Dorchester & Fordington

Post Office Directory 1875

[755 Records Last update December 2018]
© Transcribed by Michael Russell OPC Fordington February 2009

Note:- I have added some links to the original content.

DORCHESTER, the county town, a polling place, and place of election for the county, a municipal and parliamentary borough, union, and market town, in the Dorchester petty sessional division, in the diocese of Salisbury, archdeaconry of Dorset, and rural deanery of Dorchester, is 16 miles south-west from Blandford, 15 east from Bridport, 8 north from Weymouth, 18 east-by-south from Beaminster, and 120 from London by the old coach road, but by the railway, through Southampton, 138½ miles. The South Western and the Great Western railways have stations here:

It was one of the strongest and most extensive of the Roman stations, under the name of Durnovaria, and some remains of the Roman walls are yet to be seen, forming part of the garden wall of Mr. Edwin Burnett, in the High West street: it is a regular and well-built town, on the river Frome and Ikening street, and comprises the parishes of St. Peter, Holy Trinity, All Saints, and Fordington . The houses are chiefly modern, built of brick and stone, and comprise three principal streets—viz.. East, West, and South.

The approaches from the London, Bridport and Weymouth roads are through long avenues of sycamore, elm, and chesnut trees; and the south, west, and part of the north sides of the town have walks between avenues of fine trees, forming a beautiful promenade, commanding an extensive prospect over the downs and surrounding country. The town is "well supplied with water, paved, and lighted with gas, and under the management of a Local Board of Health.

The borough is governed by a mayor, four aldermen, and twelve councillors, and formerly returned two members to Parliament, but by The Representation of the People Act, 1867," it now returns one only; the mayor is the returning officer. The police force consists of a superintendent, one sergeant, and six constables.

Dorchester has, with Fordington , four churches and a chapel.
    Holy Trinity, in High West street, is a commodious building: the interior is very neat, and has a fine-toned organ. The register dates from 1653. The living is a rectory, with that of Frome Whitfield annexed, joint yearly value £500, with residence, in the gift of the feoffees of the Free School and Almshouse charities, and held by the Rev. Henry Everett, M.A, of Exeter College, Oxford.

    St. Peter's is a large ancient Gothic pile in the centre of the town: it has a handsome embattled tower, 90 feet high, and 8 bells: it contains several monumental tablets, and an organ. The register dates from 1653. The living is a rectory, yearly value £140, with residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held by the Rev. Edmund Ward Pears, M,A,, of Magdalen College, Oxford.

    All Saints' church was rebuilt in 1844: it is a splendid edifice of stone, with lancet windows, and contains a superbly painted window in the chancel, with the effigy of the donor, the Bishop of Salisbury. The register dates from 1653. The living is a rectory, yearly value £84, in the gift of Simeon’s trustees, and held by the Rev. Henry Frederick Jones.

    Fordington church, St. George’s, stands on an eminence: it is an ancient stone structure, originally built in the form of a cross: it has a high embattled tower, with pinnacles, and a clock: over the south porch is a tympanum, representing the vision of St. George before the battle of Antioch, rudely carved in stone. The register dates from 1690. The living is a vicarage, value £325, with residence, in the gift of the prebend of Fordington in Salisbury cathedral, and held by the Rev. Henry Moule, M.A., of at. John's College, Cambridge.

    Christ's church, "West Fordington , half a mile north-west of the town, was erected in 1846; it is a plain but very pretty edifice, with 1 bell. The register dates from the year 1846. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £50, in the gift of the vicar of Fordington , and held by the Rev. William Cook Osborn, M.A of St John’s College, Cambridge.
The Free Grammar school, founded in 1569 by Mr. Hardy. is situated in South street: there is a small Endowed school in Trinity churchyard for the educating and clothing of boys: there are also National schools for boys, girls and infants, and a British school for boys. There are chapels for Baptists, Wesleyans, Independents, and Unitarians.

The new Corn Exchange is a bold and commodious building built in 1867: it is built of brick, with stone dressings, and is octagonal at the end, the roof being open timbered, covered with slate and glass, supported on lofty semicircular iron and moulded wood principals, the ends of which are domed: a gallery is formed under same: a thorough system of ventilation and heating has been adopted : the cost of the work amounted to about £2,500. Wellspring & Son were the builders, and Henry Hall, of London, the architect, The Market House is of stone and brick, and was built by Samuel Slade, in 1848, from designs by Benjamin Ferry, esq., in the Elizabethan style, and re-arranged in 1867. Two markets are held here: the small market on Wednesdays, and the larger one on Saturdays; the latter is well attended. The fairs are held February 14th, July 6th, August 6th, September 29th,and October 25th,for horses, sheep and cattle.

The Union Workhouse, erected in 1836, is a rough stone and brick building, half a mile south-west of the town, in : the open fields. The union includes the following parishes, viz.:—Adminston or Athelhampstone, All Saints (Dorchester), Bradford PeverelL Broadmayne, Burlestone, Charinster, Chilfrome, Compton Abbas, Compton Valence, Dewlish, Fordington, Frampton, Frome Vanchurch. Holy Trinity (Dorchester), Kingston Russell, Little Bredy, Long Bredy, Maiden Newton, Piddlehinton or Puddlehinton, St. Peter’s ( Dorchester), Stinsford, Stratton, Tincleton, Toller Fratrum, Toller Porcorum, Tolpuddle, Warmwell, West Knighton, West Stafford, Whitcombe, Winterbourne Abbas, Winterbourne Came, Winterbourne Herringstone, Winterbourne Mounkton, Winterbourne St. Martin, Winterbourne Steepleton, Woodsford, and Wynford Eagle.

A County Court is held here monthly : the district comprises the following parishes, viz:—Alton Pancras, Athelhampstone, Batcombe, Bradford Peverell, Broadmayne, Buckland Newton, Burlestone, Cattistock, Cerne Abbas, Charminster, Chesilborne, Chilfrome, Compton Abbas, Compton Valence, Dewlish, Dorchester, Fordington, Frampton, Frome Vauchurch, Frome Saint Quinton, God- manstone, Hilfield, Kingston Russell, Knighton (West), Little Bredy, Long Bredy, Maiden Newton, Mappowder, Melcombe Horsey, Minterne Magna, Nether Cerne, Puddlehinton, Puddletown, Puddletrenthide, Pulham, West Stafford, Stinsford, Stratton, Sydling Saint Nicholas, Tincleton. Toller Fratrum, Toller Porcorum, Tolpuddle, Up Cerne, Warmwell, Whitcombe, Winterbourne Abbas, Win- terbourne Came, Winterbourne Herringstone, Winterbourne Monckton, Winterbourne Saint Martin, Winterbourne Stapleton, Woodsford, Wynford Eagle, and Wootton Glanvilles.

The assizes are held here, as also the quarter sessions, at the County Hall, which is a spacious and well-arranged building, fronted with Portland stone. The County Gaol is a handsome building, situated on the north side of the town, on the rite of the ancient castle, and was erected in 1793, on the plan of Mr. Howard, at an expense of £16,179, since which it has been enlarged and much improved, extra wings baring been added; it now contains 140 sleeping cells: there are likewise reception cells fitted up in the lodge, a house of correction, and a treadmill: the wings of the prison, although detatched, communicate with the centre building in each story by iron bridges sprung from the several galleries: an entrance, with porter's lodge, and six houses for the turnkeys, have been erected from the north square.

