
Baptisms Holy Trinity Church 1813 - 1837

© Transcribed by Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester June 2014
[ last updated Sep 2024- 679 Baptism Records]

Holy Trinity Church Dorchester - 2007
© Michael Russell FIPD


1 - 01 Jan 1813 - George son of John & Elizabeth WHITE baptised abode Peas [Pease] lane Dorchester, a carpenter by Rev John Palmer Officiating Minister

2 - 18 Mar 1813 - James Allen son of James & Mary MILLS baptised abode near Bull Stake in St peters Parish Dorchester, a Gentleman, by Rev Henry John Richman Curate

3 - 31 Mar 1813 - Frances daughter of James & Mary HANNEY baptised abode South Back street Dorchester, a serving man, by by Rev Henry John Richman Curate

4 - 04 Apr 1813 - Ann daughter of John & Susannah BROWN baptised abode Cokers From in this parish, a Serving man, by Rev Henry John Richman Curate

5 - 14 May 1813 - Frederick son of George & Eleanor ROWLES baptised abode West Back Street in this parish, a currier, by Rev Henry John Richman Curate

6 - 14 May 1813 - Sarah Lock daughter of John & Mary Ann HARRIS baptised abode [blank but would have been in Fordington Barracks] a private in the 39 Regiment of foot, by Rev Henry John Richman Curate

7 - 20 May 1813 - Richard Stickland son of Philip & Margaret WINZER baptised abode Pease lane in this parish, a Tiler, by Rev Henry John Richman Curate. [Note:- Buried Nov 27th – Richard WINZOR son of Philip & Margaret age 1year 1month - of Pease Lane]

8 - 09 Jun 1813 - Henry son of John & Grace EDWARDS baptised abode Pease Lane in this parish, a private in the 13th Light Dragoons, by Rev Henry John Richman Curate.

9 - 09 Jun 1813 - William son of William & Sarah LEAR baptised abode Pease Lane in this parish, a private in the 13th Light Dragoons, by Rev Henry John Richman Curate.

10 - 07 Aug 1813 - John son of John & Jane WOOD baptised, abode High West street in this parish, a Glazier? by Rev Henry John Richman Curate. [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 10th Jan 1814 aged 10 months]

11 - 15 Sep 1813 - Joseph son of Charles & Sarah BOWSER baptised abode West back Street in this parish, a private in the 13th light Dragoons, by Rev Henry John Richman

12 - 20 Oct 1813 - Maria daughter of Melmour & Deborah GRANT baptised abode West Back street in this parish, a Serving man, by Rev Henry John Richman

13 - 05 Nov 1813 - Jane & Ann daughters of Stephen & Elizabeth VATCHER baptised abode Pease Lane in this parish, a Cordwainer, by Rev Henry John Richman

14 - 24 Nov 1813 - Richard son of William & Susanna BISSETT baptised abode West Back Street, a Private in the North Devon Militia, by Rev Henry John Richman


15 - 25 Jan 1814 - Christiana daughter of James & Deborah ROGERS baptised West Back Street in this parish, a Serving Man; Rev Henry John Richman Rector

16 - 04 Feb 1814 - William and Elizabeth son and daughter of of William & Rebecca KERLEY baptised South Back Street in this parish; Rev Henry John Richman Rector

17 - 06 Feb 1814 - William son of Edward & Mary LESTER baptised Shire Hall Lane in this parish; a Bricklayer; Rev Henry John Richman Rector

18 - 23 Mar 1814 - Sarah daughter of James & Sarah FOX baptised Shire Hall Lane in this parish; a Cordwainer ; Rev John Ball Officiating Minister

19 - 25 Mar 1814 - James son of James & Elizabeth HANN baptised Friary in St peters Parish Dorchester, a carpenter; Rev H.J.Richman Rector

20 - 07 Apr 1814 - Sarah daughter of Samuel & Mary FORSTER baptised South Back Street in St Peters Parish; a labourer; Rev Henry John Richman Rector

21 - 19 May 1814 - George son of George & Susannah HIGGINS baptised Glyde Path Hill in this parish a sadler Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Susannah LAKE to George HIGGINS at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester onn 11th May 1813]

22 - 03 July 1814 - John son of Robert & Mary Ann RANDALL baptised Pease Lane in this parish; a labourer; Rev Henry John Richman Rector

23 - 31 July 1814 - Elizabeth daughter of Richard & Mary FUDGE baptised Pease Lane in this parish; a butcher; Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Note 4th known child from the marriage of Richard FUDGE to Mary LEGG at Broadwey Dorset on 09 Dec 1807]

24 - 02 Sep 1814 - Alfred son of John & Sarah KEATS baptised South Street in the Parish of St Peters in this town; a cordwainer, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

25 - 23 Oct 1814 - Martha daughter of Isaac & Mary PRESTON baptised Shire Hall lane in this parish a Private in the 12th Regiment of Light Dragoons; Rev Henry John Richman Rector

26 - 25 Oct 1814 - Francis son of James & Ann MILLS baptised West Street in this parish; a cordwainer, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

27 - 04 Dec 1814 - Hannah daughter of Thomas & Hannah RAYNOLD [REYNOLD] baptised South Street in the Parish of St Peters in this town, Mill Wright, Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Thomas Rolls RAYNOLD to Hannah CURTIS in the parish of Preston and Sutton Poyntz on 12 Aug 1800]

28 - 25 Dec 1814 - Rebecca daughter of William & Rebecca DAVIS baptised West Street in the parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester an ironmonger, Edward Eliot Officiating Minister

29 - 30 Dec 1814 - Ann daughter of William & Frances CURME baptised Glyde Path Hill a bricklayer, Rev J.O.Zillwood Officiating Minister


30 - 03 Jan 1815 - John son of William & Ann GARLAND baptised West Street parish of Holy Trinity dorchester; a grocer; Rev. J.O.Zillwood Officiating Minister

31 - 04 Jan 1815 - James William son of James & Mary DAWE baptised Glyde Path Hill in this parish a gardener; Rev Henry John Richman Rector

32 - 11 Jan 1815 - James & Hannah son and daughter of Thomas & Rachel HOPKINSON baptised Glyde Path Hill in this parish, a Musician, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

33 - 11 Jan 1815 - Hannah daughter of William & Hannah CLARK baptised Pease lane in this parish; a baker; Rev Henry John Richman Rector

34 - 03 Feb 1815 - Mary Ann daughter of Lucy STEARS baptised West back Street in this parish, a sausage maker, Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester Mch 5 1815 Mary Ann STEARS dau Lucy, widow age 2 of West Back Street]

35 - 24 Mar 1815 - Elizabeth the base born daughter of Martha GROVES baptised The Hospital in St Peters Parish; a servant; Rev Henry John Richman Rector

36 - 29 Mar 1815 - James and Robert sons of James & Christiana RAYNOLD [REYNOLD] baptised West Back street in the parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester; a millwright, Rev F.J.C. Trenow Officiating Minister [Note:- 4th & 5th children from the marriage of James RAYNOLD to at Holy Trinity church in Dorchester to Chritiana CLARK on 17th March 1807 - Robert was buried at Holy Trinity aged 9 months on 6th Dec 1815]

37 - 09 May 1815 - Robert son of Philip & Margaret WINZER baptised Pease Lane in this parish, a tiler, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

38 - 07 Jun 1815 - Mary Ann and Elizabeth daughters of Robert & Elizabeth PUCKETT baptised West Back Street; a tinman; Rev F.J.C. Trenow Officiating Minister

39 - 18 Jun 1815 - John son of William & Elizabeth STEPHENS baptised West Back Street in this parish; a labourer; Rev Henry John Richman Rector

40 - 16 July 1815 - Sarah daughter of Thomas & Mary GARLAND baptised South Back Street in this parish; a Serving Man; Rev Henry John Richman Rector

41 - 30 July 1815 - Elizabeth daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth ARNOLD baptised Perkins Passage in this parish; a Joiner; Rev Henry John Richman Rector[Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester aged 15 weeks 12 Nov 1815]

42 - 12 Aug 1815 - George son of George & Elizabeth WRIGLER [i.e. RIGLER or RIGLAR] baptised Friary Lane in St Peters Parish Dorchester; a butcher; Rev Henry John Richman Rector

    [Note:-George RIGLAR (1783-1839) This is the earliest known record in Dorchester for George RIGLAR a butcher by trade who settled to live in Friary Lane with his wife Elizabeth. Friary Lane runs from North Square to connect to High East Street, although it used to include what later became Friary Hill. By 1821 however they had moved to Pease Lane, (which runs parrallel to High West Street on the Northern side). The same vicar was responsibe for both Holy Trinity and St Peters Churches. Elizabeth RIGLAR (1790-1832) his wife died at the age of 42 being buried at All Saints Church on 4th Nov 1832. Known children of George and Elizabeth RIGLAR are listed below. George RIGLAR then remarried on 14 Dec 1834 to Ann BISHOP at Holy Trinity Church. George was buried at All Saints Church on 2nd August 1839 when his age was given as being 56 years.

    (1). George Riglar (1815-1817) bap HT 12 Aug 1815; Referred to as George Rigler of Friary Hill he was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester although his age is given as being 2 weeks instead of 2 years on 7th Dec 1817

    (2). William Riglar (1819- 1841) bap HT 28 Mar 1819 ; Referred to as William Rigler of Pease Lane he was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 15th Jan 1841 when his age was given as being 24.

    (3). George Riglar Junior (1821-1902) He was baptised at HT Church on 26 Aug 1821 and as a young man aged 20 was a masons apprentice living in South Back Street. He appears to have had only a civil marriage (GRO 1848 2nd qtr Dorchester district Ref 8/149) when he married Keziah (alias Mary) Lock (1829-1908). Kesiah was baptised on 6th Feb 1829 at Alton Pancras in Dorset the daughter of a labourer John Lock (1794-1866) by his wife Mary Ann Marsh Legg. Keziah had an older sister Mary Ann Lock (1824-1919) who also came to Dorchester with Keziah and later married George Host (1814-1870) at All Saints Church on 14th May 1849. In the 1851 Census George aged 29 is referred to as a Plasterer Journeyman and is living in High East Street with his brother-in-law George Host and his family. His wife however was incorrectly recorded as 'Mary' when it should have been 'Keziah' although it gives her correct age of 21 and birth place as Alton (i.e. Alton Pancras). She is again referred to as Mary when their 2nd son William was baptised at All Saints but by the 1861 Census they are living at 3 Greenings Yard All Saints Parish and she is called Keziah again as she was in 1881 in Bell Street again All Saints Parish. By 1891 they have moved again to live on Glyde Path Hill in Holy Trinity Parish. In 1901 now aged 80 they are living in the Whetstone's Almshouse at 15 West Walks.
    George died at the age of 82 being buried at Dorchester Cemetery on 15th Aug 1902. Keziah died at the age of 79 and was also buried at the civic cemetery on 19th March 1908). They had 11 children.

      (3.1). George Riglar (1849-1923 ) - bap HT 01 July 1849 (GRO 2nd qtr 1849 Dorchester Dist George Rigler. Ref 8/58) - aged 12 1861 with parents at Greening Yard; He followed his father's trade of plasterer and married at St George Church in Fordington on 11th Apl 1870 to Sarah Keats FORSE (1849-1923) a 21 year old spinster the daughter of a dealer Joseph Forse.They had 9 children.

      (3.2). Henry William Riglar. (1851-1922) - His birth was registered at the GRO in the 1st qtr 1851, for the district of Dorchester as William Riglar (Ref 8/63). He was baptised however at All Saints Church in Dorchester as Henry William Riglar on 08 Jun 1851. Thereafter he uses either name on a regular basis. By 1871 aged 20 he has been apprenticed to a hairdresser but is still living with his parents at 3 Greenings Yard just off High East Street. Also living in Dorchester is Elizabeth OLD a native of Coombe Keynes a small hamlet 5 miles WSW of Wareham. She is the same age as Henry William and working in Princess Street as a Domestic Servant. At the age of 23, which is probably when he qualified and was able to set his own business, he enters into a Civil marriage during the 3rd qtr of 1874 with Elizabeth OLD at the Wareham Registry Office. By 1881 they are living in North Square with three of their four children and William Henry is succesful enough to be employing another man in his hairdressing business.

      The 1891 Census shows that William Henry Rigar is now running a well established business as a tobacconist at 27 High East street on the corner with Cornhill. His prominent shop can clearly be seen in the postcard above (which dates from 1896) situated in front of the spire of All Saints church further down High East Street. Their 4 children are (3.2.1) Mary Teresa Rigar 1876 (3.2.2.) Edward Albert Riglar 1877 (3.2.3) Alice Maud Riglar 1880 (3.2.4) Albert James Riglar 1888.

      (3.3). Thomas Riglar (1853-1862) - GRO 3rd qtr 1853 Dorchester Dist Thomas Rigar Ref 5a/307; He appears however to have been baptised 2 miles north of Dorchester in the parish church of St Mary's at Charminster on2nd October 1853. buried at the Civic Cemetery; 04 Sep 1862; age 9 years

      (3.4). John James Riglar (1855-1924) - GRO 4th qtr 1855 Dorchester Dist John James Riglar Ref 5a/303 - aged 25 he was still living with his parents but had become a boot and shoe journeyman;

      (3.5). Joseph Riglar (1858-1858 ) bap HT 14th Jan 1858 (GRO 1st qtr 1858 Ref 5a/340) and buried at Civic Cemetery 22nd Jan 1858;

      (3.6). James Riglar (1859-1883) - bap HT 16 Mar 1859 (GRO 3rd qtr 1859 Dorchester Dist James Riglar Ref 5a/350) - aged 22 he was still living with his parents but had become a hairdresser.

      (3.7). Elizabeth Teresa Riglar (1861-1948) - GRO 1st qtr 1861Dorchester Dist Elizabeth Theresa Riglar Ref 5a/337 - aged 2 months 1861 Census; ref to as Elizth aged 10 in 1871;

      (3.8). Mary Ann Legg Riglar (1863 -aft 1911) - GRO 3rd qtr 1863 Dorchester Dist Mary Ann Legg Riglar Ref 5a 336 - referred to as Anne Riglar aged 7 1881 Census;With brother Thomas & his family in Bell St aged 28 in 1891. She married a labourer in Holy Trinity Church Dorchester as Annie Riglar to Alfred William Lane (1855-1922) on 24th Sep 1893. Thry had no children and were living at 39 Glyde Path Hill in 1911.

      (3.9). Thomas Riglar (1865-1947) - GRO 3rd qtr 1865 Dorchester District Thomas Riglar Ref 5a/327 - ref to as Tom Riglar aged 5 1871 Census; aged 15 and a butcher by trade 1881; married Mary Ann DALLEY at All Saints church 18 Mar 1889

      (3.10). Joseph Lock Riglar (1868 - ) - GRO 3rd qtr 1868 Dorchester Dist Joseph Lock Riglar Ref 5a/337 - ref to as Joseph Riglar aged 2 1871 Census; aged 12 1881; He married 31st Oct 1896 to Eliza STAFFORD (born 1863) at Westbury-on-Trym Gloucestershire where they lived and he is described in the 1901 Census as being a Jeweller (Gold) .

