarah BONNETT aged seventeen years [i.e. born approx 1732] buried May 31 (PR)

Thomas FRAMPTON June 21 (PR)

William SEAL June 26 (PR) [NBI has 28th June which is date of following entry in BT's]

Robert HUNT June 28 (PR) [NBI has 29th June which is date of following entry in BT's - - Robert HUNT ( 1695-1749) bap FStG 21st Oct 1695.the son of Thomas HUNT (c1662-1724) ]

Ann JONES July 10 (PR)

Elizabeth WINZAR July 12 (PR)

Charles PITFIELD July 14 (PR) [2nd child from the marriage of Charles PITFIELD (1723-1801) to Mary BISHOP (1722-1794) at St Georges Church Fordington]

Thomas BEDLOW July 23 (PR) [BT's have surname spelt BEDLOW]

John PARKER August 13 (PR)

Mary FREAK September 6 (PR)

William CHIN September 12 (PR)

Henry HIGGINS September 12 (PR has surname as WIGONS] )

Christopher COLLINS December 10 (PR)

William base born son of Elizabeth BISHOP December 27 (PR) [Note Baptised December 3 - NBI incorrectly has date as 27 Sep which is before he was baptised]

Ann Daughter of John BUNN January 23rd 1749/50 (PR) [Note Baptised July 18 1749]

Mary BULL baseborn Daughter of Elizabeth VOS January 30th 1749/50 (PR) [Note Baptised March 27 1748]

William WEBBER February 19th 1749/50 (PR)

Mrs Elizabeth JACOB March 9th 1749/50 (PR)

Frances Daughter of William WEBBER March 9th 1749/50 (PR)

Elias LIDE [ LYDE ] buried March 14th 1749/50 (PR) [NBI has surname LIDO]

1750 [Continued on same return]


Roger BURTON June 14 (PR) [NBI has surname BUSTON]

Rebeccah READ June 17 (PR) [NBI has surname ROOD unlikely to be correct. READ known family name]

Ann ALLEN July 2 (PR) [Note:- Ann nee Toms married James Allen at St Georges Church on 19th May 1702]

William MORRIS of WeymouthAugust 2 (PR)

Samuel PITFIELD August 12 (PR) [ See Wills Index for 1750 - he was the younger brother of Charles PITFIELD (1665-1743) and baptised at Broadmayne in Dorset on 7th Feb 1681 the son of Sebastian PITFIELD and Christian MEADON]

John SPARKES November 25 (PR) [Note:- Thought to be the John SPARKS (c1716-1750) who married Elizabeth POPE at St Georges Church in Fordington on 23rd Sep 1746. follow link for more information]

William BARTLET January 11th 1750/1 (PR) [Note:- Not so far associated with any other record]

Ralph BULBEN February 8th 1750/1 [NBI has surname BULSON unlikely to be correct - BULBEN or BELBEN known family name but PR's have BULPON]

Jane DIFFEY February 20th 1750/1 [PR's and NBI have surname DUFFYE unlikely to be correct DIFFEY known family name]

Elizabeth BELBEN February 22nd 1750/1 (PR) [NBI has surname BELBIN]

1751 [Continued on same return]

Mary SEAGER April 7 (PR)

John HELARD [HELLARD] April 7 (PR) [NBI incorrectly has surname HOLLAND]

Margaret HUNT aged 77 yearsApril 12 (PR) [Note:-Wife of Ambrose HUNT VI (1681-1754) who married Margaret ROGERS (1674-1751) at St Georges Church in Fordington on 12th June 1707 ]

Mary BRINE April 30 (PR)

John WINZAR May 1 (PR)

Mary FREAK August 6 (PR)

Joseph son of John SEAL and Cecilia his Wife September 11 (PR's have:- Joseph son of Jno: SEALL & Sisley his wife) [NBI incorrectly has surname of BALL]

Richard DOWLE September 23 (PR)

Jane MOXLEY a stranger October 17 (PR spells her surname MOXLY)

Thomas TERRELL October 18 (PR) [ See Wills Index for 1752] [NBI incorrectly has surname TREVIST ]

John STEVENS aged 86 years [i.e. born approx 1665] December 17 (PR) [ See Wills Index for 1752]

Charles DAMAR December 9 (PR) [BT's clearly state 9th Dec but is then out of sequence - NBI has 19th December which appears to be correct]

Elizabeth DOLLEN December 20 (PR) [NBI incorrectly has surname DOLLAM]

    Jno: [John] JACOB Vicar
    Francis PURCHASE
    John INGRAM [End of overlapping CLDS Images 2186 & 2187]

[1752 Missing in BT's]

    NOTE : Unfortunately we do not have Bishops Transcripts for the year 1752 for Fordington but the original parish records survive at the Dorset History Centre from which we have transcribed the following entries- please also note that this was the year that the English Calendar was changed from the Julian to the more accurate Gregorian system that had been introduced in Catholic countries by Pope Gregory XIII in March 1582. A difference of eleven days had accumulated between the two systems so the change necessitated England 's calendar losing that number of days. To bring this about the day following 2 nd September 1752 was renumbered the 14th .
    The commencement of the year was also brought forward from 25th March to the preceding 1st January. This changed January, February and most of March from being the last months of the Old Year to the first of the New.


George BENNETT January 26 (PR)

Joan HOOCKEY February 18 (PR)

Isaac BONNETT April 7 (PR) [ See Wills Index for 1752 & 1754]

Judith SEAGAR buried April 24 (PR) [NBI has the wrong month of Dec]

Thomas FREAK buried April 31 (PR) [NBI has the wrong month of Dec]

1753 Copy of the Register of marriages, Baptisms and Burials [Start of overlapping CLDS Images 2188 & 2189]

Jan 7 Sarah TAPP (PR) [Note:- See Wills Index for her extensive will dated 4th January 1753 not proved until 5th June 1756]

Jan 17 Philip CLARE (PR) [NBI have Sarah CLARE?]