The Dorset County Hospital, in the south part of the town, and in a very healthy situation, was built in 1841 by Samuel Slade and Goddard, from designs by Benjamin Ferrey, esq., in the Tudor style, and a new wing added in the year 1866 ; at present it furnishes accommodation for 60 in door patients, but possesses ample room for a larger number. The Charities of the town consist of three almshouses:— Napier’s Almshouse, in South street, which is liberally endowed, was founded by Sir Gerard Napier for the support of ten poor men, who also receive 4s. 6d. a week, and have a piece of ground, which they cultivate; this building is kept in excellent repair: Whetstone's Almshouse for four aged men and their wives, with a stipend of 4s- 6d. a week; and Chubb's Almshouse, for nine poor women, who- receive 2s. 6d. a week each.

The Cavalry and Militia Barracks are situated at the western extremity of the town. The neighbourhood abounds with Roman antiquities, About a quarter of a mile south of the town is the celebrated Roman amphitheatre: it is formed of raised mounds of earth partly enclosing an open space, but the mounds do not entirely enclose the interior space, as there is an opening at the north between their sloping points: the largest external diameter is 843 feet, the shortest 339 feet, so that externally it is nearly a circle: it is supposed that in the thickest part of the sides were the dens for the wild beasts, that they might be let out opposite to each other to meet in the arena: it is computed that 12,000 persons could witness the combats. About 2 miles south-west of the town is the famous MAIDEN CASTLE, an ancient and extensive Roman camp, situated on an immense hill overlooking the surrounding country: it is encircled by deep intrenchments, and ramparts four deep: on the top is a table-land, of oval shape, covering upwards of 40 acres: the whole space to the foot of the outer intrenchment is 120 acres: it is supposed to be one of the strongest of these fortified castles in England: on tlie adjoining hills are several barrows. POUNDBUBY, half a mile west of the town, is another encampment, with immense earthworks thrown up, nearly square, the top of which comprises 20 acres of land: several stone coffins and other antiquities have been found at different times. The whole country is traversed with Roman roads north and south of the river, and sites of Roman establishments, as Stinsford, Stafford, Burton, Wrackleford, Stratton, Southover, Bradford, Woodsford. LAWRENCE BARROW is half a mile south-east; Conquer Barrow, one mile south-east; Frome hill a mile and a half south-east

All Saints : (combined with St Peters 42 acres); gross estimated rental £4,259; rateable value £3,408; Population in 1871 923
St Peters: ; (combined with All Saints 42 acres);gross estimated rental £5,740; rateable value £4,608; Population in 1871 1,307
Holy Trinity: 1,369 acres; gross estimated rental £8,838; rateable value £6,915; Population in 1871 1,625
Fordington: 2,749 acres; gross estimated rental £13,102; rateable value £9,432; Population in 1871 3,277

The population of the municiple borough in 1871 was 6,915

FORDINGTON: Is an extensive parish in this borough: The land is unenclosed, with a fine turnip and barley soil, chiefly belonging to the Dutchy of Cornwall, and the property of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales.

Frome Whitfield and Coker's Froome, (the property of George MAYO esq of Puddletown) and Colliton row half a mile north are hamlets in Holy Trinity Paris.

Parish Clerks:
East Fordington James WHITE; West Fordington David CROSS; Trinity William GOULD; All Saints George WOOD; St Peters James RE CURTIS.

Note:- In the original people were generally in order of importance but here they have been placed in alphabetical
order within each category. Enties for Fordington Highlighted

BRYMER, William Ernest Esq. Ilsington House, Puddletown, Dorsetshire; & Carlton club London s.w.




CURTIS, R.E.; Serjeant at Mace
PHILLIPS, Alfred; Borough Surveyor & Inspector of Nuisances
SYMONDS , Giles; Town Clerk
WESTON , Montague Charles; Borough Treasurer

ASTELL , C.E.Esq. Piddlehinton
BRYMER , W.E. Esq. M.P. Puddletown
CHURCHILL, G.O.Esq. Colliton house, Dorchester
ELIOT , G.E. Esq. Weymouth
ELIOT , R.F. Esq. Weymouth
ELIOT , William Esq. Weymouth
FEATHERSTONHAUGH , Rupert P. Esq. Moreton
FELLOWES , James Esq. Kingston house
FLOYER , John Esq. M.P. West Stafford
FOSTER, Augustus Esq. Warmwell
FOSTER, Augustus Billett Esq. Warmwell
FRAMPTON, Henry Esq. Moreton
GOODDEN, H.C. Esq. Upway
HENNING, W.L.Esq. Fromehouse
KINDERSLEY, E.L.Esq. Clyffe house
LAMBERT, W.C.Esq. Winterborne Steepleton
MIDDLETON, H.B.Esq. Bradford Peverell
MIDDLETON, H.L.Esq. Bradford Peverell
PEARCE, Edward Esq. Dorchester
SHERIDAN, R.B. Esq. Frampton court, Dorchester
SMITH, W.J; M.D. Weymouth
STEWARD, R.G.F.Esq. Nottington
SYKES, Cam Esq. Weymouth
THORNTON, R.Esq. Dorchester
WARRY, G. Esq. Upway
WILLIAMS, E,W,Esq. Herringstone
WILLIAMS, Herbert Esq. Stinsford
WILLIAMS, Robert Esq. Bridehead house, Dorchester
WOOD, E.A.Esq. Osmington

Quarter Sessions held at the Shire Hall
COOMBS Thomas; Clerk
FLOYER John Esq.M.P; Second Chairman
PORTMAN Viscount; Chairman

ALDRIDGE, John Petty; m.d.
CURME, George; Cornhill
DAVIS, Robert; High West street
DEVENISH, Matthew; High West street
GALPIN, John; High Cornwall villa
GREGORY, George John Gregory; South street
HENNING, William Lewis
HODGES, John Francis; High East street
PEARCE, Edward
TAPP, William Dening
WILLIAMS, Herbert Williams; Stinsford

SYMONDS, Giles; Clerk

Accident, ANDERSON, J; 1 Victoria Villas
Alliance, LOCK, H; High East street
Atlas, KEATS, C; 4 Wollaston terrace
Church of England Life, DAVIS, G.H; South street
County Fire, ROBINSON, J; Cornhill
Crown Life, CASE, R; Dorchester Old Bank
Eagle Life, CABLE, J; South street:: GOOD, C; Dorchester Old Bank
Economic Life, COOPER, J.R; Wollaston villas
Guarantee & Accident, BROWN, J; South street
Imperial Fire, POUNCY, C
Land Security, BROWN, J; South street
Law Life, WESTON, M.C; High West street
Liverpool & London & Globe, STEELE, E; High West street:: PEARCE, T.W; Wollaston terrace
London, WESTON, M.C; High West street
National Provident Life, STEELE, E; High West street
Northern Fire, TRACY, J.L; North square
Norwich Union, BROWN, J; South street
Phoenix Fire, CASE, R; Dorchester Old Bank:: FOSTER, J; Cornhill
Protector Endowment, HAZEL, R; High West street
Provident Life, ROBINSON, J; Cornhill
Railway Passengers, CASE, R; Dorchester Old Bank
Reliance Life, MUTFORD, G; 4 High East street
Rock Life, KEATS, C; 4 Wollaston terrace
Royal, CHICK, W and HOLLAND, F.J; Trinity street
Royal Farmers, ANDREWS, G.J; South street
Royal exchange, COOMBS, T; South street
Scottish National, ANDERSON, J; 1 Victoria villas
Scottish Provident Life, CASE, R; Dorchester Old Bank
Soveriegn Life, WALLIS W.B; Durngate street
Staffordshire Fire, GREENING, C; Shire Hall place
Standard Life, BURNETT, E; South street:: LUSH, J.M; Bank house
Sun, LUSH, J.M; Bank house:: GREGORY, G.J.G; South street
United Kingdom Temperence & General, GREENING, C; Shire Hall place
West of England, HODGES, J.F; High East street
Western Provident, BRYER, C; North Square
Whittington Life, POUNCY, W; 38 High west street