      (3.11). Emily Frances Riglar (1870-1961 ) Born on 18th Dec 1870 (See 1939 Census) GRO 1st qtr 1871 Dorchester Dist. Emily Frances Riglar Ref 5a/ 362 - ref to as Emily aged 3 months 1871 Census; aged 10 1881; She married a gardener William [John] DIMMER at All Saints Church on 22 Apr 1889 and by 1901 they were living at 27 High West Street where william was a greengrocers shopkeeper. They moved by 1911 to live in Hampshire at 47 Hartlands Road Fareham and she was still in Fareham at No. 44 Hartland Rd in 1939. She died 1st qtr 1961 at Gosport Hants.

    (4). Thomas Riglar bap St Peters Church in Dorchester on 14th March 1824.

    (5). Elizabeth Riglar bap All Saints Church Dorchester on 17th Dec 1826

    (6). Robert Riglar bap All Saints Church on 29th July 1829

    (7). John Riglar bap All Saints Church on 29th July 1829 ]

43 - 27 Aug 1815 - William the base born son of Dinah HIX a widow baptised West Street in this parish; of no trade; Rev Henry John Richman Rector

44 - 18 Oct 1815 - Charles son of Charles & Edith Brooks COSENS baptised of West street in this parish; a Gentleman; Rev Henry John Richman Rector [A side note in the Register " NOTE: Charles COSENS son of Charles COSENS & Edith Brooks his wife was born February the first 1815 and privately baptised the seventh of February 1815 by the Rev Trenow the above is a true copy taken from a family bible in the posession of the above Mr. Charles COSENS and delivered for inspection to the Revd Mr Richman Rector of Holy trinity Dorchester witness my hand H.J.Richman. Link to Charles COSENS and Harriett's marriage in 1839]

45 - 20 Oct 1815 - Jane daughter of James & Elizabeth SIBLEY baptised West Street in this parish; a baker; Rev Henry John Richman Rector

46 - 25 Oct 1815 - Frances daughter of Stephen & Elizabeth VATCHER baptised Pease Lane in this parish a cordwainer; Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Note:- Frances later married in London St Mary's Whitechapel on 28th March 1850 to James Russell a coachman. They returned to Dorchester where james & Frances ran the half moon in North Square. Her husband James Richard Russell died in 1868 leaving a will]

47 - 22 Nov 1815 - William son of Matthew & Sarah PARKER baptised West Walk in this parish; a labourer; Rev Henry John Richman Rector

48 - 22 Dec 1815 - Charles son of William & Elizabeth HOUNSELL baptised Glydepath Hill in this parish; [blank] Rev John Palmer Officiating Minister

49 - 31 Dec 1815 - Charles base born son of Margaret WELLMAN baptised Pease Lane in this parish; supposed serving woman; Rev Henry John Richman Rector


50 - 10 Jan 1816 - William son of James & Deborah ROGERS baptised abode West Back street in this parish, a labourer, Rev FJC Trenow Officiating Minister

51 - 17 Jan 1816 - John son of John & Ann LEGG baptised abode South Back street, a labourer, Rev FJC Trenow Officiating Minister [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 22 Feb 1816 aged 8 weeks]

52 - 07 Feb 1816 - Richard and Elizabeth son and daughter of William Fowel & Elizabeth GALE otherwise GEALL (sic) baptised, abode West Street in this parish, a cutler, Rev FJC Trenow Officiating Minister

53 - 11 Feb 1816 - Sarah daughter of Joseph & Sarah AMOR baptised abode South Street in St Peters Parish, a tinplate worker, Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Note:- 3rd of 10 children from the marriage of Joseph AMOR to Sarah HIRON at St Mary's Church Frampton on 2nd Mar 1812]

54 - 07 Apr 1816 - Mary daughter of William & Frances CURME baptised, Glyde Path Hill in this parish, a bricklayer, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

55 - 21 Apr 1816 - Susanna daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth LOCK baptised, abode near the Bull Stake St Peters Parish in this town, a butcher, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

56 - 25 Apr 1816 - Mary Ann daughter of George & Susanna HIGGINS baptised Glyde Path Hill in this parish, a sadler, Rev FJC Trenow Officiating Minister [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Susannah LAKE to George HIGGINS at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester onn 11th May 1813]

57 - 08 May 1816 - Joseph Pook and Edwin sons of Charles & Mary SHEPPARD baptised,Corn Hill Parish of St Peters, a Chemist,, Rev FJC Trenow Officiating Minister [Note:- Burial June 19 1817 Holy Trinity Dorchester – Edwin SHEPPARD son Charles & Mary age 14m of Corn Hill, Dorch. St. Peter ]

58 - 02 Jun 1816 - Barbara daughter of George & Mary VINCENT baptised, abode Hollis Frome in this parish, a serving man, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

59 - 16 Jun 1816 - Samuel son of Samuel & Ann BRINE baptised, abode south Street Parish of St Peters, a cordwainer, Rev John Palmer Officiating Minister

60 - 30 Jun 1816 - Francis son of Edward & Mary LESTER baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane in this parish, a bricklayer, Rev John Palmer Officiating Minister

61 - 09 Aug 1816 - Susanna daughter of John & Mary MASTERS baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish, a carpenter, Rev. FJC Trenow Officiating Minister

62 - 08 Sep 1816 - Philis daughter of Henry & Mary WEY baptised, abode Glyde Pathb Hill in this parish, a labourer, Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 8th Dec 1816 aged 3 months]

63 - 22 Sep 1816 - John and Elizabeth son and daughter of John & Elizabeth WHITE baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish, a cabinet Maker, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

64 - 22 Sep 1816 - John son of Thomas & Ann BUNN baptised, abode County Prison St Peters Parish, a servant, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

67 - 09 Oct 1816 - George Frederic son of James & Ann MILLS baptised, abode West Street in this parish, a cordwainer, Rev. FJC Trenow Officiating Minister [Note:- Out of date order in original]

65 - 24 Oct 1816 - Jane daughter of Mr. Christopher & Jane ARDEN baptised, abode West Street in this parish, a surgeon, [Note:- See Arden Family Biography]

66 [Blank]

68 - 03 Nov 1816 - Elizabeth daughter of George & Margaret BROWN baptised abode West Back Street in this parish, a labourer, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

69 - 27 Nov 1816 - David son of John & Ann LEGG baptised abode Thoroughfare in this parish, a labourer, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

70 - 29 Nov 1816 - Martha daughter of John & Catharine KEATS baptised abode South Street St Peters Parish, a cordwainer, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

71 - 19 Dec 1816 - James Walter son of Thomas & Ann LESTER baptised abode shire Hall alne in this parish, a bricklayer, Rev FJC Trenow Officiating Minister

72 - 28 Dec 1816 - Eliza daughter of William & Rebecca DAVIS baptised abode West Street in this parish, an ironmonger, Rev Henry John Richman Rector


73 - 08 Jan 1817 - Jane daughter of George & Elizabeth HARDY baptised, abode South Street Parish of St Peters, a taylor, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

74 - 08 Jan 1817 - Richard Charles son of Richard & Mary FUDGE baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish, a butcher, Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Note 5th known child from the marriage of Richard FUDGE to Mary LEGG at Broadwey Dorset on 09 Dec 1807 - Buried All Saints Dorchester aged 10 months 10th March 1817]

75 - 07 Feb 1817 - Mary Ann daughter of James & Ann FORSTER baptised, abode South Back Street in this parish, a serving man, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

76 - 26 Mar 1817 - Ann daughter of Alelmone & Deborah GRANT baptised, abode South Back street, a serving man, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

77 - 06 Apr 1817 - Ann daughter of William & Sarah DENNET baptised abode Cokers Frome in this parish, a serving man, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

78 - 02 May 1817 - Elizabeth Lydia daughter of John & Jane LUCAS baptised, abode South Street Parish of St Peters, a taylor, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

79 - 04 May 1817 - John son of William & Ann TRICKEY baptised, abode West Back Street, a wool comber, Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester aged 15 months 8th July 1818]

80 - 18 May 1817 - Elizabeth daughter of John & Mary MARSH baptised, abode Cokers Frome in this parish, a dairyman, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

81 - 29 May 1817 - Charles the natural son of Elizabeth DAWE baptised, abode Glyde Path Hill a serving woman, Rev FJC Trenow Officiating Minister

82 - 01 Jun 1817 - Jane daughter of Thomas & Mary GARLAND baptised, abode South Back Street in this parish, a serving man, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

83 - 29 Jun 1817 - Mary Ann daughter of James & Eleanor TARR baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane in this parish, a joiner, Rev FJC Trenow Officiating Minister [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of James TARR to Eleanor WHITE at Tincleton in Dorset on 27th Dec 1813]

84 - 30 July 1817 - Sarah daughter of Joseph & Sarah AMOR baptised, abode South Back Street Parish of St Peters, a tinman, Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Note:- 4th of 10 children from the marriage of Joseph AMOR to Sarah HIRON at St Mary's Church Frampton on 2nd Mar 1812]

85 - 07 Sep 1817 - William son of Robert & Mary CLARK baptised abode Glyde Path Hill in this parish, a Mason, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

86 - 05 Oct 1817 - John Henry son of Henry & Sarah LAKE baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish, a Joiner, Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Note:- 1st child from the marriuage of Henry Lake (1786-1871) to Sarah ROBERTS at Holy Trinity Chyurch Dorchester on 22nd Aug 1816]

87 - 19 Oct 1817 - Frances daughter of Elizabeth FOX baptised abode Friary Lane St Peters Parish, a serving woman, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

88 - 16 Nov 1817 - George Edward son of William Wilkins & Mary HARRIS baptised, abode Frome Whitfield part of this parish, a labourer, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

89 - 28 Nov 1817 - Mary daughter of George & Catherine LESTER baptised, abode The Hospital in St Peters Parish, a labourer, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

90 - 14 Dec 1817 - Sarah daughter of Richard & Mary FUDGE baptised, abode, Pease Lane in this parish, a butcher, Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Note 6th known child from the marriage of Richard FUDGE to Mary LEGG at Broadwey Dorset on 09 Dec 1807]

91 - 14 Dec 1817 - Charlotte daughter of Philip & Margaret WINSER baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish, a tyler, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

92 - 28 Dec 1817 - Rebecca Andrews base born daughter of Jane FOX baptised, abode South Back Street in this parish, a serving woman, Rev Henry John Richman Rector


93 - 10 Feb 1818 - William and Frances Ann son and daughter of William & Ann GARLAND baptised, abode West Street in this parish, a grocer, Rev Henry John Richman Rector

94 - 25 Mar 1818 - Thomas James son of James & Sarah FOX baptised, abode Friary Hill Parish of St Peters, a cordwainer, Rev. FJ Trenow Officiating Minister

95 - 26 Apr 1818 - George son of George & Mary VINCENT baptised, abode Hollis Frome belonging to this parish, a serving man, , Rev Henry John Richman Rector

96 - 05 Jun 1818 - Jane daughter of Samuel & Ann BRINE baptised, abode South Street Parish of St Peters, a cordwainer, Rev. FJ Trenow Officiating Minister

97 - 10 Jun 1818 - Mellany Sarah daughter of Henry & Melany HILL baptised, abode Cornhill in the parish of St Peters, a Lieutenant and Adjutant 1st Regiment Dragoon Guards, Rev. FJ Trenow Officiating Minister

98 - 19 Jun 1818 - Christiana and Mary Ann daughters of James & Christiana RAYNOLD [REYNOLD] baptised, abode West Back Street in this parish, a Millwright, Rev. FJ Trenow Officiating Minister [Note:- 7th & 6th children from the marriage of James RAYNOLD to at Holy Trinity church in Dorchester to Chritiana CLARK on 17th March 1807 Note:- Christiana Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester Sept 15 1819 – Christian RAYNOLD dau James & Christian age 1y 9m of W. Back Street - Note:- Mary Ann Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester June 18 1818 – Mary Ann RAYNOLD dau James & Christian age 3y 3m of W. Back Street]

99 - 19 July 1818 - John son of Matthew & Sarah PARKER baptised, abode West Back Street in this parish, a labourer, , Rev Henry John Richman Rector

100 - 19 July 1818 - Elizabeth wright daughter of Edward & Sarah LOCKETT baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish, a labourer, , Rev Henry John Richman Rector

101 - 02 Aug 1818 - George son of Joseph & Ann SPENCER baptised, abode Coker's Froome in this parish, a labourer, by Rev John Palmer Officiating Minister

102 - 26 Aug 1818 - John son of John & Ann LEGG baptised, abode South Back Street Parish of St Peters, a serving man, Ref, FJC Trenow Officiating Minister

103 - 22 Sep 1818 - George son of Christopher & Jane ARDEN baptised, abode West Street in this parish, a Surgeon,, Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Note:- See Arden Family Biography]

104 - 30 Sep 1818 - John Robert son of William & Frances CURME baptised, abode Glyde Path Hill in this parish, a bricklayer, , Rev Henry John Richman Rector

105 - 11 Oct 1818 - Elizabeth daughter of William & Elizabeth TREVES baptised, abode Cornhill in St Peters Parish, a cabinet maker, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Note:- 8th child from the marriage of William TREVES to Elizabeth GREENING at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 10th Oct 1776]

106 - 25 Oct 1818 - Henry Samuel son of James & Ann MILLS baptised, abode West street in this parish, a cordwainer, by Rev. Edward Lovell Officiating Minister

107 - 20 Dec 1818 - Charles William son of George & Ann FRAMPTON baptised, abode West Street in this parish, a Stationer, by Rev. Edward Lovell Officiating Minister [side line entry " The parents said this child was born Aug 28 1814]

108 - 20 Nov 1818 - Decimus Nelson son of George & Ann FRAMPTON baptised, abode West Street in this parish, a Stationer, by Rev. Edward Lovell Officiating Minister [side line entry " The parents said this child was born July 25th 1816]

109 [Blank]

110 - 31 Dec 1818 - James Ward son of Thomas & Mary ELLIS baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane in this parish, a blacksmith, by Rev John Palmer Officiating Minister [side line entry 2this should have been entered in 109 J Palmer OM]


111 - 01 Jan 1819 - Charles son of William & Rebecca KERLEY baptised, abode South Back Street in this parish, a blacksmith, by Rev John Palmer Officiating Minister [Note:- Charles later married Helen Emma ANDREWS at St Peters Dorchester 21 May 1846]

112 - 05 Mar 1819 - John Robert son of Henry & Eleanor FOX baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish, a labourer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 22 June 1819 aged 5 months]

113 - 05 Mar 1819 - Emma daughter of William & Mary JONES baptised, abode near the Bull Stake in St peters Parish, a cabinet Maker, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector

114 - 10 Mar 1819 - Susan daughter of George & Susannah HIGGINS baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish, a an Officer of Excise, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Susannah LAKE to George HIGGINS at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester onn 11th May 1813]

115 - 28 Mar 1819 - William son of George & Elizabeth RIGLER [RIGLAR] baptised, abode Friary Hill in St Peters Parish, a butcher, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Note:- 2nd known child of George and Elizabeth RIGLAR].