Mar 7 Catherine SEAL Widow (PR) [Note:- See Wills index for Dorchester for her Will dated 20th Feb 1753 Proved 31st March 1753 lists 5 children]

Mar 13 Sarah daughter of William SEAL and Sarah his wife

Mar 30 Richard DILLER (PR)

Apr 5 Ann HAYN [HAYNE] (PR) [Not so far traced within the HAYNE Family]

Apr 10 Milliar WINZAR (PR) [NBI have Mathew WINZER]

Apr 16 Elizabeth BISHOP (PR)

Apr 27 Joseph CHANNING (PR)

May 11 James ADAMS (PR)

Jun 10 Thomas CANTERBURY (PR)

July 8 William FUDGE (PR) [Note in the NBI] [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of William FUDGE Senior (1699-1773) & Marey [Mary] HALL married FTsG 07-May 1724]

Aug 23 William INGRAM (PR)

Nov 11 Deborah LUCASS (PR)

Dec 11 Hannah BISHOP (PR)

Dec 13 Lucy ALLEN (PR)

Dec 27 Edith BEDLOE (PR) [NBI have surname BEDLOW]

Dec 27 Elizabeth BELLBIN (PR) [NBI have surname BELBIN]

1754 [Continued on same return]

Jan 1 Ann HANCOCK (PR)

Jan 7 Richard STEVENS (PR)

Jan 27 Joseph SEAL (PR)

Feb 3 Mary AISH (PR)

Feb 10 Susannah MEADER (PR)

Feb 15 John WEBBER (PR)

Mar 26 Susannah PAUL (PR)

Apr 5 Hannah WHITE (PR)

May 20 Mary MIDDLETON (PR)

May 28 Mr KNAPTON (*) (PR) [Side Line Entry in Parish Register:- "(*) Here Lyeth the Body of Renaldo KNAPTON Gent who departed this life May the 26th 1754 in the 81st year of his age"]

Jun 24 Daniel STILE (PR) [Nore:- See Wills Index for 1754 - Father of Edith STYLE bap 29th July 1751 husband of Sarah - Link to Samuel Goddard 1755-1820 v Edith (nee Style) 1751-1811] website]

Aug 1 Ambrose HUNT (PR) [Note:- Ambrose HUNT VI (1681-1754) who married Margaret ROGERS (1674-1751) at St Georges Church in Fordington on 12th June 1707 ]

Aug 2 Mary COAT (PR)

Sep 1 Estha [Hester] TOLLERFIELD (PR) [ See Wills Index for 1755]

Sep 1 Ann READ (PR)

Oct 6 Ann BARTLETT (PR) [Not in NBI] [Note:- Not so far associated with any other record]

Nov 3 Thomas SEAL (PR) [NBI has date 8th Nov]

Nov 28 Joseph BISHOP (PR)

Dec 2 A Stranger (PR)

1755 [Continued on same return+ a separate return headed as follows]

A True and Perfect Register of all Marriages, Baptisms and Burials in the parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset and Process of Salisbury for the year of our Lord 1755

Jan 12 Margaret HALL (PR) [NBI incorrectly has date 13th Jan]

Jan 13 Margaret STEVENS (PR) [NBI incorrectly has date 18 Jan]

Jan 18 John JENKINS (PR) [ See Wills Index for 1755]

Mar 17 William SEAL (PR)

Apr 27 Sarah BALLOE [PR and NBI correctly has surname and date as Sarah BEDLOW or BEDLOE and date of 27 march 1755 - clear original transcription error in BT's as out of date sequence otherwise]

Apr 6 Elizabeth SQUIBB (PR)

Apr 6 Joseph DIFFEY (PR) [NBI incorrectly has surname as DUFFEY - DIFFEY is a known family name]

Apr 20 John INGRAM (PR)

Apr 21 Hannah NORMAN (PR) [Not in NBI]

Apr 22 Stephen SEAL (PR)

Apr 28 Samuel NORMAN (PR)

Apr 30 Sarah JONES (PR) [Note:- widow of John JOANS who married Sarah HUNT at FStG on 22nd Jan 1721/2 ]

May 26 Elizabeth WHITE (PR)

May 28 Thomas ROBERTS (PR) [Start of CLDS Film 1279497 Image 4205261_00005]


    Jno [John] JACOB Vicar
    John MORGAN Church [Warden]
    John NELSON
    [End of overlapping CLDS Images 2188 & 2189]
    [2nd return written later starts with burial of Thomas Roberts May 28 and continues as below]

William GARRETT June 18 (PR) [ CLDS Film 1279497 Image 4205261_00005]

Edith GUY June 21 (PR) [NBI incorrectly has date 24th June]

Elizabeth baseborn Daughter of Mary ALLEN buried June 25 (PR)

William son of John WINZER and Sarah his Wife buried July 6 (PR)

Thomas son of John HARVY and Mary his Wife July 31 (PR)

Richard DAW August 7 (PR) [ See Wills Index for 1755]

John BISHOP September 19 (PR)

John KING September 21 (PR)

Mary RUTHERFORD November 14 (PR)

Henry HUNT buried 7th Dec 1755 (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Henry HUNT (1725-1761) to Ann WHITLE at FStG on 19-Aug 1753]

John LUCKES December 14 (PR)

John WYATTDecember 19 (PR) [Not in NBI]

John COAT December 28 (PR) [ CLDS Film 1279497 Image 4205261_00005]

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