Union Workhouse, board sits once a fortnight on Wednesday at 11 o'clock
EMSON, Alfred; Surgeon
FLOYER, John Esq. M.P; Chairman
HARDLEY, Miss Jane; Schoolmistress
LOCK, Henry; Clerk
LOVELACE, James; Vice Chairman
MASKEW, Rev. Thomas Raisey M.A; Chaplain
PEARCE, William; Master
PEARCE, Mrs Mary; Matron

County Goal & House of Correction
BAWLEY, R; Deputy Governor
BAZELL, Mrs Harriet; Matron
GAWLER, Henry; Schoolmaster
GOOD, John; Surgeon
LAWRENCE, James Vandyke; Governor
PAIKES, Rev. H.P; Chaplain
LOVERING, William; Principal Officer

Dorchester Fire Brigade , Market Place
COWARD, Charles Captain

Dorset County Hospital , The Prince of Wales Patron
BINGHAM, Rev C.W; Chairman
BROWN, John; Clerk
CURM, George; Consulting surgeon
DAVIDSON, D.C.; House Surgeon & secretary
DIGBY, Right Hon. Lord; President
EDWARDS, Rev. J.W.G. MA; Chaplain
ELDON, The Earl; Trustee
EMSON, A (Alfred) Surgeon
FEEK, Miss; Matron
FLOYER, John Esq M.P; Trustee
GOOD, J; Surgeon
HODGES, J.F. EsqHonorary Secretary
LUSH, J.M; Auditor
LUSH, Dr. William J; Physician
MIDDLETON, H.N Esq; Vice Chairman
PEARCE, E Esq; Auditor [Note:- Justice of the Peace for Dorset ]
TOOZE, J.R Esq; Honorary Secretary
TUDOR, J; Surgeon
WILLIAMS, Robert Esq: Trustee
WILLIAMS, Herbert Esq; Treasurer

County Police Station
BATTY, Henry; Divisional Supt
BROWN, Amyatt; Chief Constable [Note:- Amyatt E. Brown (1831-1901) ]
PLUMMER, George; Supt Chief Clerk

Corn Exchange & Town Hall
CURTIS, R.E.; Keeper

Shire Hall , High West Street
GREENING, Charles; Hall Keeper

Borough Police Station
COWARD, Charles Supt

Masonic Hall , Princess Street
LOVELACE, John; Hall Keeper

Dorset County Museum & Reading Room, Trinity Street
BINGHAM, Rev. C.W. Hon. Sec.
SHAFTSBURY, Right Hon. the Earl of ; President
WILLIAMS, Herbert Esq; Treasurer

Militia Barracks
HALL, Colonel Angus W; Lieut-Colonel commanding

Cavalry Barracks
ELLIOT, Major Minto; Commanding Officer
HANKEY, A.B.; Colonel commanding 39th sub-district
LEIGH, Major Henry; Paymaster 39th sub-district

County Court
BRYER, William Gray; High Bailiff
LEFROY, T.E.P. Esq; judge
PENNY, Eddel; Clerk
SYMONDS, Giles; Registrar

Stamp Office South Street
MALLANDINE, Henry Hawkes; Distributor

Pension Office; High West Street
ASTELL, Colonel; paymaster::
LYDON, Patrick; Clerk

Judge's Lodgings; County House High West Street
Chubb's Almshouses; North Square
Napier's Almshouses; South Street


Clerk of the Board of Guardians, LOCK, Henry; High East street
Clerk of the Markets, COWARD, Charles; Guildhall
Clerk to the Commissioner of Taxes, ANDREWS, George James ; South street
Coroner for Dorchester District, SYMONDS, Giles; South street
County Treasurer, KEATS, Charles ; Shire Hall
Deputy Registrar, BAKER, Edawrd; East street
Inspector of Cattle, COWARD, Charles; Guildhall
Inspector of Weights and Measures, COWARD, Charles; Guildhall
Rate & Tax Collector, PEARCE, W; 3 Wollaston terrace
Registrar of Births & Deaths, BISHOP, Thomas Helps; Glyde Path Hill
Registrar of Marriages, ALDRIDGE, , John P. MD.
Relieving Officer for Dorchester District, GROVES, Charles;
Relieving Officer for Fordington District, ATKINSON, Robert;
Superintendant Registrar, LOCK, Henry; East street
Supervisor of Inland Revenue, BEACH, John W; Cornhill
Surveyor of Taxes, MALLANDAINE, Henry Hawkes; South street
Town Crier, MILLS, Henry; High East street


All Saints Church - High East street, JONES, Rev. Henry Frederick - Rector
Baptist Chapel, High East street
Christ Church, West Fordington OSBORN, Rev. Cook MA - Vicar
Congregational Chapel, South street
Fordington Church MOULE, Rev. Henry MA - Vicar
St Peter's Church - High West street, PEARS, Rev. Edmund Ward MA - Rector
Trinity Church - High West street, EVERETT, Rev. Henry MA; Rector
Unitarian Chapel, Pease lane
Wesleyan Chapel, Durngate street


Dorchester School of Art, Shire Hall; BAKER, Thomas; Master
Hardy's Free Grammer School, South street; MASKEW, Rev. Thomas Ratsey MA; Head Master
National , East Fordington ; CHIVERS, Miss Ellen; Mistress
National, West Fordington ; HALL, Miss Bessie; Mistress
National [boys] , Pease Lane; COOPER, John Rowe; Master
National [girls] , Bell street; WAY, Miss Mary; Mistress
National [infant] , Trinity Churchyard; SALISBURY, Miss Emma; Mistress


Dorchester Telegraph, published on Friday; ATKINS, Alfred; Publisher; 8 High West street
Dorset County Chronicle & Somersetshire Gazette, published every Thursday morning;
SPICER, Henry; proprietor, High West street.
Dorset County Express & Agricultural Gazette, published every monday night,
ATKINS, Alfred; publisher, 8 High West street.


Great Western, DATE, Henry; Station Master
London & South Western, MEARS, William; Station Master
London & South Western, FROST, George; Agent, High East street


Omnibuses to & from the stations from the 'Kings Arms' and 'Antelope' to meet all trains