116 - 02 Apr 1819 - William Philip Helston son of William & Anna LOVELESS baptised, abode South Street Parish of St Peters, a Joiner, Rev. FJ Trenow Officiating Minister

117 - 14 May 1819 - Ann daughter of George & Ann NORRIS baptised, abode South Back street in this parish, a Labourer, Rev. FJ Trenow Officiating Minister

118 - 29 May 1819 - John son of Benjamin & Ann PAUL baptised, abode West Back Street in this parish, a cordwainer Rev. FJ Trenow Officiating Minister [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 1st March 1820 aged 10 months]

119 - 20 Jun 1819 - Jane [baseborn] daughter of Sarah ANDREWS baptised, abode Hospital in St peters Parish, [Blank] by Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Buried Holy Trinity 22 Dec 1819 aged 1]

120 - 20 Jun 1819 - Jane daughter of George & Elizabeth DAVIES baptised, abode Hospital in St peters Parish, a labourer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector

121 - 02 July 1819 - Mary daughter of James & Elizabeth HUTCHINS baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish, a basket maker, by Rev. Robert Shittler Officiating Minister

122 - 23 July 1819 - George son of Charles & Elizabeth CURTIS baptised, abode Durngate Street in St Peters Parish, a barber, by Rev. John Palmer Officiating Minister

123 - 01 Aug 1819 - Robert base born son of Ann PURCHASE baptised, abode The Hospital in St Peters Parish in this town, a serving woman, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector

    [ Note:- Link to Churchwarden Account for All Saints Parish Dorchester Image 476 which shows that James SCARD was arrested for Bastardy 29th March 1821 Follow link for more information including a physical description of James Scard]

124 - 20 Aug 1819 - Amelia daughter of James & Elizabeth HANN baptised, abode Friary in the Parish of St Peters, a carpenter, by Rev. John Palmer Officiating Minister

125 - 10 Sep 1819 - John Thomas son of Thomas & Ann FOYLE baptised, abode South Back street Parish of St Peters, a serving man, by Rev John Palmer Officiating Minister

126 - 07 Nov 1819 - Eliza Ann daughter of George & Mary GREEN baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish, a Taylor, by Rev. Francis Oakley Officiating Minister

127 - 07 Nov 1819 - Rebecca daughter of Joseph & Sarah AMOR baptised, abode South Street in the parish of St Peters in Dorchester in which parish the child was born, a tinman, by Rev Francis Oakley Officating Minister [Note:- 5th of 10 children from the marriage of Joseph AMOR to Sarah HIRON at St Mary's Church Frampton on 2nd Mar 1812]

128 - 07 Nov 1819 - Charlotte daughter of Philip & Ann HARDY baptised, abode Glyde Path Hill in this parish, a carrier, by Rev Francis Oakley Officating Minister

129 - 27 Dec 1819 - Mary Ann daughter of Thomas & Jane JONES baptised abode Thoroughfare in this parish, a taylor, by Rev Francis Oakley Officating Minister


130 - 13 Jan 1820 - Robert son of Mr. Charles & Mrs. Edith Brooks COSENS was born April 22nd 1817 Privately baptised by Rev Henry John Richman Rector May 14th 1817 abode High West Street in this parish, a Gentleman, Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Note:- Charles COZENS married Edith Brooks WISE in St James church Poole Dorset on 6th June 1812]

131 - 13 Jan 1820 - Frederick son of Mr Charles & Mrs Edith Brooks COSENS born Nov 11th 1819 Privately baptised by Rev Henry John Richman Rector 25th Nov 1819 abode High West Street in this parish, a Gentleman, Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

134 - 16 Feb 1820 - William son of William & Mary SIBLEY?, abode West Walks in this parish, a cordwainer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Note:- out of date order in original register]

135 - 27 Feb 1820 - Henry Notley son of Thomas & Ann LESTER baptised, abode West back Street in this parish, a labourer,by Rev Henry John Richman Rector [Note:- out of date order in original register]

132 - 01 Mar 1820 - John James son of Henry & Eleanor FOX baptised abode Pease Lane in this parish, a cordwainer, by Rev. Francis Oakley Officiating Minister [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 16 July 1820 aged 5 months ]

133 - 23 Mar 1820 - James and Elizabeth son and daughter of James & Elizabeth SIBLEY baptised, abode West Street in this parish, a baker, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

136 - 25 Apr 1820 - Jeffery son of Robert & Jane RUSSELL baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish a cordwainer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

137 - 12 May 1820 - Thomas son of Thomas & Sarah CARTER baptised, abode South Street in St peters Parish, a carpenter, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

138 - 16 May 1820 - Thomas son of William & Rebecca DAVIS baptised, abode West Street in this parish, an ironmonger, FJC Trenow Officiating Minister

139 - 14 Jun 1820 - Susannah daughter of Joseph & Mary HOLT baptised abode Pease Lane in this parish, a plaisterer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

140 - 18 Jun 1820 - Maria daughter of James & Mary LESTER baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane in this parish, a brazier, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

141 - 25 Jun 1820 - George son of Joseph & Ann WHETHAM baptised, abode, South Back Street in this parish, a carpenter, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

142 - 02 July 1820 - Eliza daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth ARNOLD baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane in this parish a carpenter, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

143 - 16 July 1820 - John son of John & Honor PARSONS baptised, abode West Back street in this parish, a chaise driver, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

144 - 30 July 1820 - Elizabeth and Mary daughters of John & Mary WOOD baptised, abode West Street in this parish, a brazier, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

145 - 13 Aug 1820 - Mary Ann daughter of Robert & Ann LEGG baptised, abode West Back Street in this parish, a chaise driver, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

146 - 10 Oct 1820 - William and Ann son and daughter of James & Susanna BARGE baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish, a taylor, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

147 - 10 Oct 1820 - Samuel son of Benjamin & Sebriner or Sabrina (sic) REEVES baptised, abode Glyde path hill in this parish, a labourer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

148 - 11 Oct 1820 - Mary Ann daughter of William & Jemima FOOKS baptised, abode West Back street in this parish, a Chaise Driver, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector. [Note:- 1st child from the mariage of William FOOKS to Jemima ARNOLD at St Peter's church on 21st Nov 1819]

149 - 22 Oct 1820 - Jane daughter of Benjamin & Hannah RIGGS baptised abode Glyde Path Hill, a labourer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

150 - 12 Dec 1820 - Henry Albon son of Christopher & Jane ARDEN baptised, abode West Street in this parish, a surgeon, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector. [Note:- See Arden Family Biography]

151 - 28 Dec 1820 - Eliza, Mary Ann, and Jane daughters of Melmer & Mary DUFALL baptised, abode Friary Lane in St Peters Parish, a serving man, Rev. Francis Oakley Officiating Minister, [Note Melmer DEWFOL & Mary NORTHCOTT married in All Saints church Dorchester on 23 April 1799 - 2 children Bap 1800 All Saints]

152 - 29 Dec 1820 - Charles William son of Thomas & Ann DUFALL baptised, abode West Back street, a serving man, Rev. Francis Oakley Officiating Minister


153 - 05 Jan 1821 - George Henry son of Robert & Elizabeth SPRANKLAN baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish, a carpenter, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector. [Note:- 1st child from marriage of Robert SPRANKLIN to Elizabeth LAKE at Holy Trinity Church on 19th May 1814]

154 - 28 Jan 1821 - Elizabeth daughter of William & Frances CURME baptised, abode Collyton Row in this parish, a bricklayer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

155 - 06 Mar 1821 - Mary Ann daughter of James & Susan TREW baptised, abode West Back St in this parish, officer of excise, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

156 - 11 Mar 1821 - Mary daughter of George & Mary VINCENT baptised, abode Holles Frome in this parish, a servant, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

157 - 18 Mar 1821 - Charles Benjamin son of George & Mary GREEN baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish, a taylor, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

158 - 11 Apr 1821 - Jane daughter of Thomas & Sarah CARTER baptised, abode South St in St Peter's parish, a carpenter, Rev John Palmer Officiating Minister

159 - 13 May 1821 - Elizabeth Ann daughter of Philip & Margaret WINZOR baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish, a plaisterer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

160 - 13 May 1821 - Mary daughter James and John sons of John & Sarah POUNCEY or POUNCY (sic) baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish, a cordwainer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

    [Note:- Mary buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 27th March 1822 aged 5 years - John buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 31st March 1822 aged 1 year ]

161 - 16 May 1821 - John James son and Ann daughter of John & Jane LUCAS baptised, abode South Street in St Peters Parish, a taylor, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

162 - 03 Jun 1821 - Lancelot son of Tregonwell & Mary ROPER baptised, abode Back West St in this parish, a sawyer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

    [Note:- A Lancelot Roper who says he was born in Dorchester on 23rd Oct 1819 and gives his birth place as Dorchester volunteered as a seaman 1st Dec 1853 Service number 60010, his service record is at the National Archives Ref ADM 139/61]

163 - 15 July 1821 - George Cheeseman son of William & Susan APPLIN baptised, abode Hospital in St Peters Parish, a pauper, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

164 - 03 Aug 1821 - Mary Catharine daughter of James & Ann MILLS baptised, abode High West Street in this parish, a cordwainer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

165 - 09 Aug 1821 - Edmond son of William & Mary KERLY baptised, abode Back South St in this parish, a blacksmith, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

166 - 12 Aug 1821 - Eliza baseborn daughter of Jane RENDALL baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane in this parish, a serving woman, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

167 - 12 Aug 1821 - James son of John & Jemima GARLAND baptised, abode Cokers Frome in this parish, a labourer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

168 - 26 Aug 1821 - George son of George & Elizabeth RIGLER [RIGLAR] baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish, a butcher, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector. [Note:- 3rd known child of George and Elizabeth RIGLAR].

169 - 31 Aug 1821 - Richard son of Robert & Elizabeth SPRANKLAN baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish, a carpenter, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector. [Note:- 2nd child from marriage of Robert SPRANKLIN to Elizabeth LAKE at Holy Trinity Church on 19th May 1814]

170 - 16 Sep 1821 - Frederick son of Edward & Mary LESTER baptised, abode Glyde path Hill in this parish, a stone mason, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

171 - 10 Oct 1821 - Emma Louisa daughter of John & Mary WHITE baptised, abode South Street in St Peter's parish, a plaisterer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

172 - 02 Dec 1821 - Eliza Maria and Frances Ann daughters of James & Susan MARTIN baptised, abode Back West St in this parish, a carpenter, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.


173 - 16 Jan 1822 - John son of John & Susannah FIPPARD baptised, abode South St in St Peters Parish, a gardener, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

174 - 23 Jan 1822 - Nancy Hunt baseborn daughter of Lucy STEERS baptised, abode Back West St in this parish, a washer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector. [Note:- HUNT may be the surname of the father?]

175 - 23 Jan 1822 - Louisa Jane daughter of Matthew & Sarah PARKER baptised, abode Back West St in this parish, a labourer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

176 - 17 Feb 1822 - Mary Ann daughter of William & Elizabeth GILL baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane in this parish, a cordwainer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

177 - 17 Feb 1822 - Elizabeth, Edwin, Mary Amelia, son and daughters of of Charles & Mary SHEPPARD baptised, abode Cornhill in St Peters Parish, a druggist, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

    Note:- Side line entry in original entry " Elizabeth was said to be aged 4 years and Edwin two years". Edwin is the 2nd child of that name -1st bap 8th May 1816 is buried aged 14 months on 19th June 1817 & recorded as 'of St Peters' - This Edwin appears to have died and been buried St Peters Dorchester 23rd July 1824 aged 4 years

178 - 03 Mar 1822 - William son of George & Elizabeth DAVIS baptised, abode Frome Whitfield in this parish, a labourer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector. [Note:- See comments for William DAVIS Soldier 1036 who enlisted into 2nd battalion 60th Regiment of Rifles which may be him]

179 - 13 Nov 1822 - Richard George and Emily son and daughter of Richard & Mary FUDGE baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish, a butcher, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

    [Note:- Richard George FUDGE was born at Dorchester in Dorset on 5th August 1819 and baptised here at Holy Trinity Church with his younger sister. They were the 7th and 8th children from the marriage of Richard FUDGE (1773-1828) to Mary LEGG at Broadwey in Dorset on 09 Dec 1807. Richard became a Seaman as a boy of 13 joining the 145 ton "Thetis" carrying coal out of the port of Weymouth. The following year he joined the 340 ton "Kitty" belonging to the port of London and served in the "South seas" until 1835. He then joined as a Seaman the 320 ton "Clarence" also of the port of London for a year before joining the "420 ton "Merope" belonging to Hobart Town carrying cattle. 1837 saw him joining the 360 ton "Lindsays" as a 2nd mate again carrying cattle. In 1838 he joined the 280 ton Whaling ship "Cheriott" until 1840 when he became mate on the 180 ton "Marianne" conducting foreign trade. In 1841 he joined the 145 ton "Rapid" a coastal coal carrier as Master a position he held until 1845. In 1846 he joined the 97 ton "Sarah" as Master serving throughout the Meditteranean until he was finally awarded his Masters Certificate (39389) at Poole on 20th Feb 1851 when he said he had been serving in coastal and Foreign Trade for 19 years.]

180 - 25 Dec 1822 - Ann Jane daughter of Tregonwell & Mary ROPER baptised, abode Back West St in this parish, a Sawyer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

1823 [NOTE:- Side Line Entry in Original Register "The old church was taken down and rebuilt during the years 1823 and 1824"]

181 - 22 Jun 1823 - James son of James & Hannah GREEN baptised, abode Cokers Frome in this parish, a labourer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

182 - 14 Sep 1823 - Mary daughter of Thomas & Esther DAY baptised, abode Frome Whitfield in this parish, a blacksmith, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

183 - 21 Sep 1823 - John son of Robert & Mary GROVES baptised, abode Frome Whitfield in this parish, a labourer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

184 - 12 Oct 1823 - James son of William & Mary BARGE baptised, abode Back West St in this parish, a taylor, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

185 - 21 Dec 1823 - Thomas Oliver son of Thomas & Sophia STROUD baptised, South Back St in this parish, a writer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

186 - 21 Dec 1823 - James son of George & Mary VINCENT baptised, abode Frome Whitfield in this parish, husbandman, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.


187 - 04 Jan 1824 - Mary Ann Baker daughter of Charles & Rhoda DUFALL baptised, abode West St in this parish, a china man - by Rev Henry John Richman Rector. [See Comments about the family of Charles DUFALL (1800-1871) alias John DEWFOL]

188 - 11 Jan 1824 - Sarah daughter of James & Deborah ROGERS baptised, abode Back West St in this parish, a serving man, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

189 - 13 Jan 1824 - Mary daughter of William & Mary KERLEY baptised, abode South Back St in this parish, a smith, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

190 - 22 Jan 1824 - Robert son of Richard & Mary FUDGE baptised, abode Pease Lane in this parish, a butcher, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector. [Note 9th known child from the marriage of Richard FUDGE to Mary LEGG at Broadwey Dorset on 09 Dec 1807

191 - 11 Mar 1824 - Morgan son of Mr. Morgan & Mary YEATMAN baptised, abode High West St in this parish, a merchant, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector. [Note:- side line entry "born November 7 1823]

192 - 14 Mar 1824 - Matthew and William sons of Robert & Hannah POUNCY baptised, abode South Back St, a plaisterer and bricklayer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector. [Note;- 7th and 8th children from the marriage of Robert POUNCY to Hannah PARSONS at HT Church Dorchester on 20th July 1802]

193 - 28 Mar 1824 - Edith Louisa daughter of James & Elizabeth HARRIS baptised, abode High West St, a Yeoman, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

194 - 18 Apr 1824 - William son of William & Elizabeth LESTER baptised, abode Pease Lane, a servant, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

195 - 24 Jun 1824 - William son of John & Jane IRONSIDE baptised, abode Pease Lane, a cordwainer, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

196 - 08 Aug 1824 - George Henry son of Henry & Elizabeth Ann GOULD baptised, abode Pease Lane, a gardener, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.[Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 19 Aug 1824]

197 - 05 Sep 1824 - William and Henry sons of William & Elizabeth DAVIS baptised, abode Shire Hall lane, a cabinet maker, Rev Francis Oakley Officiating Minister

198 - 05 Sep 1824 - Emma daughter of Philip & Margaret WINZAR baptised, abode Pease Lane, a plasterer, Rev Francis Oakley Officiating Minister

199 - 19 Sep 1824 - John and Mary Anne son and daughter of John & Mary KERLEY baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane, a blacksmith, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

200 - 31 Oct 1824 - Julia Elizabeth daughter of William & Jane TRENCHARD baptised, abode South back St, a carpenter, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

NOTE:- In the original Register:- Baptisms omitted during the incumbancy of the late Rev Henry John Richman

    Jane Frances daughter of Robert & Jane PATTISON Banker? High West Street "born April 29 privately baptised May 11 1817" by HJ Richman Rector

    Caroline Matilda daughter of Charles and Charlotte HENNING attorney High West Street born Oct 20th privately baptised Oct 24th 1823 by HJ Richman Rector

    NB This memorandum entered? May 26 By Rev George WOOD Rector of this parish No. 269 Page 34

201 - 31 Oct 1824 - Lemon son of James & Elizabeth LESTER baptised, abode Pease Lane, a brazier, by Rev Henry John Richman Rector.

202 - 21 Nov 1824 - Henry son of Benjamin & Sabrina REEVES baptised, abode Glyde Path Hill, a labourer, Rev John Gould Officiating Minister

203 - 19 Dec 1824 - William baseborn son of Charlotte TOWNSHEND baptised, abode West Back St, [occupation blank] by Rev George Wood Chaplain to the County Gaol and Officiating Minister

204 - 25 Dec 1824 - Eliza daughter of Abraham & Bathsheba SCRIVEN baptised, abode Pease Lane, a bricklayer, by Rev Francis Oakley Officiating Minister [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 6th Nov 1826 aged 18 months]

205 - 26 Dec 1824 - George Evomy son of Henry & Sarah LAKE baptised, abode Pease Lane, a carpenter, by Rev George Wood Officiating Minister [Note:- 4th child from the marriuage of Henry Lake (1786-1871) to Sarah ROBERTS at Holy Trinity Chyurch Dorchester on 22nd Aug 1816]


206 - 07 Jan 1825 - John James son of Thomas & Sarah CARTER baptised, abode South Back St, a carpenter, by Rev George Wood Officiating Minister

207 - 06 Feb 1825 - Emily daughter of William & Bathia ANDREWS baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane, a Footman, Rev George Wood Rector

208 - 27 Feb 1825 - Francis son of Robert & Elizabeth RANDAL baptised, abode Pease Lane, a Lbourer, Rev George Wood Rector

209 - 25 Mar 1825 - Thomas son of Samuel & Ann HODGES baptised, abode Glyde Path Hill, a Printer, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 3rd Nov 1826 aged 18 months]

210 - 16 Apr 1825 - Louisa base born daughter of Frances BROWN baptised, Freke's Alley West Back Street, [occupation blank] Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- See vestry minutes 7th Aug 1825]

211 - 25 Apr 1825 - George son of William & Mary KERLEY baptised, abode South Back St, a Farrier, Rev George Wood Rector

212 - 01 May 1825 - Joseph son of Edward & Ann LEG baptised, abode South Back St, a Gardener, Rev George Wood Rector

213 - 18 May 1825 - George son of John & Elizabeth SHUTER baptised, abode Miller's Alley High West St, a Labourer, Rev George Wood Rector

214 - 24 May 1825 - Elenor daughter of Robert & Jane RUMSEY baptised, abode Pease Lane, a Plaisterer and Bricklayer, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- Robert RUMSEY is the 6th child from the marriage of Robert RUMSEY to sarah Gray at Holy trinity Church on 8th June 1780 and married to jane BURT at Upwey on 5th July 1824]

215 - 05 Jun 1825 - Nehemiah son of Nehemiah & Elizabeth YOUNG baptised, abode Colliton Row, a porter, Rev George Wood Rector

216 - 12 Jun 1825 - Francis Richard son of Charles & Elizabeth CURTIS baptised, abode Durngate St in the parish of St Peter's, a barber, Rev George Wood Rector

217 - 24 Jun 1825 - John Henry son of John & Hannah PARSONS baptised, abode West Back St, a coachman, 24 Jun 1825 - Rev George Wood Rector

218 - 24 Jun 1825 - Mary Ann daughter of Thomas & Ann DUFALL baptised, abode West Back St, an ostler, Rev George Wood Rector

219 - 27 Jun 1825 - Louisa base born daughter of Maria DUFALL baptised, abode High Street with her parent Matthew and Mary DUFALL of the Royal Oak Inn in this parish, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- baseborn - Louisa buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 02 July 1825]

220 - 28 Jun 1825 - Richard son of Morgan & Mary YEATMAN baptised, abode High St, Merchant & Banker, Rev Middleton Onslow Rector of Bradford Peverell Officiating Minister

221 - 03 July 1825 - Thomas Ball son of Thomas & Mary Ann HOLMES baptised, abode Glyde Path Hill, a painter, Rev George Wood Rector

222 - 03 July 1825 - James Charles son of Thomas & Mary Ann HOLMES baptised, abode Glyde Path Hill, a painter, Rev George Wood Rector

223 - 18 July 1825 - George son of John & Ann ROPER baptised, abode Freke's Alley West Back St, a blacksmith, Rev Thomas Morton Colson Rector of Pilsdon Officiating Minister [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 21st July 1825]

224 - 03 Aug 1825 - Jane daughter of Henry & Elizabeth GOULD, abode Pease Lane, a gardener, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 13th Nov 1825]

225 - 29 Aug 1825 - Mary Sophia daughter of Thomas & Sophia STROUD baptised, abode South Back St, a writer, Rev George Wood Rector

226 - 29 Aug 1825 - Amelia daughter of Charles & Amelia KOILER baptised, abode High Street, Regimental tailorr to the 8th Regiment of Hussars stationed in Fordington Barracks, Rev George Wood Rector

227 - 08 Sep 1825 - Charles George son of George & Lydia GILLINGHAM baptised, abode Cerne Abbas in this County, a cordwainer, Rev George Wood Rector

228 - 08 Sep 1825 - Elizabeth daughter of Thomas & Jane NEWMAN baptised, abode High street, a tailor, Rev George Wood Rector

229 - 12 Sep 1825 - Edward Charles son of William & Mary BARGE baptised, abode Hamilton's Row in the parish of Fordington, a tailor, Rev George Wood Rector

230 - 14 Sep 1825 - Anne daughter of Samuel & Anne BOULTON baptised, abode Pease Lane, Private Soldier in the 2nd Regiment of Dragoon Guards stationed in the Barracks, Rev William Churchill Vicar of Winterborne St Martin

231 - 24 Sep 1825 - William George son of Robert & Harriet MILLER baptised, abode High Street, baker and confectioner, by (illegible)

232 - 02 Oct 1825 - Keturah daughter of Thomas & Sarah PALMER baptised, Libbeth Hill, Boot and Shoe maker, Rev George Wood Rector

233 - 19 Oct 1825 - Dorothea daughter of Joseph & Mary FISHBURNE baptised, abode Barracks in the parish of Fordington, Soldier in the 2nd Regiment of Dragoon Guards, Rev William Gane Officiating Minister

234 - 20 Oct 1825 - Eliza daughter of John & Lucy GOULD baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane, a cairmaker, Rev George Wood Rector

235 - 23 Oct 1825 - Sarah daughter of Tregonwell & Mary ROPER baptised, abode Colliton Row, a sawyer, Rev George Wood Rector

236 - 16 Nov 1825 - Louisa daughter of Abraham & Bathsheba SCRIVER baptised, abode Pease Lane, a mason, Rev George Wood Rector

237 - 16 Nov 1825 - Harriet daughter of William & Mary BOWLES baptised, abode Barracks in the parish of Fordington, Serjeant in the 2nd Regiment of Dragoon Guards, Rev George Wood Rector

238 - 25 Dec 1825 - Arthur son of William & Mary HOUNSELL baptised, abode Colliton Row, a servant, Rev George Wood Rector

239 - 28 Dec 1825 - John William son of William & Rebecca DAVIS baptised, abode High Street, an Ironmonger, Rev Dacre Clemetson Chaplain to the County Gaol Officiating Minister

240 - 28 Dec 1825 - Caroline Susan and Charles John son and daughter of Thomas & Mary ELLIS baptised, Rev George Wood Rector


241 - 01 Jan 1826 - William Thomas son of Thomas & Ann BUNN baptised, abode Hamilton's Row in the Parish of Fordington, late Turnkey to the County Gaol, Rev Dacre Clemetson Chaplain to the County Gaol Officiating Minister

242 - 01 Jan 1826 - Mary daughter of William & Jane WARR baptised, abode hamilton's Row in the parish of Fordington, a cooper, Rev George Wood Rector

243 - 12 Jan 1826 - John base born son of Mary TREVIS baptised, abode Freke's Alley West Back Street, [no occupation given], Rev Dacre Clemetson Chaplain to the County Gaol Officiating Minister

244 - 23 Jan 1826 - William son of Robert & Mary GROVES baptised, abode Frome Whitfield in this parish, a labourer, Rev George Wood Rector

245 - 24 Jan 1826 - Emma Elizabeth daughter of William & Elizabeth LESTER baptised, abode Pease Lane, a servant, Rev George Wood Rector

246 - 30 Jan 1826 - Mary daughter of John & Anne HARDING baptised, abode Frome Whitfield in this parish, a shepherd, Rev George Wood Rector

247 - 01 Feb 1826 - Frederic Charles son of Charles & Charlotte HENNING baptised, abode High Street, Attorny, Rev George Wood Rector

248 - 17 Feb 1826 - William May and Thomas twin born sons of William & Ann LANDER baptised, abode West Back street, a haberdasher shop in St peters Parish, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- Thomas buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 28 Apr 1826]

249 - 29 Mar 1826 - Elizabeth and John children of Joseph & Jane SEAL baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane, a carpenter, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

250 - 23 Apr 1826 - Ellen daughter of James & Mary TIMONEY baptised, abode Pease Lane, a private soldier in the 6th Inniskillin Dragoons stationed at Fordington Barracks, Rev George Wood Rector

251 - 07 May 1826 - Charles son of James & Deborah ROGERS baptised, abode West Back street, a Chaise Driver, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

252 - 12 May 1826 - Elizabeth daughter of James & Elizabeth EDEY baptised, abode Coker's Frome in this parish, a bricklayer, Rev George Wood Rector

253 - 12 May 1826 - Mary Ann daughter of John & Jane IRONSIDE baptised, abode Pease Lane, a shoemaker, Rev George Wood Rector

254 - 31 May 1826 - Thomas son of James & Elizabeth FRAMPTON baptised. abode Pease Lane, a mason, Rev George Wood Rector

255 - 11 Jun 1826 - Mary Elizabeth daughter of William & Mary HAIMES [HAINs?] baptised, abode Yeovil Somerset, a bookbinder, Rev George Wood Rector

256 - 04 July 1826 - Frederic son of George & Sarah BROWN baptised, abode South Back Street, a carpenter, Rev George Wood Rector

257 - 16 July 1826 - Elizabeth daughter of George & Mary VINCENT baptised, abode Frome Hollis in this parish, a labourer, Rev George Wood Rector

258 - 28 July 1826 - James son of Matthew & Sarah PARKER baptised, abode Pease Lane, a labourer, Rev George Wood Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 1st Aug 1826]

259 - 29 July 1826 - John son of John & Catharine BAYLEY [BAILEY] baptised, abode Libbeth Hill, a Cabinet Maker, Rev George Wood Rector

260 - 11 Aug 1826 - Catharine [aged 27 + an illegible indicator] daughter of John & Catherine BAYLEY baptised, abode Libbeth Hill, a Cabinet Maker, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- Recorded elsewhere as aged 2 so may be 27 months?]

261 - 27 Aug 1826 - Charles son of Charles & Ann GREENING baptised, abode West Back street, a Servant, Rev George Wood Rector

262 - 30 Aug 1826 - Julia Westley daughter of Thomas & Sarah PALMER baptised, abode Libbeth Hill, boot and shoe maker, Rev George Wood Rector

263 - 17 Sep 1826 - John Cutler son of John & Joanna GUY baptised, abode Colliston Row, a footman, Rev George Wood Rector

264 - 10 Sep 1826 - Jane daughter of John & Susannah SMITH baptised, abode West Back Street, a Labourer, Rev George Wood Rector

265 - 19 Sep 1826 - Robert son of William & Jemima FOOKS baptised, abode South West Back street, a chaise driver, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 3rd child from the mariage of William FOOKS to Jemima ARNOLD at St Peter's church on 21st Nov 1819 - Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 3rd Dec 1826]

266 - 01 Oct 1826 - William son of Thomas & Ann DUFALL baptised, abode West Back street, an ostler, Rev George Wood Rector

267 - 16 Oct 1826 - Elizabeth daughter of George & Mary Watts CULL baptised, abode West Back Street, Lieutenant in the Navy, Rev George Wood Rector

268 - 25 Oct 1826 - Henry son of Richard & Ann TREVES baptised, abode Pease Lane, a labourer,Rev George Wood Rector [Note entry22nd dec?]