BERE REGIS - Joiner, from 'Phoenix Inn' Saturday
BERE REGIS, TROY TOWN, PUDDLETOWN - Day to & from 'Phoenix' Saturday
BLANDFORD, TROY TOWN, PUDDLETOWN & MILBOURNE - Hammond, from 'White Hart' High East street daily
BROADMAYNE, WINFRITH, & OWER MOIGNE - Burden & Snelling, from 'Phoenix' High East street Saturday
BUCKLAND NEWTON - Best, from 'George Inn' Saturday
CERNE -Bragg, to & from 'Royal Oak' High West street Wednesday and Saturday; Sherry to & from 'George' High West street Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays
CHALDON - Talbot, from 'Phoenix Inn' Saturday
CHARMINSTER - FORSTON & GODMANSTON - Sherry, from 'George Inn' Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, & Saturdays.
CHARMINSTER - FORSTON & GODMANSTON & CERNE - Bragg, from 'Royal Oak' Wenesdays, & Saturdays; Jacobs, from 'George Inn' saturdays
GRIMSTON, STRATTON & SYDLING -Gregory, from 'Mail Coach' Wednesdays & Saturdays
HARFOOT LANE, TROY TOWN, & PUDDLETOWN - Stickland, from 'Chequers' High East street Saturdays
HASELBURY - Moores, from 'George Inn' & Riggs, from 'White Hart' Saturdays
LONDON & All Parts - Sutton & Co, Cornhill
LONDON, DORCHESTER, WEYMOUTH, CERNE & BRIDPORT - William BISHOP (agent for Lipscomb) forwards goods by train to & from each station daily; London Booking Office 'White Horse' Cripplegate; Lipscomb's waggon, from his own office, Durngate street; to Weymouth, every Tuesday & Friday.
WEST LULWORTH - Snelling, from 'Phoenix Inn' Saturday
MAIDEN NEWTON & EVERSHOT - Terrell, from 'Mail Coach' Saturday
MAIDEN NEWTON, STRATTON & CATTISTOCK - Dawe, from 'George Inn' Saturdays
MARTINS TOWN & WINTERBOURNE - Barber, from 'Mail Coach Inn' Wednesday & Saturday
MILBOURNE, PUDDLETOWN & ABBEY MILTON - Frizzel, from 'White Hart' Wednesdays and Saturdays
OSMINGTON- Charles, from 'Phoenix Inn' Saturday
PORTISHAM - Sandford, from 'Plume & Feathers' Saturday
PUDDLETOWN & PUDDLETRENTHIDE - Collier, from 'George Inn', & House, from 'Plume & Feathers' Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays; Spicer, from 'Phoenix Inn' Wednesdays & Saturdays.
PUDDLETOWN - Grey, from 'Chequers Inn' and Burdin, from 'White Hart' High East street dailey
STAFFORD, WOODSFORD & MORETOWN - Proles, from 'George Inn' Wednesdays & Saturdays; Woolfries, from 'Star Inn' Wednesdays, & Saturdays; Wellman, Wednesdays & Saturdays.
STICKLAND & CLENSTONE - Tizard, from 'Royal Oak' Saturdays
STRATTON & GRIMSTON, FRAMPTON, MAIDEN NEWTON , TOLLER & KINGSCOMBE - Cleall & Sheppard, from 'Phoenix' High East street, Mondays & Fridays & from 'Royal Oak' Saturdays
STRATTON, GRIMSTON & SYDLING - Churchill, from 'Greyhound Inn' Wednesdays and Saturdays
TOLPUDDLE & PUDDLETON - Puckett, from 'Chequers Inn', Saturdays
TROY TOWM - Burdon, from 'White Hart', every day
TROY TOWN, PUDDLETOWN, TOLPUDDLE & BERE REGIS - Purchase, from 'Phoenix Inn' Saturdays
UPWEY - Mills, from 'George Inn' Saturdays
WINFRITH - Burt, from 'Phoenix Inn' Saturdays
WINTERBOURNE & LONGBREDY - Hounsell, from 'Plume & Feathers' Saturdays; Thorner, from 'George Inn' Wednesdays & Saturdays


ALDRIDGE, John Petty MD; West Walks
ALDWORTH, Major Rt; Syward Lodge Fordington
ALLARDYCE, William Shakespear; Salisbury House Fordington
ANDERSON, James; 1 Victoria villas Fordington
ANDREWS, George James; South street
ASTELL, Colonel; 30 High West street
AYCLIFFE , George; 11 Wollaston villas
BARKER, John; Fordington
BARNES, Henry; West walks
BASCOMBE, edwin; Wollaston Lodge
BEACH, John; 2 Wollaston terrace
BENNETT, Thomas; South walks
BINGHAM, Colonel Richard Hippisley JP; 57 High West street
BOYD, Mrs ; Wollaston villas
BRYER, William Gray; South street
BUGLER, henry; 12 Wollaston villas
BURNETT, Edwin; High West street [Note at 40 High West Street in 1881 census]
CALLAWAY, Mrs; 68 Salisbury terrace Fordington
CAMPBELL, Miss; 5 Wollaston terrace
CAREY, Mrs Fordington
CASE, Robert; 1 Alexander Close
CHURCHILL, Misses; Colliton House
CLAPCOTT, Major Charles; 9 South street
COCKERAM, William Philip; 5 Alexander close
COOMBS, Miss; 42 High West street
COMBS, Thomas; South street
COWARD, Charles; Durngate street
CRABTREE, Miss; 27 High West street
CROCKER, George; South street
CROSS, Thomas Rodber; High West street [Note at 5 High West street 1881 Census]
CURNE, George; 9 Cornhill
CURTIS, Daw Charles; 22 High West street
DAMON, John junior; West walks
DAMON, Misses; 51 High West street
DAMON, Robert; West walks
DAVIS, George Henry; South street
DAY, James; 8 Wollaston villas
DEVENISH, Matthew; 32 High West street
DEVENISH, Miss; 49 High East street
DIXON, William; 2 Salisbury terrace Fordington
DUFFILL, Rev J ph [Weslyn] 2 Alexander terrace
EDWARDS, Henry; South street
ELLIOT, Major Minto; Cavalry barracks
EMSON, Alfred; South street
ENSOR, John Thomas; 54 South street & at Wimborne
EVERETT, Rev. Henry MA; [Rector of Holy Trinity], Rectory
FENNER, Charles; Sunnyside villas
FOSTER, James; Cornhill
FRAZER, Tytler Lieutenant General; south walks
FRY, John
FUDGE, Joseph; Pease lane
GALPIN, John; Cornwall villa
GALPIN, Miss; High East street
GALPIN, William ; Heathcote lodge Fordington
GANE, Miss; West walks
GAY, James ; Trinity street
GOOD, John; 48 High West street
GOODFELLOW, Henry; High East street
GREGORY, George John G JP; South street
GREY, Thomas; Fordington Hill; Fordington
GROVES, Arthur William; Grove buildings, South walks
GROVES, Richard; 21 High West street
GUY, James George; Glyde Path Hill
GUY, Jethro, Glyde Path Hill
HALL, Colonel Angus William; Militia Barracks
HANKEY, Colonel Augustus B [Note: Bernard]; South street
HANSFORD, Joseph; 3 Alexander street
HARRIS, John Fordington
HARRIS, Mrs; Wollaston villas
HARVEY, Henry Frederick; Fordington
HAWKER, Thomas; Fordington
HAWKINS, George; 60 High West street
HAWKINS, Miss; High East street
HAYNE, Robert; Fordington
HODGES, Herbert William; High East street
HODGES, John; Trinity street
HODGES, John Francis; High East street
HODGES, John Fras. junior; High West street
HOLLAND, Francis John; Trinity street
HOSSEY, John Masters; 24 South street
HUNT, William Fordington Hill, Fordington
HURST, James Fordington Green, Fordington
HUSSEY, John; South street
JOHNSON, Miss; 33 High West street
JONES, Rev. Henry Frederick [Rector of All Saints] High East street
KEATS, Charles; 4 Wollaston terrace
KIRK, George; Fordington Green, Fordington
LAMBERT, Mrs; High west street
LAWRENCE, James Vandyke; North square
LEIGH, Major Henry; 1 Salisbury villas, Fordington
LOCK, Francis; South street
LOCK, Joseph; Sunnyside
LONGMAN, Edward; South walks
LONNON, Thomas; 51 High West street
LUCAS, South street
LUSH, John Millard; High East street
LYDON, Patrick; 30 High West street
MABER, George; Pease Lane
MANSEL, Arthur Edmund JP; Grove House
MASKEW, Rev. Thomas Ratsey MA; South street
MICKLEM, Mrs; 2 Salisbury villas, Fordington
MILLER, Miss; High Street Fordington
MOULE, Rev Henry MA [Vicar of St George's] Fordington
MORGAN, Mrs; 1 Wollaston terrace
NEAVE, Rev. Thomas [Congregational] 2 Victoria villas, Fordington
ODWYER, Rev Joseph [Roman Catholic]; Princess street
OLD, Andrew; Fordington
OLDFIELD, Colonel John Rowden; Wollaston fld
OLIVER, George 3 Salisbury terrace Fordington
OSBORN, Rev. William Cook MA; The Vicarage West Fordington [Note: Vicar of Christ Church]
PANTON, Mrs; 8 Alexander terrace
PARMITER, Mrs; High East street
PARSONS, Charles; 28 High West street
PARSONS, Charles; South street
PEARCE, Edward JP; Somerleigh [Note:- Justice of the Peace for Dorset ]
PEARCE, Phillip; Fordington Hill, Fordington
PEARCE, Thomas Whittle; 3 Wollaston Terrace
PEARS, Rev. edmund Ward MA [Rector of St Peter's] Fordington Hill, Fordington
PENNY, Eddell; Shirehall lane
POPE, Alfred; South walk house
POPE, Edwin
POUNCY, George; North square
RAIKES, Rev Henry Paget; 41 High West street
RAYMOND, William Curtis; 14 Wollaston villas
ROBINSON, John Desborough; South street
ROWE, Edwin; 5 Salisbury terrace Fordington
SABINE, Miss; 7 Alexander terrace
SAUNDERS, Thomas Horner; Bedloe house, Fordington
SEARLE, Alan; 3 Foundry buildings, Fordington
SEYMER, Miss; Fordington House, Fordington
SHORTO, Job; North square
SIBLEY, Mrs; Fordington
SIME, Hugh David; 4 salisbury terrace, Fordington
SLADE, William High East street
SMITH, Mrs; 13 Wollaston villas
SPICER, Alfred; 4 Alexander terrace
STAYNER, James; Trinity street
STEELE, Edward; Wollaston house
STRONG, John; Trinity street
STROUD, James E; 1 Salisbury terrace, Fordington
SWYER, Thomas henry Frampton; 16 Wollaston villas
SYMONDS, Giles; South street
TAYLOR, Lieutenant Frederick Henry Royal Horse Artillery; 56 High West street
TAYLOR, frederick; Lond's iron works, Fordington
TAYLOR, Henry; Lond's iron works, Fordington
THORNTON, Reginald JP; Frome house
THURMAN, Ackerman; Fordington
TOOZE, John Randolph; 29 High West street
TRACEY, James L; 27 High West street
TUDOR, John; 24 High West street
TURNER, Frederick; Alpha cottage, Fordington
VERNON, William; Fordington Green, Fordington
VOSS, Thomas Haviland; Durngate street
WALLIS, John; 23 High West street
WARE, William; Pease lane
WATTS, Edward Phillip; 6 Alexander terrace
WELLSPRING, John; West Fordington
WESTON, Montague Charles; 50 High West street
WILKINSON, Colonel George A; West walks
WILLS, Miss; 9 Wollaston villas
YEATMAN, Miss; Trinity street