269 - 06 Dec 1826 - Jane Frances daughter of Robert & Jane PATTISON baptised, abode High West Street, a Banker, Rev George Wood Rector [Side line entry in original parish register "No. 269 privately baptised by H.J.Richman deceased vid page 25]

270 - 16 Dec 1826 - James son of William & Mary KERLEY baptised, abode South Back Street, a farrier and whitesmith, Rev George Wood Rector [Buried St Peters Church Dorchester Dec 30th aged 4 days?]

271 - 17 Dec 1826 - John son of Robert & Mary NICOL baptised, abode Fordington Barracks, a Private Soldier in the Inniskillen Dragoons, Rev George Wood Rector

272 - 20 Dec 1826 - Thomas son of George & Margaret ARMSTRONG baptised, abode Fordington Barracks, a Private Soldier in the Inniskillen Dragoons, Rev Dacre Clemetson Chaplain to the County Gaol

273 - 21 Dec 1826 - Maria daughter of Samuel & Ann HODGES baptised, abode West Walks, a printer, Rev George Wood Rector

274 - 22 Dec 1826 - Henry son of Richard & Ann TREVES baptised, abode Pease lane, a labourer, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- side line entry in original parish register " This childs baptism registered before when privately baptised vid No. 268 G.W.]

275 - 25 Dec 1826 - John Charles son of Robert & Harriet MILLER baptised abode High Street, a baker and confectioner, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- Side line entry in original register " This child was three years old and privately baptised by the late Rector vis No. 231 This child there registered is of the same parents and younger than 275, but was registered privately baptised & received into the church with his brother Dec 26th 1826]


276 - 13 Jan 1827 - Richard son of Richard & Barbara CHURCHFIELD baptised, abode Fordington Barracks, a Private Soldier in the Inniskillen Dragoons, Rev George Wood Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dporchester 20 Jan 1827 from Fordington Barracks]

277 - 14 Jan 1827 - Jane Keates daughter of James & Frances HUNT baptised, abode South Street in the parish of St Peter, a shoemaker, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

278 - 18 Jan 1827 - Maria Augusta daughter of Matthew & Eleanor DUFFAL baptised, abode South Back Street, a Chaise Driver, Rev George Wood Rector

279 - 19 Jan 1827 - Thomas son of Thomas & Sarah CARTER baptised, abode South Back Street, a carpenter, Rev George Wood Rector

280 - 25 Jan 1827 - Charles Ernest son of Henry & Sarah LAKE baptised, abode Pease Lane, a carpenter & Joiner, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 5th child from the marriuage of Henry Lake (1786-1871) to Sarah ROBERTS at Holy Trinity Chyurch Dorchester on 22nd Aug 1816]

281 - 12 Feb 1827 - William son of Thomas & Margaret THOMPSON baptised, abode Fordington Barracks, a Private Soldier in the Inniskillen Dragoons, Rev George Wood Rector

282 - 20 Feb 1827 - George son of Samuel & Catherine Caroline McCRACKEN baptised, abode Pease Lane, a Tailor employed by the Master Tailor of the Inniskillen Dragoons, Rev. George Wood Rector

    [Note:- Their son George was buried Holy Trinity Dorchester on 23 Feb 1827 followed by the mother Caroline two days later - almost certainly from the after effects of childbirth as she was only 20 years old. McCracken is not a local name and clearly the family arrived with the Inniskillen Dragoon Guards Regiment]

283 - 25 Feb 1827 - Emma daughter of Thomas & Mary HOLMES baptised, abode Libbeth Hill, Rev. George Wood Rector

284 - 13 May 1827 - George son of Joshua & Catharine BATTEN baptised, abode Cokers Frome (in this parish) a labourer, Rev. George Wood Rector

285 - 16 May 1827 - Charles son of James & Mary CLARK baptised, abode Freke's Passage West Back Street, a bricklayer, Rev. George Wood Rector

286 - 04 Jun 1827 - Marianne base born daughter of Elizabeth CASHER baptised, Freke's Passage West Back street, [no occupation given] Rev. George Wood Rector

    [Note:- Marianne CASHER (1826-1903) is the daughter of Elizabeth CASHER (1804-1837) 3rd child of Edward CASHER (1778-1829) and Mary STILE who married at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 29-Jun 1801. Christened here on 4th June 1827 research by Roy Bowden, a descendant, which includes 6 census returns and her death registration suggests that she was 1 or 2 years old at baptism. Marianne married John DIMENT at FStG Church on 30 Dec 1844. ]

287 - 10 Jun 1827 - Elizabeth daughter of John & Lucy GOULD baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane, a chairmaker, Rev. George Wood Rector

288 - 20 Jun 1827 - John base born son of Charlotte STEVENSON baptised, abode Freke's Passage West Back street, [no occupation given] Rev. W Churchill Vicar of Winterborne St Martin

289 - 04 July 1827 - Emma Mary base born daughter of Sarah TREVIS baptised, abode Pease Lane, [no occupation given] Rev Morgan Devenish Officiating Minister

290 - 20 July 1827 - Charles son of Thomas & Jane NEWMAN baptised, abode High West street, a tailor, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

291 - 24 July 1827 - James Dermot son of James & Edith CHURCHILL baptised, abode Coker's Frome in this parish, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister [Note:- Buried HT aged 1 year 6th July 1828]

292 - 17 Aug 1827 - Sarah daughter of John & Hannah PARSONS baptised, abode West Back Street, a Chaise Driver, Rev William Churchill junior Officiating Minister

293 - 21 Aug 1827 - Marcia Rose daughter of William Lewis & Rose Ann HENNING baptised, abode Grampound House in the parish of Fordington, Esquire, Rev. George Wood Rector [Side line note: "No. 293 born in Surrey March 27th 1826][Note:- See Burke's Family Records page 313 - 1st child of William Lewis Henning of Frome Whitfield Dorset J.P. born 27th May 1794 who married 23 June 1825 to Ann Rose only daughter and heiress of Robert SHURLOCK of Snowdenham, Bramley, Surrey ]

294 - 23 Aug 1827 - William son of William & Sarah HORTON baptised, abode West Back street, a plumber and glazier, Rev. George Wood Rector

295 - 29 Aug 1827 - William May son of William May & Anne LANDER baptised, abode West Back Street, a haberdasher - shop in St Peter's (parish) Rev. George Wood Rector

296 - 21 Sep 1827 - Charles Thomas son of Charles & Marianne CURME baptised, abode West Back Street,an appraiser and builder, Rev John Horsford Officiating Minister [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Charles CURME to Mary Ann KIRKWOOD at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 16th Oct 1826]

297 - 23 Sep 1827 - Edmund son of Walter & Elizabeth BRETT baptised, abode Pease Lane, a tailor, Rev. George Wood Rector

298 - 23 Sep 1827 - John Baker son of Charles & Rhoda DUFAL baptised, abode High West Street, a china man, Rev George Wood Rector [See Comments about the family of Charles DUFALL (1800-1871) alias John DEWFOL]

299 - 23 Sep 1827 - Jane daughter of Thomas & Susannah DURDEN baptised, abode Pease Lane, a Livery Stable Keeper, Rev George Wood Rector

300 - 10 Oct 1827 - Emily daughter of William & Elizabeth DAVIS baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane, a cabinet maker, Rev George Wood Rector

301 - 11 Nov 1827 - Thomas William son of William & Mary Anne RAYNOLD baptised, abode Wedst Back Street, a miller, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of William Curtis Raynolds (1802-1879) to Mary Anne Osborne at HT church on 25th Feb 1827]

302 - 11 Nov 1827 - Eliza Maria daughter of William & Jemima FOOKS baptised, abode South back Street, a chaise driver, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 4th child from the mariage of William FOOKS to Jemima ARNOLD at St Peter's church on 21st Nov 1819]


303 - 01 Jan 1828 - Sarah Lake daughter of John & Sarah BONNETT baptised, abode Pease Lane, a printer, Rev George Wood Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 25 Feb 1829 aged 1 year]

304 - 20 Jan 1828 - Frances daughter of Charles & Ann GREENING baptised, abode Freke's Passage West Back Street, a servant, Rev George Wood Rector

305 - 27 Jan 1828 - Emily daughter of William Lewis & Rose Ann HENNING baptised, abode Grampound House in Fordington, Esquire, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- Buried 31st March 1828 aged 11 weeks][Note:- See Burke's Family Records page 313 - 2nd child of William Lewis Henning of Frome Whitfield Dorset J.P. born 27th May 1794 who married 23 June 1825 to Ann Rose only daughter and heiress of Robert SHURLOCK of Snowdenham, Bramley, Surrey]

306 - 30 Jan 1828 - Rebecca daughter of William & Mary KERLEY baptised, abode South Back Street, a farrier and whitesmith, Rev George Wood Rector

307 - 30 Jan 1828 - William son of William & Jane WATSON baptised, abode High West Street, a schoolmaster, Rev George Wood Rector

308 - 09 Feb 1828 - Caroline daughter of John & Catharine BAYLEY baptised, abode Libbeth Hill a cabinet maker, , Rev George Wood Rector

[NOTE: vertically down the edge of the right hand margin are the words "from the County of Cork" but it is not clear as to which entry this is supposed to relate although the center of the words is opposite the above baptism]

309 - 20 Feb 1828 - Susan Elizabeth daughter of James & Ann MILLS baptised, abode High West street, a shoemaker, , Rev George Wood Rector

310 - 22 Feb 1828 - Sarah daughter of James & Elizabeth FRAMPTON baptised, abode Pease Lane, a plaisterer, Rev George Wood Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 28 Feb 1828 aged 2 weeks]

311 - 06 Apr 1828 - Tryphena daughter of William & Mary HAIMES baptised, abode Marlborough Wiltshire, a bookbinder, Rev George Wood Rector

312 - 06 Apr 1828 - Harriet Augusta daughter of William & Elizabeth LESTER baptised, abode Pease Lane, a servant, Rev George Wood Rector

313 - 25 Apr 1828 - William son of William & Charlotte BISHOP baptised, abode Nursery Garden West Back Street, gardener and nursery man, Rev George Wood Rector

314 - 27 Apr 1828 - Elizabeth daughter of John & Sarah HOPKINS baptised, abode Miller's Alley High West Street, a tailor, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

315 - 27 Apr 1828 - Maria daughter of Henry & Elizabeth GOULD baptised, abode Pease Lane, a gardener, Rev Richard Cutler Officiating Minister and Schoolmaster [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 1st June 1828]

316 - 30 May 1828 - Ann daughter of James & Elizabeth EDEY baptised, abode Coker's Frome in this parish, a brickmaker, Rev George Wood Rector

317 - 04 Jun 1828 - Ellen Emma (aged 9 years) daughter of Richard & Sarah ANDREWS baptised, abode West Back Street, a blacksmith (deceased) Rev George Wood Rector

318 - 04 Jun 1828 - George (aged 6 years) son of Richard & Sarah ANDREWS baptised, abode West Back Street, a blacksmith (deceased) Rev George Wood Rector

319 - 05 Jun 1828 - George William son of John & Johanna GUY baptised, abode Libbeth Hill a servant, Rev George Wood Rector

320 - 15 Jun 1828 - Mary Watts daughter of George & Mary Watts CULL baptised, abode West Back Street, a Lieutenant in the Navy, Rev George Wood Rector

    Note:- in the margin of the original register "No. 320 - This child was 5 years old & was privately baptised at the time her sister was, she had been privately baptised by HJ Rickman Vicar but had not been registered vid No. 267

321 - 02 July 1828 - John Thomas son of John Acres & Edna CURME baptised, abode High West Street, an upholsterer and cabinet maker, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John Acres CURME to Edna KEET at Frensham in Surrey 19th June 1827]

322 - 08 July 1828 - Thomas Henry son of Edmund Jewell & Eleanor Burt CURTIS baptised, abode High West street, a shoemaker, Rev George Wood Rector

323 - 23 July 1828 - Harriet Jane daughter of Edward & Anna Maria CROSS baptised, abode South Back Street, a bankers clerk viz Bower Eliot, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

324 - 03 Aug 1828 - William son of Joseph & Sarah WELLSPRING baptised, abode Pease Lane, a basket maker, , Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Joseph WELLSPRING from Fordington to Sarah OLD at All Saints Church Dorchester on 30th Dec 1827]

325 - 03 Aug 1828 - Mary daughter of Thomas & Margaret HURLEY baptised, abode Queen's Arms Inn Pease Lane, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- entry written virtically in the margin "No.325 Thomas FURLEY, an Irishman travelling thro' the town in search of work from the County of Cork]

326 - 10 Aug 1828 - Ann daughter of Robert & Mary GROVES baptised, abode Coker's Frome (in this parish) a labourer, Rev George Wood Rector

327 - 18 Aug 1828 - Ellen daughter of John James & Elizabeth LAMBERT baptised, abode High West Street, Esquire, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister [Note:- Child from the marriage of John James Lambert to Elizabeth Davis at Winterborne Abbas on 25th Jan 1820 - Ellen was buried at Holy Trinity Dorchester Apr 1 – Ellen LAMBERT dau John James & Eliz. age 1y 6m of High W. Street]

328 - 29 Aug 1828 - Mary daughter of William & Louisa BUCHER baptised, abode Weymouth, a Plaisterer and tiler, Rev George Wood Rector [Entry in the margin at the foot of the page " No. 328 William & Louisa BUCHER were travelling to their Parish, from Widcombe Bath in which Parish the child was born & was taken ill on the (illegible word)]

329 - 30 Aug 1828 - Mary Ann Jane daughter of Charles & Marianne CURME baptised, abode West Back street, an appraiser & builder, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Charles CURME to Mary Ann KIRKWOOD at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 16th Oct 1826]

330 - 31 Aug 1828 - Frances and Sarah twin born daughters of Thomas & Frances STYLES baptised, abode South Street in St peter's Parish, a Journeyman Stone Mason, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- both twins buried together at Holy Trinity Dorchester 19th Sep 1828 aged 3 weeks]

331 - 31 Aug 1828 - Jane Edith daughter of Edward & Mary HICKS baptised, abode Pease Lane, a domestic servant, Rev George Wood Rector

332 - 05 Sep 1828 - Emily daughter of John & Elizabeth SELLER baptised, abode Pease Lane, a tailor, Rev George Wood Rector [1st child from the marriage of John SELLERS to Elizabeth ARNOLD widow at Holy Trinity Dorchester on 29th June 1828]

333 - 03 Oct 1828 - Jane daughter of Thomas & Jane NEWMAN baptised, abode High West Street, a tailor, Rev George Wood Rector

334 - 11 Oct 1828 - Edmund son of James & Frances HUNT baptised, abode, South Back street, a shoemaker, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- Edmund HUNT son of James & Frances age 2 of S. Back Street was buried at Holy Trinity Dorchester Dec 15]

335 - 19 Oct 1828 - Henry son of John & Elizabeth WILLS baptised, abode Frome Whitfield (in this parish) a labourer, Rev George Wood Rector

336 - 19 Nov 1828 - Caroline daughter of Thomas & Sarah CARTER baptised, abode South Back Street, a carpenter, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

337 - 29 Nov 1828 - Thomas Francis son of Thomas & Mary ELLIS baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane, a blacksmith, Rev George Wood Rector