ADAMS, Thomas; Queen's Own, Durngate street
ALDRIDGE, John Petty; Surgeon, West walks
ALLARDYCE, William Shakespear; Engineer & Architect - see advertisement , Salisbury House, Fordington
ALLEN, Charles, boot maker, Mill street : [Note: Mill street was in Fordington]
AMOR, Frederick, Cooper, Grove Buildings : [Note: Grove Buildings was in Fordington]
ANDERSON, James; Agent for Scottish National & Accident Insurance; 1 Victoria villas, Fordington
ANDREWS & POPE, Solicitors; South street
ANDREWS, George James; Solicitor perpetual commissioner for taking acknowledgements of deeds by married women, commissioner in chancery & all law courts, clerk to commissioners of taxes for Dorchester division, clerk to justices for the division of Cerne, clerk to commissioners of taxes for Cerne division & clerk to Cerne highway board; South street and Cerne Abbas

Queen Victoria 1d Red Stamp
ATKINS, Alfred publisher of the 'Dorset County Express' and 'Agricultural Gazette' & the 'Dorchester Telegram'; 8 High West street
BARFOOT, Richard Edward; watch maker , 16 High West street
BARNARD, William; Cooper, High East street
BARNES, Henry; Architect & Surveyor, West walks
BARNWELL, James; Cooper, Fordington
BARRETT, Joseph; Phoenix Inn, High East street
BARRETT, Williams, Half Moon, North square
BATER, Joseph Watchmaker & Jeweller, South street
BARTLETT, John; Baker, Fordington [Note:- John Masters Bartlett (1843-1875) ]
BASCOMBE, Thomas & Henry; Linen & woollen drapers, silk mercers, & tailoring, dressmaking, millinery, mantle, familymouring, carpet & warehousemen, 65 High West street
BATTY, Henry; divisional superintendent of County Police, County Police station
BAVIS, William, chimney sweeper,Mill street, Fordington
BEACH, John W; supervisor of inland revenue, South street
BECKINGHAM, Walter; brick & tile maker, Hartpool lane, & at Bere Regis
BENNETTFrederick ; farmer & whiting & pipe clay manufacturer, High East street
BENNETT, Thomas; Farmer, Fordington
BENNETT, Thomas; Wholesale provision merchant, South walks
BEVIS, Thomas; Shopkeeper, Fordington Hill, Fordington
BIGGS, Thomas strange; Wine & spirts merchant, Cornhill
BILLETT, Robert; Beer retailer, Holloway Road [Note: Holloway Road was in Fordington]
BISHOP, Thomas Helps; Registrar of births & deaths for Dorchester district, Glyde path hill
BISHOP, William; Grocer & provision merchant & agent for LIpscomb, general railway carrier, High East street
BLANDAMER, Thomas Crown, Durngate street
BLANDAMER, William The Ark Fordington
BONIFAS, John; Tailor, 10 Cornhill
BOON, Richard; Grocer, 55 High West street
Borough Police Station; Charles COWARD superintendant,Guildhall
BOUNCY, George; Dealer in antques, South street
BOWRING, Henry James; Boot maker, Fordington
BOWRING, Thomas; Carpenter, Fordington
BROWN , Ambrose; White Hart, High East street
BROWN, John; Accountant & clerk to the visiting justices of the Dorset County Lunatic Asylum & clerk tothe County Hospital, South street
BROWNINGEdward & Charles; Patent medicine warehouse, stationer, toy, perfumery, & fancy goods dealer, 43 High East street
BRUSHETT, John; The Star, Bell street
BRYER, Charles; agent for Western Provident Association, North square
BRYER, William; auctioneer & appraiser & high bailiff to the County Court, South street
BURNETT, Edwin; solicitor, perpetual conmmissioner & comissioner for taking acknowledgements of married women, commissioner in all common law courts, South street
BUTTEN, Henry; Castle Inn, Grove Buildings [Note: Grove buildings were in Fordington]
CABLE, John; travelling draper, South street
CAKE, John; blacksmith, Grove Buildings [Note: Grove buildings were in Fordington]
Cavalry Barracks, Major Minto ELLIOTT, commanding officer
CHRISTOPHER, Joseph; greengrocer, Market place
Chubb's Alms Houses, North square
COLE, William; mason, Shire Hall lane
COLLINS, John; blacksmith, North square
Corn Exchange & Town Hall, James RE CURTIS, hall keeper, High East street
County Court, Giles SYMONDS, registrar; William G BRYER; high bailiff; Eddell PENNY; clerk
County Friendly Society, Rev. Charles William BINGHAM honorary secretary George Henry DAVIS; assistant secretary
County Goal & House of Correction, James V LAWRENCE; governor, North square
County Police Station, Captain Amyatt BROWN; chief constable; Charles COWARD; superintendant of borough police, clerk ofthe markets & inspector of weights and measures, Guildhall
COX, Cecil; pork butcher & butcher,High East street
COXENS, Barjew; shopkeeper, Fordington
CRABB, Benjamin; greengrocer, Market place
CROCKER, Fenner & Co; ironfounders & ironmongers, High East street & The Foundry
CROCKER, William; cooper, Trinity churchyard
CROCKER, William; Dolphin, Church street
CROOK, Eliza Mrs; refreshment rooms, High East street
CROSS, George; umbrella maker, Princess street
CROSS, Thomas Rodber; manager to Weymouth Bank, High West street
CUNNINGTON, Edward & Co; wine merchants, Princes street
CURTIS, Elizabeth & Emma (Misses); outfitters, High East street
CURTIS, Fras. Richard; watch ma. & hair dresser, High East street
CURTIS, James Robert England; tailor, 43 High West street
DAMON, Henry & Alfred; Farmers, Parsonage Farm Fordington
DARCH, William; New Inn & Coal merchant, South street
DATE, George Hnery; station master, Great Western Railway at Great Western station
DALKE, Frances Mrs; grocer, North square
DAVIS, Richard & Son; builders, contractors, brick, tile & pipe manufacturers, East parade; & at Broadmayne. see Advert.
DAVIS, Charles; wheelwright, Fordington
DAVIS, George Henry; actuary of the Savings Bank, South street
DAVIS, Henry; upholsterer & cabinet maker, Trinity street
DAVIS, John; baker, Princess street
DAVIS, Richard; Exhibition Hotel, East parade
DAWE, Ann Mrs; milliner, Bell street
DAY, Thomas & John; blacksmiths, Pease lane
DEAN, John; tailor, South street
DENNIS, Richard; tin plate worker, South street
DEWLAND, Thomas; Red Lion, Church street
DIBBIN, Joseph; carpenter, Shire Hall lane
Dorchester Agricultural Society; [George J ANDREWS ] hon. sec.
Dorchester Building Society; [Thomas W PEARCE] manager3 Wollaston Terrace
Dorchester Club; [James HAYNOR ] secretary, North square