338 - 06 Dec 1828 - Sarah daughter of Richard & Ann TREVISS baptised, abode Pease Lane, a labourer, Rev George Wood Rector

339 - 25 Dec 1828 - Eliza daughter of John & Susan SMITH baptised, abode West Back Street, a butcher, Rev George Wood Rector

340 - 26 Dec 1828 - James son of Thomas & Susannah DURDEN baptised, abode Pease Lane, a Livery Stable Keeper, Rev George Wood Rector


341 - 08 Mar 1829 - Charles (aged 8 years) son of Thomas & Jane JONES baptised, abode Pease Lane, a Tailor (both parents of this child are dead) Rev George Wood Rector (N.B. This child had been privately baptised by the late Rector)

342 - 08 Mar 1829 - Emma daughter of George & Sarah BROWN baptised, abode South Back street, a capenter, Rev George Wood Rector

343 - 18 Mar 1829 - Martha daughter of John & Mary CHAPMAN baptised, abode Fordington near this town, a labourer, Rev William Gane Officiating Minister

344 - 22 Mar 1829 - Emma Ann illegitimate daughter of Mary Ann FUDGE baptised, abode Pease Lane [The reputed father is David DAVIS Domestic Servant of John DANSEY Esq of Blandford ] Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- Removal order granted 1st Nov 1828 from Fordington to Holy Trinity because she was pregnant. Mary Ann was the eldest child of James FUDGE & Mary HINE [HYNE] who were married by Banns at FStG 19-Apr-1808 ]

345 - 27 Mar 1829 - Thomas son of Samuel & Martha MEPHAM baptised, abode South Back street, a bookbinder, Rev George Wood Rector

346 - 29 Mar 1829 - Emma daughter of Isaac & Mary HODGES baptised, abode Colliton Row, a shoemaker, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Isaac HODGES Junior (1804-1885). to Mary TRENT at HT on 13 Apr 1828. Emma was buried at HT on 10 May 1829]

347 - 10 Apr 1829 - Charlotte daughter of John & Sarah BONNETT baptised, abode Pease Lane, a printer, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

348 - 22 Apr 1829 - Charles son of Joseph & Jane SEAL baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane, a carpenter, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 9th April 1830 aged 1 year]

349 - 26 Apr 1829 - Benjamin son of John & Ruth CHAMBERS baptised, abode West Back street, a stone cutter, Rev George Wood Rector

350 - 03 May 1829 - William Curtis son of William & Mary Ann RAYNOLD baptised, abode West Back street, a miller, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of William Curtis Raynolds (1802-1879) to Mary Anne Osborne at HT church on 25th Feb 1827]

351 - 05 May 1829 - Sherlock son of William Lewis & Rose Ann HENNING baptised, abode Grampound House in the parish of Fordington, an Esquire, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- See Burke's Family Records page 313 - 3rd child of William Lewis Henning of Frome Whitfield Dorset J.P. born 27th May 1794 who married 23 June 1825 to Ann Rose only daughter and heiress of Robert SHURLOCK of Snowdenham, Bramley, Surrey and died 30th June 1875 having by her who died Feb 1866 5 children]

352 - 05 May 1829 - Mary daughter of William & Charlotte BISHOP baptised, abode Nursery garden West Back Street, a gardener and nursery man, Rev George Wood Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 25 Nov 1829 aged 6 months]

353 - 29 May 1829 - Emma daughter of William & Elizabeth DAVIS baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane, a cabinet maker, Rev George Wood Rector

354 - 28 Jun 1829 - Eliza daughter of James & Elizabeth FRAMPTON baptised, abode Pease Lane, a plaisterer, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

355 - 30 Jun 1829 - Jane daughter of William & Jane WATSON baptised, abode High Street, a schoolmaster, Rev George Wood Rector

356 - 12 July 1829 - James son of John & Amelia PARSONS baptised, abode West Back street, a Chaise Driver, Rev George Wood Rector

357 - 19 July 1829 - William Thomas son of John & Lucy GOULD baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane, a Chair Maker, Rev George Wood Rector

358 - 24 July 1819 - Elizabeth daughter of William & Susan APPLIN baptised; abode Fordington, a labourer, Rev George Wood Rector

359 - 27 July 1829 - Mary daughter of George & Mary Ann ANDREWS baptised, abode High Street, a currier, Rev George Wood Rector [Note Beneficiary under Will of her father George ANDREWS (1791-1851)]

360 - 12 Aug 1829 - Thomas son of Thomas & Ann DUFALL baptised, abode West Back street, an ostler, Horatio Moule Officiating Minister

361 - 16 Aug 1829 - Susannah Jane daughter of John & Jane IRONSIDE baptised, abode Pease Lane, a shemaker, Rev George Wood Rector

362 - 01 Oct 1829 - Francis John Acres son of Charles & Marianne CURME baptised, abode West Back street, an appraiser and builder, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Charles CURME to Mary Ann KIRKWOOD at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 16th Oct 1826]

363 - 11 Oct 1829 - Martha daughter of William & Mary Ann GARLAND baptised, abode High West Street, a grocer, 11 Oct 1829 - Rev George Wood Rector

364 - 11 Oct 1829 - Sarah daughter of John & Elizabeth DAY baptised, abode Pease Lane, a blacksmith, Rev George Wood Rector

365 - 11 Oct 1829 - William Dixon son of William & Elizabeth Oram ESCOT baptised, abode High West street, an Attorney's Clerk, Rev George Wood Rector

366 - 12 Oct 1829 - Jemima Jane daughter of Edmund Jewell & Eleanor Burt CURTIS baptised, abode High West street, a shoemaker, Rev George Wood Rector

367 - 24 Oct 1829 - Martha Bagg daughter of Charles & Mary POPE baptised, abode frome Whitfield (in this parish) a carter, Rev George Wood Rector

368 - 26 Oct 1829 - Hannah daughter of Thomas & Susannah DURDEN baptised, abode Pease Lane, Livery Stable Keeper, Rev Richard Cutler Officiating Minister

369 - 30 Oct 1829 - Susan daughter of Henry & Sarah LAKE baptised, abode Pease Lane a carpenter, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 6th child from the marriuage of Henry Lake (1786-1871) to Sarah ROBERTS at Holy Trinity Chyurch Dorchester on 22nd Aug 1816]

370 - 15 Nov 1829 - William son of Joseph & Sarah AMOR baptised, abode Pease Lane, a tinman, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 8th of 10 children from the marriage of Joseph AMOR to Sarah HIRON at St Mary's Church Frampton on 2nd Mar 1812]

371 - 11 Dec 1829 - Thomas son of Samuel & Ann HODGES baptised, abode West Walks, a printer, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

372 - 18 Dec 1829 - Clement Gideon son of John Gray & Ann RUMSEY baptised, abode Pease Lane, a Cabinet Maker, Rev George Wood Rector

373 - 19 Dec 1829 - Caroline daughter of William & Elizabeth LESTER baptised, abodem, Pease Lane, a Servant, Rev George Wood Rector

374 - 28 Dec 1829 - Mary Gilbert daughter of Thomas & Sarah GARLAND baptised, abode High west street, an ex-grocer, Rev George Wood Rector


375 - 20 Jan 1830 - Joshua William son of Joshua & Catharine BATTEN baptised, abode Coker's Frome in this parish, a labourer, Rev George Wood Rector

376 - 28 Jan 1830 - William illegitimate son of Eliza FOX baptised, abode Freke's Alley South Back Street, The reputed father is William JOHNSON coachman in the service of Jas [James] HENNING Esq, Rev George Wood Rector

377 - 04 Feb 1830 - George son of Thomas & Jane NEWMAN baptised, abode High west street, a tailor, Rev George Wood Rector

378 - 14 Feb 1830 - Thomas John son of John & Eleanor BRIDGE baptised, abode Colliton Row, a carpenter,Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 12 June 1831 aged 2 years]

379 - 04 Mar 1830 - Thomas Oliver son of William & Elizabeth Oram ESCOT baptised, abode High West street, Attorney's Clerk, Rev George Wood Rector

380 - 30 Mar 1830 - Benjamin William son of William & Susannah Gillingham FEACEY baptised, abode Pease Lane, a servant, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

381 - 31 Mar 1830 - Sarah daughter of William & Augusta WATTS baptised, abode durngate street in St peter's Parish, a blacksmith, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

382 - 16 Apr 1830 - Frederic John son of Edmund & Anna Maria CROSS baptised, abode South Back street, a Banker's Clerk, viz Mr Eliot's, Rev George Wood Rector

383 - 17 Apr 1830 - Maria daughter of Isaac & Mary HODGES baptised, abode Colliton Row, a shoemaker, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Isaac HODGES Junior (1804-1885). to Mary TRENT at HT on 13 Apr 1828].

384 - 01 May 1830 - Eleanor daughter of Thomas & Frances STYLES baptised, abode South Street in St Peter's Parish, a Stone Mason, Rev George Wood Rector

385 - 09 May 1830 - Elizabeth Pichet daughter of Robert & Charlotte WARD baptised, abode Pease Lane, a Chaise Driver, Rev George Wood Rector

386 - 30 May 1830 - Mary Ann daughter of John & Sarah MILLER baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane, a Tailor, Rev George Wood Rector

387 - 06 Jun 1830 - Sarah Ann daughter of John & Sarah HOPKINS baptised, abode Thoroughfare, a Tailor, Rev George Wood Rector

388 - 16 Jun 1830 - Edna Ann daughter of John Acres & Edna CURME baptised, abode High west street, an Upholsterer and Cabinet Maker, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John Acres CURME to Edna KEET at Frensham in Surrey 19th June 1827]

389 - 14 July 1830 - Ann daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth SHUTER alias CHUTER baptised, abode South Back Street, a Maltster, Rev George Wood Rector

390 - 01 Aug 1830 - William son of Edward & Mary HICKS baptised, abode Colliton Row, a Servant, Rev George Wood Rector

391 - 08 Aug 1830 - Charles son of William & Eliza EVANS baptised aged 2½ years, abode Libbeth Hill, a Tailor, Rev George Wood Rector

392 - 08 Aug 1830 - William Frederic son of William & Eliza EVANS baptised, abode Libbeth Hill, a Tailor, Rev George Wood Rector

393 - 12 Aug 1830 - Emily daughter of Robert Steen & Annabella FORELONG baptised, abode South Back Street, Cornet in the 2nd Btn or North British Dragoons, Rev George Wood Rector

394 - 05 Sep 1830 - William Frederic son of Thomas & Mary ELLIS baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane, a Blacksmith, Rev George Wood Rector

395 - 12 Sep 1830 - James John son of William & Jemima FOOKS baptised, abode South Back Street, a Chaise Driver, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 5th child from the mariage of William FOOKS to Jemima ARNOLD at St Peter's church on 21st Nov 1819 - Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 11 May 1831]

396 - 08 Oct 1830 - Eliza Ann daughter of George & Eliza LOCK baptised, abode West Back Street, a Corn Factor, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of George LOCK (1802-1868) to Eliza GALPIN at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 23 Sept 1829]

397 - 22 Oct 1830 - Adeline Olivia daughter of Thomas & Olivia PATCH baptised, abode High street, a Bookseller, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 1st child of Thomas Patch (1800-1867) by his wife Olivia, Adeline later married at HT on 31st Aug 1858 to John Cox SHAW]

398 - 25 Oct 1830 - Meshach [Meshack] son of Thomas & Sarah HARDY baptised, abode Frome Whitfield (in this parish) a Labourer,Rev George Wood Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 7th Nov 1830 - Ancestry have the wrong burial year of 1836]

399 - 10 Nov 1830 - Susan daughter of William & Mary KERLEY baptised, abode South Back Street, a Farrier and Blacksmith, Rev George Wood Rector

400 - 28 Nov 1830 - Eliza daughter of George & Elizabeth WARREN alias CHURCHILL baptised, abode Friary Lane in the Parish of St Peter, Labourer & Sexton of this Parish, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of George Churchill alias Warren to Elizabeth Legg at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 16th July 1814]

401 - 21 Dec 1830 - Eliza Ann daughter of William Lewis & Rose Ann HENNING baptised, abode Grampound House now called Grove House Esquire, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- See Burke's Family Records page 313 - 4th child of William Lewis Henning of Frome Whitfield Dorset J.P. born 27th May 1794 who married 23 June 1825 to Ann Rose only daughter and heiress of Robert SHURLOCK of Snowdenham, Bramley, Surrey and died 30th June 1875 having by her who died Feb 1866 5 children. Eliza married Rev. John Leslie Hallward MA and had a son and daughter]

402 - 29 Dec 1830 - Thomas son of John & Elizabeth DAY baptised, abode Pease Lane, a blacksmith, Rev George Wood Rector

403 - 29 Dec 1830 - Rebecca (aged 12 years - born c1818) daughter of John & Sarah TIZARD baptised, abode Pease Lane, a blacksmith, Rev George Wood Rector

404 - 29 Dec 1830 - Sarah Frances (aged 9 - born c1821) daughter of John & Susannah TIZARD baptised, abode Pease Lane, a blacksmith, Rev George Wood Rector


405 - 27 Jan 1831 - Francis Henry son of John James & Elizabeth LAMBERT baptised, abode High West Street, an Esquire, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

406 - 10 Feb 1831 - George Kirkwood son of Charles & Marianne CURME baptised, abode West Back street, an appraiser and Builder, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Charles CURME to Mary Ann KIRKWOOD at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 16th Oct 1826]

407 - 23 Feb 1831 - Edmund son of James & Frances HUNT baptised, abode South Back Street, a shoemaker, Rev George Wood Rector

408 - 23 Feb 1831 - Richard George son of William & Jane WATSON baptised, abode High West street, a School master, Rev George Wood Rector

409 - 20 Mar 1831 - Emma daughter of Isaac and Mary HODGES, abode Colliton Row, a shoemaker, Rev Richard Cutler Officiating Minister [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Isaac HODGES Junior (1804-1885). to Mary TRENT at HT on 13 Apr 1828].