Dorchester Farmers Club; [George James ANDREWS] hon.sec.
Dorchester Fire Brigade; [Charles COWARD ]captain, Market place
Dorchester Old Bank; [R & H WILLIAMS & Co ] High West street; draws on Williams, Deacon & Co London [Note was at No. 1 & 2 High West st]
Dorchester School of Arts; [Thomas BAKER ] master, Shire hall
Dorchester Telegram; [Alfred ATKINS ] publisher, published on Friday, 8 High West street
Dorchester Water Works; [Alfred PHILLIPS ] manager
Dorset County Chronicle & Somersetshire Gazette; [Henry SPICER ] proprietor, 63 High west Street
Dorset County Express & Agricultural Gazette; [Alfred ATKINS ] publisher, published minday night, 8 High West Street
Dorset County Hospital; [John BROWN ] clerk, Princes street
Dorset County Museum & Library; [Rev. C.W. BINGHAM ] hon.sec.
Dorset 3rd Rifle Volunteers Head Quarters; [Thomas COOMBS ] Captain, Princes Street
DRAKE, James; baker, High East street
DRON, Thomas Middleton; school, South street
DUNN, Jane Mrs; Junction Hotel
DURDEN, Henry; chemist & druggist & proprietor of the Balsamic Elixir for coughs, Cornhill
DURDEN, William; plumber, Durngate street
EDDISON, Francis; steam plough proprietor, Steam Plough yard
EDKINS, William; tailor, 31 High West street
EDWARDS, Ellen Mrs; stationer, Grove buildings [Note: rove Buildings were in Fordington]
EDWARDS, Henry; dentist, South Street
ELDRIDGE, Pope & Co; brewers, maltsters, wine & spirit merchants, Dragon Brewery
ELIOT, Pearce, Eliot & Eliot; [Thomas Rodber CROSS manager] High West street; draw on Glyn Mills, Currie & Co
EMSON, Alfred; Surgeon,South street
ENSOR & Co; grocers & corn dealers, High East street
ENSOR, John (Thomas); auctioneer, general valuer & agent, 54 South street and at Wimborne
EVANS, Alfred John; chemist, High East street
FARRANT, Henry J; miller West Mills West Fordington
FOOT, Henry; refreshment rooms, High East street
FORRE, James; beer retailer,West Fordington; and greengrocer Market place
FORSE, Robert; Railway Tavern, South street
FORSE, Thomas; greengrocer, Market place
FORSE, Thomas; Greyhound Inn, Princes street
FOSTER, James; bookseller, stationer, printer, bookbinder & circulating library, Cornhill
FROST, George; Kings Arms family & commercial hotel & posting house, High East street
FRANKLIN, Joseph; Hit or Miss Fordington
FUDGE, Joseph; butcher & coal merchant, North square
GALPIN, & Sons; butter factors, Church street
GALPIN, Caroline (Mrs); beer retailer, Friary lane
GALPIN, william; brewer and maltster, Phoenix brewery
GARLAND, William; greengrocer, Market place
Gas Works, (William OSMUND), manager, Bell street
GIBBS, Isabella (Mrs); hair dresser, 13 High West street
GILL, Charles; french polisher, South street
GOLLOP, Eliza (Mrs); tailoress, Trinity street
GOOD, John; surgeon, 48 High West street
GOULD, Edward; painter etc, Pease Lane
GOULD, William Henry; painter etc, Pease lane
GOULD, William Thomas; grocer, Pease lane
GRASSBY, Benjamin; architectural sculptor, wood & stone carver & monumental mason, South street- See advert.
GREEN, William Henry; taxidermist, Fordington
GREENING, John & eorge Frederick; saddlers, 46 High east street
GREENING, Charles; colored & other picture screen manufacturer & agent for the United Kingdom Temperance & General Provident Association & the Liberator Permanent Building Society, Shirehall place
GREGORY, Ann North (Miss); berlin wool repository, High East street
GREGORY, George John Gregory; architect, surveyor, builder & contractor, South street
GREY, Charles; baker, Mill Street, Fordington
GRIFFIN, James; confectioner, Holloway Row, Fordington
GRIGG, Thomas; Great Western Hotel [Note:- He was the uncle of Thomas Grigg the photographer - follow link for more information about the family]
GROVES, Arthur William; candle manufacturer, Pease Lane
GROVES, Henry; hurdle maker, Fordington
GROVES, James Henry; provision merchant, North square
GULLIVER, Emma (Mrs); beer retailer, Mill Street Fordington
GUY, & Son; builders, Glyde path hill
HANNAH, James Field; cabinet maker, upholsterer, carpet warehouse, undertaker, paper hanger & general furnishing warehouseman, 8 Cornhill
HARDY, James; jeweller, Fordington
Hardy's Fre Grammer School, Rev. Thomas R MASKEW MA; head master, South Street
HARMAN, Joseph; marine store dealer, Durngate street
HARRIS, frederick; stone mason, South street
HARRIS, Samuel Robert, nurseryman, Fordington
HARVEY, Charlotte (Miss); school, Trinity street
HAWKINS, Emily & Bessie (Misses); fancy repository, 59 High west street
HAYNE, John & Co; farmers & grocers Etc, Fordington
HAYWARD, Robert; butcher, High East street
HAZEL, Robert; general & furnishing ironmonger, agricultural implement manufacturer, importer of petroleum & benzoline & oil & color warehouse, 15 High West street; Princes street & Back South street
HILL, Robert; coal merchant, South street & Great Western Railway station
HOCKEY, Sarah (Mrs); boot maker, High East street
HODGES, Charles; White Horse, Pease lane
HODGES, John Francis & sons; Importers of wines & spirits, High East street & at Weymouth
HOGG, Benjamin Alexander; draper, Cornhill
HOLLAND & HAYMAN, coal merchants, Trinity street & Railway stations
HOW, William; chemist, 4 High West street
HOWE, Richard James; cook & confectioner, Cornhill
HOWELL, Henry; tailor, 54 High West street - see advert
HOWELL, Rosa (Mrs); milliner, 46 High west street
HUNT, Robert; miller, Fordington
HURDLE, William & Henry; cheese factors, Durgate street, Fordington
HUSSEY, John; carpenter & joiner, South street
HYDE, Thomas; greengrocer, Market place
Inland Revenue Office, John W. BEACH, supervisor, South street
JAMES, Frederick; shopkeeper, Princess street
JEFFERY, Charles; gun & fishing tackle maker, , High East street
Judges' Lodgings, County house, High West street
KEATS, Charles; accountant & county treasurer, 4 Wollaston terrace & Shire hall
KEATS, George; grocer & farmer, Fordington
KEATS, Susan (Mrs); refreshment rooms, 19 High West street
KEECH, & sons; grocers, Grove buildings [Note: Grove buildings were in Fordington]
LAKE, Henry; shopkeeper, Durngate street
LAMBERT, John; beer retailer, Glyde Path hill
LANDSCHEIT, Henry; Dorchester Arms, North square
Land Security Co, John BROWN; agent, South street
LANYON, John; saddler, Cornhill
LAST, Harriet Jane (Mrs); grocer, Cornhill
LAWRENCE, James Vandyke; governor of the gaol
LEAVER, Edmund; farmer, Fordington
LEGG, Jane & Ann (Misses), frmrs, Fordington Hill, Fordington
LEGG, John; baker, Fordington
LEWIS, Henry; draper, 6 Cornhill
Liberator Permanent Building & Investment Society, (Charles GREENING, agent, Shirehall place
LING, Henry; printer, bookseller, stationer & fancy repository, High West street
LIPSCOMBE, John; general carrier, Durngate street
LOADER, George Kellow; coal & salt merchant, South street & Great Western Railway station
LOCK, Henry & Son; solicitors, 42 High East street
LOCK, Henry; solicitor, clerk to the board of guardians, superintendent registrar, deputy coroner & solicitor to Dorchester building society & burial board, clerk to the rural sanitary authority & assessment committee, 42 High East street
LOCK, Joseph & Sons; butchers, North square
LOCK, Mary (Miss); school, Icen cottage, Fordington
LOCK, Joseph; farmer
LOCKETT, William; hatter & seedsman, Cornhill
LOVELL, John; coach builder, South street
LUCAS, John; haberdasher, South street
LUSH, Andrew; carpenter; [Note: Grove buildings were in Fordington]
LUSH, John Millard; manager to Wiltshire & Dorset Banking Co, High East street
LUSH, Loamini; dairyman, Fordington
MABER, Edward; farmer, Fordington
MABER, Richard; builder, Pease lane
MALLANDAINE, Henry Hawkes; stamp districutor & surveyor of taxes, South street
MARSH, Henry; tailor, 50 High East street
MARSH, William John; grocer & tailor, South street
MARTIN, Charles; greengrocer, Market place
MARTIN, Sansom; farmer, Fordington
MASKEW, Rev. Thomas Raisley MA; head master of Hardy's free grammer school, South street
Masonic Hall , (John LOVELACE), hall keeper, Princes street
MASTERS, Ann (Mrs); dress maker, Bell street
MAYO, Henry; farmer, Coker's Froome
MEADER, William; Swan, Mill street, Fordington
MEARS, Williams; station master, South Western railway, South Western railway station
MEDWAY, Thomas; currier, Durngate street
MEECH, Charles; Duke of Wellington, 61 High West street
MEECH, Henry, poulterer, 61 High West street
MEECH, James; baker, Fordington
MEECH, James; Queens Head -, Holloway row Fordington
MILES, James; Saddler, 14 High West street
Militia Barracks, (Colonel) Angus William HALL, Lieutenant-colonel commanding
MILLS, Francis; boot and shoe manufacturer, Cornhill
MILLS, Henry; fishmonger, High East street
MORGAN, Thomas; auctioneer, 39 High West street
MUTFORD, George; plumber Etc, 4 High east street
Napier's Almshouses, South street
NEW, George; Old Ship inn, High West street
NORMAN, Henry; pianoforte tuner, Fordington
NORRIS, Charles; bootmaker, Fordington
NORRIS, Samuel; chimney sweeper, Fordington
NUTTING, Edward; miller, baker & grocer, South street and Burton mill
NUTTING, Harriet (Miss); grocer, Princess street
OLIVER, Charles; boot manufacturer, 5 South street
ORCHARD, Henry; boot maker, Holloway row, Fordington
OSMUND, William; manager to the gas works, Bell street
PARMITER, Jane (Mrs); general draper, tailor, hatter, boot & shoe manufacturer, clothier, & outfitter, furniture dealer & sewing machine agent, 35 High East street - See advert
PARMITER, Jane (Mrs); pawnbroker, Church street
PARSONS, Charles; grocer, High East street
PARSONS, Charles; mineral water manufacturer, Trinity street
PARSONS, Isaac; baker & grocer, South street
PAUL, Mary (Mrs); refreshment rooms, High East street
PAYNE, Azariah; shopkeeper, Fordington
PAYNE, William; shopkeeper, Grove buildings [Note Grove buildings were in Fordington]
PAYNE, William; wheelwright, Fordington
PEARCE, Thomas Wittle; collector of taxes, 3 Wollaston terrace
PEARCE, William; master of the workhouse
PEATY, David; jeweller, Fordington
PENNY, Eddell; accountant & clerk to county court, Shirehall place
Pension Office (Colonel ASTWELL, paymaster; Patrick LYDON clerk), 30 High West street
PHELPS, John; provision dealer, North square
PHILLIPS, Alfred; borough surveyor, inspector of nuisances & manager of the Water Works
Phospho-Silicon Manure Co, W.S. ALLARDYCE, engineer & manager, works; Bridport road, office 1 Cornhill - see advertisement
PIDGEON, Sarah (Mrs); dress maker, Trinity street
PIKE, William; Green Dragon, Durngate street
PITFIELD, Caroline (Mrs); Union Arms, Fordington
PITFIELD, George; beer retailer, Durngate street [Old House at Home]
PLUMMER, George H; superintendant of county police, County police Station
POPE, Alfred; solicitor, & commissioner for affidavits in common law courts, south street
PORTER, Francis; Chequers Inn, High East street
Post Office , Charles PARSONS, postmaster, South street
POUNCY, Charles; boot maker, 44 High West street
POUNCY, John; inventor & patentee of photographs in oil, colors & printing ink, 38 High West street
POUNCY, Thomas Crook; saddler & harness maker, 3 Cornhill
POUNCY, Walter; photographic artist, painter, glaszier, picture frame maker Etc, 38 High west street
RAIKES, Rev. Henry Paget; chaplain to Dorset County Prison, 41 High West street
RANDALL, John; stone mason,, Grove buildings [Note Grove buildings were in Fordington]
READ, Alfred; Royal Oak Inn 20 High West street
READ, Harry; George Inn, High West street
RIGGS, Thomas; Bulls Head, Fordington
RIGLAR, Henry William; hair dresser, North square
ROBERTS, Charles; shopkeeper, Fordington
ROBINSON, John Desborough; surgeon, South street
ROBINSON, Joseph; organist & professor of music, dealer in musical instruments, pianoforte tuner, & musical instruments for hure, Cornhill
RONIBSON, Joseph, junior; organist to All Saints, & pianoforte tuner, Cornhill
ROBINSON, Thomas; draper, 9 High West street
ROGERS, Frances (Mrs); furniture broker, 37 High West street
ROGERS, Thomas; cabinet maker, 25 High West street
ROGERS, Walter; photographer, 38 High West street
ROOK, James; china mender, Princes street
ROWE, James; vetenery surgeon, South street
RUMSEY, Clement Gideon; boot maker, High East street
RUSSELL, James; Stationer, HighEast street
SAMWAYS, & sons; corn merchants, Pease lane