410 - 03 Apr 1831 - George Salisbury son of Charles & Elizabeth GOLLOP baptised, abode West Walks, a carpenter, Rev Charles Bristed Officiating Minister

411 - 03 Apr 1831 - Ann Jane daughter of Charles & Ann GREENING baptised, abode West Walks, a servant, Rev Charles Bristed Officiating Minister

412 - 15 Apr 1831 - Mary Ann daughter of James & Elizabeth EDEY baptised, abode Coker's Frome in this parish, a brickmaker, Rev George Wood Rector

413 - 02 May 1831 - William Spranklin son of Richard & Ann TRAVISS baptised, abode Pease Lane, a labourer, Rev George Wood Rector

414 - 08 May 1831 - Charles Brown son of William & Mary Ann RAYNOLD baptised, abode West Back street, a miller, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of William Curtis Raynolds (1802-1879) to Mary Anne Osborne at HT church on 25th Feb 1827]

415 - 08 Jun 1831 - Emily daughter of John & Susan SMITH baptised, abode West Back street, a butcher, Rev George Wood Rector

416 - 08 Jun 1831 - Joseph son of Charles & Mary POPE baptised, abode Frome Whitfield (in this parish) a labourer, Rev George Wood Rector

417 - 12 Jun 1831 - Fanny daughter of Henry & Sarah SPRACKLIN baptised, abode Frome Whitfield (in this parish) a dairyman, Rev George Wood Rector

418 - 08 July 1831 - Elizabeth daughter of Samuel & Ann HODGES baptised, abode west Walks, a printer, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

419 - 24 July 1831 - Eliza daughter of Matthew & Ellen DUFALL baptised, abode West Back street, a Chaise driver, Rev george Wood Rector [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester Sep 16th 1832 aged 1 year 3 months]

420 - 05 Aug 1831 - Edith daughter of James & Elizabeth LESTER baptised, abode Pease lane, a brazier,Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- Buried All Saints Dorchester 20th April 1834 aged 2 years]

421 - 04 Sep 1831 - John Joanathan son of John & Lucy GOULD baptised , abode Shire Hall Lane, a Chair Maker, Rev George Wood Rector

422 - 21 Oct 1831 - Eliza daughter of George & Hannah LUCAS baptised, abode Pease Lane, a carpenter, Rev George Wood Rector

423 - 28 Oct 1831 - William base born son of Margaret MILLER, baptised abode Frekes Alley South Back street, reputed father is William BRYANT of Abbotsbury , Rev George Wood Rector

424 - 05 Nov 1831 - Eliza daughter of Richard & Rachel SYMS baptised, abode Pease Lane, an ostler, Rev George Wood Rector

425 - 06 Nov 1831 - Charlotte daughter of Joseph & Amelia HANSFORD baptised, abode High West street, a sadler, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 6th Dec 1832]

426 - 18 Nov 1831 - John base born son of Sarah ELLIS baptised, abode Church Lane in the parish of All Saints, reputed father is G W SAUNDERS a bookbinder, Rev George Wood Rector

427 - 20 Nov 1831 - Henry son of John & Hannah PARSONS baptised, abode West Back Street, a Chaise Driver, Rev George Wood Rector

428 - 09 Dec 1831 - Charles James and Elizabeth Ellen twin born children of William & Elizabeth Oram ESCOT baptised, abode High West street, an Attorny's Clerk, Rev George Wood Rector

429 - 14 Dec 1831 - Priscilla Jane daughter of John Acres & Edna CURME baptised, abode High West Street, an upholsterer and cabinet maker, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John Acres CURME to Edna KEET at Frensham in Surrey 19th June 1827]

430 - 15 Dec 1831 - Emily Saunders daughter of Edmund Jewell & Eleanor Burt CURTIS baptised, abode High West street, a shoemaker, Rev George Wood Rector

431 - 16 Dec 1831 - Sarah daughterof George & Sarah BROWNE baptised, abode South Back street, a carpenter, Rev George Wood Rector

432 - 20 Dec 1831 - Robert Mark son of Robert & Eliza Battley HALYBURTON baptised, abode High West Street, a Barrack Master, Rev George Wood Rector

433 - 25 Dec 1831 - Elizabeth daughter of Henry & Righteous Ann GODWIN baptised, abode High west street, Earthern Ware vender, Rev George Wood Rector


434 - 01 Jan 1832 - Jane daughter of Isaac & Ann MILLER baptised, abode Frome Whitfield (in this parish) a labourer, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Isaac MILLER to Ann PITFIELD (1793-1849) who married at Fordington St George Church on 8th May 1815]

435 - 03 Jan 1832 - George son of George & Mary Ann ANDREWS baptised, abode High west Street, a currier, Rev George Wood Rector [Note Beneficiary under Will of his father George ANDREWS (1791-1851)]

436 - 08 Jan 1832 - Elizabeth daughter of William & Charlotte BISHOP baptised, abode Nursery Garden West Back Street, a gardener, Rev George Wood Rector

437 - 09 Jan 1832 - Henrietta Louisa daughter of William & Susannah Gillingham FEACEY baptised , abode Pease Lane, a servant, Rev George Wood Rector

438 - 05 Feb 1832 - Marianne base born daughter of Eliza FOX baptised, abode Freke's Alley West Back street, a strumpet, Rev George Wood Rector

439 - 16 Feb 1832 - Thomas son of George & Ann SMITH baptised, abode Freke's Alley West Back street, a shoemaker, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- George SMITH later joined the Royal Engineers Regtl Number 2726 See Chelsea Pension Records ]

440 - 19 Feb 1832 - Martha daughter of William & Jane WATSON baptised, abode High Street, a School master, Rev George Wood Rector

441 - 26 Feb 1832 - Henry son of Henry & Sarah LAKE baptised, abode Pease Lane, a carpenter, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- Known as Harry within the family 7th child from the marriuage of Henry Lake (1786-1871) to Sarah ROBERTS at Holy Trinity Chyurch Dorchester on 22nd Aug 1816]

442 - 02 Mar 1832 - William Walter son of William Lewis and Rose Ann HENNING, abode Granpound (now called Grove House) Fordington, Esquire, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- See Burke's Family Records page 313 - 5th child of William Lewis Henning of Frome Whitfield Dorset J.P. born 27th May 1794 who married 23 June 1825 to Ann Rose only daughter and heiress of Robert SHURLOCK of Snowdenham, Bramley, Surrey and died 30th June 1875 having by her who died Feb 1866 5 children. William Walter was later of Wood Hill Shamley Green Guildford Surrey and a J.P.]

443 - 09 Mar 1832 - George son of George & Eliza LOCK baptised, West Back street, a Corn Factor, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of George LOCK (1802-1868) to Eliza GALPIN at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 23 Sept 1829]

444 - 18 Mar 1832 - Mary Ann daughter of John & Elizabeth WILLS baptised, abode, Frome Whitfield (in this parish) a labourer, Rev George Wood Rector

445 - 18 Mar 1832 - Elizabeth daughter of Richard & Elizabeth GAULTON baptised, abode High West Street, an Innkeeper (viz Royal Oak) Rev George Wood Rector

446 - 01 Apr 1832 - Charles Robert son of Joseph & Jane SEAL baptised, abode Shire Hall lane, a carpenter, Rev George Wood Rector

447 - 28 Apr 1832 - James son of James & Frances HUNT baptised, South Back street, a shoemaker, Rev George Wood Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 4th May 1832]

448 - 29 Apr 1832 - Robert Baker son of Charles & Rhoda DUFALL baptised, abode High Street, a china man, Rev George Wood Rector [See Comments about the family of Charles DUFALL (1800-1871) alias John DEWFOL]

449 - 13 May 1832 - Henry son of John & Charlotte DUFALL baptised, abode South Back street, an ostler, Rev George Wood Rector

450 - 17 May 1832 - Frances Maria daughter of James & Martha STEERS baptised, abode Freke's Alley West Back street, a labourer, Rev George Wood Rector

451 - 20 May 1832 - George son of John & Eleanor BRIDGE baptised, abode Glyde Path Hill, a carpenter, Rev George Wood Rector

452 - 20 May 1832 - Thomas son of William & Elizabeth LESTER baptised, abode Pease Lane, a servant, Rev George Wood Rector

453 - 03 Jun 1832 - Robert Devenish son of William & Mary Ann GARLAND baptised, abode High street, a grocer, Rev George Wood Rector

454 - 10 Jun 1832 - Elizabeth daughter of William & Mary Ann GILES baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane a blacksmith, Rev George Wood Rector

455 - 01 July 1832 - John Thomas son of Thomas & Ann FOSTER baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane, a glazier, Rev George Wood Rector

456 - 18 July 1832 - Thomas Rodber son of Edward & Anne Maria CROSS baptised, abode South Back street, a Banker's Clerk viz Mr Eliot's Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

457 - 23 Aug 1832 - William son of Edward & Mary RIDEOUT baptised, abode Pease Lane, a tailor, Rev George Wood Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 24 May 1833 aged 9 months]

458 - 26 Aug 1832 - Sarah Lake daughter of John & Sarah BONNET baptised, abode New Building in Pease Lane, a printer, Rev George Wood Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester aged 2 years 1st Nov 1832]

459 - 22 Sep 1832 - Charles son of Charles & Elizabeth GOLLOP baptised, abode West Walks, a carpenter, Rev George Wood Rector

460 - 14 Oct 1832 - Thomas the base born son of Martha GROVES baptised, abode "brought to this parish from Bincombe", "the reputed father of the child is named HARRIS", Rev George Wood Rector

461 - 26 Oct 1832 - Amelia daughter of John & Sarah JOHNSON baptised, abode Barracks in the parish of Fordington, Officer in the 7th Regiment of Dragoon Guards, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

462 - 28 Oct 1832 - Eliza Ann daughter of John & Sarah MILLER baptised, abode Pease Lane, a tailor, Rev George Wood Rector

463 - 06 Dec 1832 - Sarah Ann daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth WOOD baptised, abode Pease Lane, Private in the 7th Regiment of Dragoon Guards, Rev John Morton Colson Officiating Minister

464 - 14 Dec 1832 - Robert Smith son of Henry & Alice GREGORY baptised, abode Fraome Whitfield (in this parish) a carpenter, Rev George Wood Rector

465 - 15 Dec 1832 - Robert son of Robert & Jane POUNCY baptised, abode Friary Lane in the parish of All Saints, a cooper, Rev George Wood Rector

466 - 25 Dec 1832 - William John son of John & Mary Ann LEGG baptised, abode Libbeth Hill, a baker, Rev George Wood Rector

467 - 25 Dec 1832 - Charles Miller son of Charles & Mary Ann TASSEL baptised, abode West Back street, a tailor, Rev George Wood Rector


468 - 07 Jan 1833 - Emily Laura daughter of Thomas & Olivia PATCH baptised, abode High street, a bookseller, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 2nd child of Thomas Patch (1800-1867) by his wife Olivia, Emily later married at HT on 1st June 1858 to John Fenwick BURGES]

469 - 09 Jan 1833 - Henry John* Revely son of Henry John Revely & Ann MITFORD baptised, abode Fordington, a Naval Officer, Rev George Wood Rector [Margin entry * "the word "John" might not have been inserted" GW]

470 - 14 Jan 1833 - Darkey (also Dorcas sic) Knight Jane Steward daughter of John Albion & Dorcas Knight COX baptised, abode High Street, a banker, Rev Robert Albion Cox Officiating Minister [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John Albion COX to Dorcas Knight Sayers at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 12 Jan 1832]

471 - 16 Jan 1833 - Thomas son of John & Sarah HOPKINS baptised, abode thoroughfare in this parish, a tailor, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

472 - 31 Jan 1833 - Mary daughter of David & Eliza GODWIN baptised, abode High Street, china and earthernware seller, Rev George Wood Rector

473 - 17 Feb 1833 - Martha daughter of James & Elizabeth FRAMPTON baptised, abode Pease Lane, a plasterer and bricklayer, Rev George Wood Rector

474 - 24 Feb 1833 - Charlotto Rey daughter of James & Frances WHETHAM baptised , abode High West Street, a painter, Rev George Wood Rector

475 - 01 Mar 1833 - Isaac son of Isaac & Mary HODGES baptised, abode Colliton Row, a shoemaker, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Isaac HODGES Junior (1804-1885). to Mary TRENT at HT on 13 Apr 1828].

476 - 17 Mar 1833 - John Bishop son of William & Mary CARSLAKE baptised, abode West Back street, a blacksmith, Rev George Wood Rector

477 - 24 Mar 1833 - Thomas son of Thomas & Jane NEWMAN baptised, abode High Wedst street, a tailor, Rev George Wood Rector

478 - 25 Mar 1833 - Caroline daughter of William & Elizabeth DAVIS baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane, a cabinet maker, Rev John Churchill Vicar of Winterborne St Martin Officiating Minister

479 - 02 Apr 1833 - Frederic George son of Samuel & Maria WELSH baptised, abode Libbeth Hill a gardener, Rev George Wood Rector

480 - 09 Apr 1833 - George son of William & Mary KERLEY baptised, abode South Back street, a blacksmith and farrier, Rev George Wood Rector

481 - 24 Apr 1833 - Edward Thomas son of Richard & Rachel SYMES baptised, abode Pease Lane, an ostler, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

482 - 30 Apr 1833 - Amelia daughter of James & Frances HUNT baptised, abode South Back Street, a shoemaker, Rev John Morton Colson Officiating Minister

483 - 05 May 1833 - Martha daughter of Charles & Ann GREENING baptised, abode West Walks, a servant, Rev George Wood Rector

484 - 19 May 1833 - Ann daughter of Daniel & Jane SHORT baptised, abode South Back Street, Rev George Wood Rector

485 - 09 Jun 1833 - Frederic son of James & Barbara DART baptised, abode Hennings Town in the parish if Fordington, a carpenter, Rev George Wood Rector

486 - 10 July 1833 - Frederic the base born son of Jane BAILEY baptised, abode West Back Street, (strumpet) reputed father (illegible) Rev George Wood Rector

487 - 14 July 1833 - Sarah daughter of John & Elizabeth WILLS baptised abode Frome Whitfield (in this parish) a labourer, Rev George Wood Rector

488 - 29 July 1833 - Frances daughter of John & Ann ROBERTS baptised, abode Pease Lane, a blacksmith, Rev George Wood Rector

489 - 07 Aug 1833 - Athelia daughter of James & Mary CLARK baptised, abode South Back Street, Mason, Rev George Wood Rector

490 - 18 Aug 1833 - Robert Polls son of William & Elizabeth Oram ESCOT baptised, abode High street, an Attorny's Clerk, Rev George Wood Rector

491 - 25 Aug 1833 - James son of Matthew & Ellen DUFALL baptised, abode West Back street, a Chaise Driver, Rev George Wood Rector

492 - 28 Aug 1833 - Frances daughter of George & Susan WYATT baptised abode Libbeth Hill, an Adjudant of the Dorset Regiment of Militia, Rev George Wood Rector

493 - 30 Aug 1833 - George son of Samuel & Ann HODGES baptised, abode West Walks, a printer, Rev George Wood Rector

494 - 01 Sep 1833 - Benjamin base born son of Ann GRAY baptised , abode Pease Lane, (entry illegible) Rev George Wood Rector

495 - 04 Sep 1833 - John Edmund son of John & Jane IRONSIDE baptised, abode Pease Lane, a shoemaker, Rev George Wood Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 23 Sep 1833]

496 - 06 Sep 1833 - Thomas son of John & Ann BRYANT baptised, abode Frome Whitfield (in this parish) a thatcher Rev George Wood Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 19 Nov 1833 - from Frome Whitfield]

497 - 12 Sep 1833 - Charlotte daughter of Joseph & Sarah AMOR baptised, abode Pease Lane, a tinman, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- Last of 10 children from the marriage of Joseph AMOR to Sarah HIRON at St Mary's Church Frampton on 2nd Mar 1812]

498 - 22 Sep 1833 - Ann base born daughter of Tabitha MASTERMAN baptised, abode Pease Lane, [Note- following indistinct entry says something like "In John Howe?? service? from Morden reputed father Thos [Thomas] Sloper or Roper"

    Note:- Tabitha the daughter of James and Ann MASTERMAN was baptised at Morden in Dorset on 15th Dec 1811 and was therefore 22 years old when she gave birth to her illegitimate daughter Ann who was baptised here on 22nd Sep 1833. The Rev George Wood often insisted on recording the name of the reputed father for illegitimate births as can be seen in the above register and was not shy of branding local girls of ill repute who gave birth to bastards as strumpets in the register. He has not done this here however presumably because he did not know her or her circumstances and she was most likely sent to Dorchester by her employer to give birth. She returned to service in Morden after the birth and on 25th October 1837 married the widower William BRIDLE who was a local bricklayer by trade and 3 years her senior. By 1851 they were living in St Marys parish in Southampton with no sign of Ann. With the limited amount of time available I could not make any headway on her employer or the reputed father.