SAMWAYS, Alfred; Mail Coach Inn, North square
SAUNDERS, Jacob; gold & silversmiths, watch and clock makers and jewellers, High East street
Savings Bank, (George Henry DAVIS), actuary, South street
SCOTT, Joseph; gold and silversmiths, watchmakers & jewellers, 17 Cornhill
SCOTT, George; maltster and brewer, High East street & Princes street
SEARLE, Serjeant-Major George; Drill instructor of Countys Police, County Police station
SEWARD, Frederick William; baker & grocer, High East street
SEYMOUR, John; baker, Grove buildings [Note; Grove building were in Fordington]
SHEPPARD, Daniel & Samuel; millers & saw mill proprietors, Friarymill
SHEPPARD, Job; basket maker, Trinity Church yard
SHEPPARD, Thomas; greengrocer, Market place
Shire Hall, Charles GREENING, hall keeper
SIBLEY, Thomas; farmer, Fordington
SIME, Hugh David; editor of the Dorset chronicle, 4 Salisbury terrace, Fordington
SIMMONDS, Henry; general dealer, Fordington
SINGLETON, James; photographer, 19 High West street
SLADE, Samuel; ironmonger & furniture dealer, High East street
SLY, James; Antelope family & commercial hotel & posting house, Cornhill
SOUNDY, Joshua Tovell, draper & outfitter, 18 High West street
SPENCER, James; blacksmith, Glyde Park hill
SPICER, James; china & glass warehouse, 6 & 7 High est street
SPICER, Henry; proprietor of the Dorset County Chronicle & Somersetshire Gazette, High West street
STACY, Uriah; carpenter, South street
Stamp Office, (Henry Hawkes MALLANDAINE), distributorSouth street
STAYNER, James; secretary of the Dorchester club, Trinity street
STAYNER, Mary (Mrs); dress maker, Trinity street
STEELE, Edward & Co; linen & woollen drapers, silk mecers, shawl, mantle, hat & cap warehouse, High West street
STICKLAND, Henry; hair dresser, High East street
STONE, George; shopkeeper, Mill street,Fordington
STONE, John; Weigh Bridge Inn, Grove buildings [Note Grove buildings are in Fordington]
STRONG, John; bone crusher & manure manufacturer, West mill, Fordington
STROUD, & Co; coach and carriage builders, carriages of all description always on hand or built to order, repairs expeditiously executed, High East street; factory Fordington
STROUD, Robert; boot maker, Fordington
STYLES, James & Co; wholesale & retail grocers, tea dealers & provision merchants, dealers in british & foreign wines, High East street
SUTTON, & Co; carriers, Cornhill
SYMONDS, Giles; solicitor, registrar to the county court, coroner for the Dorchester district, deputy stweard for the island of Portland, clerk to the magitrates, clerk to the local board of health & town clerk, South street
TABOR, Eleanor & mary Ann (Misses); ladies school, 49 High West street
TAYLOR, Daniel; farmer, Fordington
TAYLOR, George; farmer, Fordington
TAYLOR, Henry; engineer, millwright & brass founder, manufacturer of corn & seed drills, horse, steam & water powered threshing machines, straw elevators etc manure merchants & agent for the leading agricultural implement makers, Lond's iron works
TAYLOR, Henry; miller, Lords mills
TAYLOR, John Richard; Plume & Feathers, & brewer & wine & spirit merchants, Princes street
TAYLOR, Phillip P; locksmith, Armstice works, Fordington
TAYLOR, Sophia (Miss); milliner, High East street
TILLEY, Leonard; builder, Fordington
TILLEY, Mark; boot & shoe & leather seller, South street
TILLEY, Matthew; watch maker, South street
TILLEY, obert; farmer
TILLEY, William; builder, Princes street
TOPP, John; farmer, Fordington
TRACY, James L & Co; mechanical engineers, brick & tile machinery makers, brewers, corn & flour mill & hydraulic engineers, saw mill & water works engineers, machine tool makers, horizontal & portable engine makers, brass & iron founders, wood pulp paper machinery manufacturers, turbine manufacturers, steam boiler manufacturers, wood working machinery & agricultural implement makers, millwrights, smith's etc, North square engineering works - see advert.
TUDOR, John; surgeon; 24 High West street
TUTTELL, William; fancy repository, 35 & 36 High west street
Union Workhouse, (William PEARCE), manager
VINCENT, James; boot maker, Pease lane [Note:- James VINCENT (1846-1910) ]
VINCENT, John Baxter; jeweller, Bell street
VINE, Stephen; corn merchant, Church street
VOSS, Cornealius; upholsterer, Princes street
VOSS, Joseph; builder, Durngate street
WALDEN, Thomas; provision merchant, North square
WALLACE, Selena (Mrs); lodging house, Fordington Green, Fordington
WALLACE, William; tailor, Fordington
WARREN, James; grocer & provision dealer, High East street
WATTS, Edward Phillip; chemist, 12 High West street
WEBB, Charles, maltster, Fordington
WELCH, Eliza (Mrs), milliner, Pease Lane
WELLMAN, Thomas; builder & undertaker, Fordington
WELLS, Frederick, umbrella maker, Fordington
WELLSPRING, John & Son; builders, contracters, brick & tile makers, & dealers in cement, slates etc, West Fordington, & at Moreton
WELLSPRING, Joseph; basket maker, Trinity street
WELLSPRING, Joseph junior; basket maker, South street
WELLSPRING, Susan (Mrs); dress maker, South street
Western Counties Sack & Hiring Co., (George K LOADER, agent, reat Western station
WESTON, Montague Charles; solicitor & treasurer for the Borough of Dorchester, 50 High West street
Weymouth Bank (branch), (Eliot Pearce, Eliot & Eliot) (Thomas Rodber CROSS) manager, High west street ; draw on Glyn, Mills & Co London
WHITE, Charles; private tutor, South street
WHITE, Henry; painter, High East street
WHITE, James (Mrs); professor of dancing, South street
WHITE, Jane (Mrs); shopkeeper, Fordington
WILLSHIRE, James; greengrocer, Pease lane
Wiltshire & Dorset banking Co, ( John Millard LUSH), manager, High East street; draw on London & Westminster Bank
Wiltshire Sack Hiring co. , (Robert HILL), agent, Great Western ststion
WINDSOR, Charles; blacksmith, Fordington
WOOD, Elizabeth Mary (Mrs); ironmonger, 62 High west street
WOOD, George John; upholsterer, 47 High West street
WOOLSTON, Mary (Mrs); confectioner & toy dealer, Cornhill
Working Mens Institute, John DEAN), librarian, South street
WRIGHT, Gideon & Son; , grocers & provision merchants, High East street

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