499 - 29 Sep 1833 - Mary Ann daughter of William & Mary Ann RAYNOLD baptised, abode West Back street, a miller, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of William Curtis Raynolds (1802-1879) to Mary Anne Osborne at HT church on 25th Feb 1827]

500 - 29 Sep 1833 - Eliza daughter of John & Charlotte DUFALL baptised, abode West Back street, a brewer, Rev George Wood Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 8th Jun 1834 aged 9 months ]

501 - 01 Nov 1833 - Charlotte Galpin daughter of George & Eliza LOCK baptised, abode West Back street, a cornfactor, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of George LOCK (1802-1868) to Eliza GALPIN at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 23 Sept 1829]

502 - 03 Nov 1833 - Elizabeth Baker daughter of Charles & Rhoda DUFALL baptised, abode High street, a China Man, Rev George Wood Rector [See Comments about the family of Charles DUFALL (1800-1871) alias John DEWFOL]

503 - 08 Nov 1833 - Georgiana Sarah daughter of Henry & Charlotte TARR baptised; abode Shire Hall Lane, a cabinet maker, Rev George Wood Rector

504 - 30 Nov 1833 - Eleanor Beasant daughter of Edmund Jewell & Eleanor Burt CURTIS baptised, abode High West Street, a shoemaker, Rev George Wood Rector

505 - 23 Dec 1833 - Arthur Lewis son of Thomas & Mary ELLIS baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane, a blacksmith, Rev George Wood Rector

506 - 24 Dec 1833 - Emily daughter of William & Jane WATSON baptised, abode , High Street, a School Master Rev George Wood Rector


507 - 10 Jan 1834 - Rosina Frances daughter of Robert & Frances CURTIS baptised, abode West Back Street, a tailor, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of James Robert England CURTIS [1811-1891) to Frances GREENING at All Sts 14 Mar 1833]

508 - 17 Jan 1834 - Charles son of Charles & Jane FIELD baptised, abode Barracks in the parish of Fordington, an Officer in the 1st Regiment of Dragoons, Rev George Wood Rector

509 - 19 Jan 1834 - Charles Cozens son of George & Sarah WHITE baptised, abode High Street, an Attorney's Clerk, Rev George Wood Rector

510 - 22 Jan 1834 - William Kingston son of Robert & Mary Ann NOAKE baptised, abode from the parish of Fordington, Troop Serjeant Major in the 1st Regiment of Dragoons, Rev George Wood Rector

511 - 02 Feb 1834 - Sarah daughter of Edward & Mary HICKS baptised, abode West Back Street, a domestic servant, Rev George Wood Rector

512 - 05 Feb 1834 - Thomas Samuel son of Thomas & Anne FOSTER baptised , abode Shire Hall Lane, a glazier, Rev George Wood Rector

513 - 20 Feb 1834 - William son of John & Caroline SPRACKLAND baptised, abode New House near trinity Churchyard, Porter t the Kings Arms Inn, Rev George Wood Rector

514 - 23 Feb 1834 - John son of John & Elizabeth DAY baptised, abode Pease Lane, a blacksmith, Rev George Wood Rector

515 - 19 Mar 1834 - John Bagg son of John & Ann MARSH baptised, abode Pease Lane, a mason, Rev George Wood Rector

516 - 21 Mar 1834 - Isaac Merrit son of Samuel & Maria WELSH baptised, abode Libbeth Hill, a gardener, Rev George Wood Rector

517 - 23 Mar 1834 - Ruth daughter of Andrew & Martha CRAIG baptised, abode South Back street, a Private in the 1st regiment of Dragoons, Rev George Wood Rector

518 - 30 Mar 1834 - James son of John & Sarah FRY baptised, abode South Back Street, a groom, Rev George Wood Rector

519 - 11 Apr 1834 - Herbert Hooper son of John & Johanne GUY baptised, abode Libbeth Hill a servant viz Butler to Rev W.R.Churchill, Rev George Wood Rector

520 - 20 Apr 1834 - Louisa daughter of John & Eleanor BRIDGE baptised, abode Henning's Town in the parish of Fordington, a carpenter, Rev George Wood Rector

521 - 28 Apr 1834 - William son of Edward & Mary RIDEOUT baptised, abode Pease Lane, a tailor, Rev George Wood Rector

522 - 14 May 1834 - Elizabeth daughter of Isaac & Ann MILLER baptised, abode Frome Whitfield (in this parish) a carter, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of Isaac MILLER to Ann PITFIELD (1793-1849) who married at Fordington St George Church on 8th May 1815]

523 - 16 May 1834 - William son of George & Hannah LUCAS baptised, abode Pease Lane, a Carpenter, Rev George Wood Rector

524 - 25 May 1834 - Thomas and Henry sons of James & Frances JANES baptised, abode Pease lane, a Chaise Driver, Rev George Wood Rector

525 - 29 May 1834 - Elizabeth daughter of Jeremiah & Hannah BOW baptised, abode Pease Lane, a baker, Rev George Wood Rector

526 - 15 June 1834 - Louisa daughter of Richard & Ann TRAVISS baptised, abode Pease Lane, a labourer, Rev George Wood Rector

527 - 09 July 1834 - George son of Thomas & Elizabeth Mary WOOD baptised, abode High Street, a brazier and tinman, Rev George Wood Rector

528 - 10 July 1834 - Edward Charles son of William & Mary Ann GARLAND baptised, abode High street, a grocer, Rev Morgan Devenish curate from Lytchett Dorset

529 - 20 July 1834 - Elizabeth Thorner daughter of Henry & Martha CHICK baptised, abode Pease Lane, a carpenter, Rev George Wood Rector

530 - 20 Aug 1834 - John Bishop son of John & Mary DAVIS baptised, abode South Back street, a carpenter and wheelwright, Rev George Wood Rector

531 - 14 Sep 1834 - Robert Dare son of William & Mary CARSLAKE baptised, abode West Back street, a blacksmith, Rev George Wood Rector

532 - 14 Sep 1834 - James son of Joseph & Jane SEAL baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane, a carpenter, Rev George Wood Rector

533 - 17 Sep 1834 - Francis son of William & Elizabeth LESTER baptised, abode Pease Lane, a servant, Rev George Wood Rector

534 - 21 Sep 1834 - Elizabeth daughter of Robert & Elizabeth RANDAL baptised, abode Henning's Town in the parish of Fordington, a Sailor, Rev George Wood Rector

535 - 21 Sep 1834 - Elizabeth Eleanor daughter of John Mark & Ann Elizabeth COBB baptised, abode Pease Lane, a printer, Rev George Wood Rector

536 - 08 Oct 1834 - Alfred Charles son of John Acres & Edna CURME baptised, abode High Street, an upholsterer and cabinet maker, Rev Thomas Curme Officiating Minister - [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of John Acres CURME to Edna KEET at Frensham in Surrey 19th June 1827 - Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 18 Dec 1834]

537 - 12 Oct 1834 - Frederic baseborn son of Mary Ann CHURCHILL baptised, abode South Back Street, reputed father (illegible) a strumpet, Rev George Wood Rector

538 - 26 Oct 1834 - John Evomy son of Henry & Sarah LAKE baptised, abode Pease Lane, a car[penter, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 8th child from the marriuage of Henry Lake (1786-1871) to Sarah ROBERTS at Holy Trinity Chyurch Dorchester on 22nd Aug 1816]

539 - 29 Oct 1834 - Mary daughter of George & Mary HOW baptised, abode Pease Lane, an ostler, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 2nd Nov 1834]

540 - 23 Nov 1834 - Frederic baseborn son of Harriet GOLLOP baptised, abode Pease Lane, reputed father James Little, a strumpet, Rev George Wood Rector

541 - 12 Dec 1834 - Maria daughter of Philip & Elizabeth WINZAR baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane, a Plasterer, Rev George Wood Rector

542 - 14 Dec 1834 - Ann Elizabeth daughter of Luke & Susan BELLOWS baptised, abode South Back street, an ostler, Rev George Wood Rector

543 - 19 Dec 1834 - Kathleen Emma daughter of John Albion & Dorcas Knight COX baptised, abode High Street, a Banker, Rev Robert Albion Cox Vicar of Montacute Officiating Minister [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John Albion COX to Dorcas Knight Sayers at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 12 Jan 1832]


544 - 29 Jan 1835 - Hannah daughter of Edward & Ellen MONDEY baptised, abode West Back street, a cabinet maker and upholsterer, Rev George Wood Rector

545 - 08 Feb 1835 - Sarah daughter of Joseph & Mary SARGENT baptised abode West Back street, a gardener, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

546 - 08 Feb 1835 - Louisa daughter of John & Sarah HOPKINS baptised, abode Thoroughfare in this parish, a Tailor, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

547 - 15 Feb 1835 - Mary Ann daughter of John & Ann BRYANT baptised, abode Frome Whitfield (in this parish) a Thatcher, Rev George Wood Rector

548 - 20 Feb 1835 - Emma Clark daughter of Edward & Anna Maria CROSS baptised, abode South Back street, a Banker's Clerk viz Mr Eliot's, Rev George Wood Rector

549 - 22 Mar 1835 - William Whittle son of William & Augusta WATTS baptised, abode Glyde Path Hill, a blacksmith, Rev George Wood Rector

550 - 05 Apr 1835 - Frederic son of John & Charlotte DUFALL baptised, abode West Back street, a brewer, Rev George Wood Rector

551 - 25 Apr 1835 - Frederic son of Thomas & Elizabeth GILMAN baptised, abode Pease Lane, an ostler at the George Inn, Rev George Wood Rector

552 - 10 May 1835 - Sarah daughter of John & Jane IRONSIDE baptised, abode Pease Lane, a shoemaker, Rev George Wood Rector

553 - 31 May 1835 - Caroline daughter of John & Charlotte WATTS baptised, abode Pease Lane, a shoemaker, Rev George Wood Rector

554 - 31 May 1835 - Henry Littlefield son of William & Elizabeth Oram ESCOT baptised, abode high Street, an attorney's Clerk, Rev George Wood Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 4th Nov 1835 aged 6 months]

555 - 07 Jun 1835 - John son of John & Mary Ann LEGG baptised, abode Hennings Town in the parish of Fordington, a labourer, Rev George Wood Rector

556 - 08 Jun 1835 - George Charles son of George & Susan WYATT baptised, abode Libbeths Hill, an Adjudant of the Dorset Regiment of Militia, Rev George Wood Rector

557 - 21 Jun 1835 - Charles son of John & Elizabeth WILLS baptised, abode Fraome Whitfield (in this parish) a labourer, Rev George Wood Rector

558 - 21 Jun 1835 - Herbert son of Matthew & Ellen DUFALL baptised, abode West Back street, a Chaise driver, Rev George Wood Rector

559 - 21 Jun 1835 - Selina Cozens daughter of Job & Margaret BAILEY baptised, abode Hennings Town in the parish of Fordington, a bricklayer, Rev George Wood Rector

560 - 12 July 1835 - James Waterloo son of James & Elizabeth MORGAN baptised, abode Pease Lane, a Tailor, Rev George Wood Rector [Note entered into the margin at the foot of the page by Rev George Wood " This child was so named because he was born on the Anniversary of Waterloo Day, viz June 18th"

561 - 03 Aug 1835 - William Arnold son of Richard & Elizabeth GAULTON baptised, abode High West Street, an Innkeeper (viz Royal Oak) Rev George Wood Rector

562 - 13 Aug 1835 - Charles son of John & Lucy GOULD baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane, a Chair Maker, Rev George Wood Rector

563 - 16 Aug 1835 - John Osborne son of William & Mary Ann RAYNOLD baptised, abode West Back street, a miller, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of William Curtis Raynolds (1802-1879) to Mary Anne Osborne at HT church on 25th Feb 1827]

564 - 30 Aug 1835 - Jane Frances daughter of Ambrose & Elizabeth HUNT baptised, abode South Back Street, a blacksmith, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

565 - 10 Sep 1835 - Jane Greening daughter of Frederic & Sarah WHITE baptised, abode West Back Street, a Cabinet Maker, Rev George Wood Rector

566 - 02 Oct 1835 - James Payne son of Robert & Frances CURTIS baptised, abode West Back street, a Tailor, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of James Robert England CURTIS [1811-1891) to Frances GREENING at All Sts 14 Mar 1833]

567 - 04 Oct 1835 - Thomas son of Henry & Alice GREGORY baptised, abode Frome Whitfield (in this parish) a carpenter, Rev George Wood Rector

568 - 08 Oct 1835 - Frances Marian daughter of John Albion & Dorcas Knight COX baptised, abode High Street, a Banker, Rev Charles Bingham Officiating Minister [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John Albion COX to Dorcas Knight Sayers at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 12 Jan 1832]

569 - 01 Nov 1835 - Thomas son of Robert & Harriot GARLAND baptised, abode Frome Whitfield (in this parish) a dairyman, Rev George Wood Rector

570 - 06 Nov 1835 - Harriot daughter of Samuel & Ann HODGES baptised, abode West Walks in this parish, a Printer & Book Binder, Rev George Wood Rector

571 - 11 Nov 1835 - Thomas Septimus son of William & Mary Ann GARLAND baptised, abode High street, a grocer, Rev George Wood Rector

572 - 12 Nov 1835 - Henry John son of Thomas & Catharine COSBY baptised, abode Hennings Town in the parish of Fordington, a carpenter, Rev Henry Moule Vicar of Fordington

573 - 22 Nov 1835 - Henry William son of Henry & Elizabeth Maddick WARREN baptised, abode High Street, a linen draper, Rev George Wood Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 25 Dec 1835]

574 - 25 Nov 1835 - Susannah daughter of John Acres & Edna CURME baptised, abode High street, an upholsterer and cabinet maker, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of John Acres CURME to Edna KEET at Frensham in Surrey 19th June 1827]

575 - 27 Nov 1835 - Maria daughter of John & Elizabeth HARRIS baptised; abode Pease Lane, an ostler, Rev George Wood Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 12 Jun 1836]

576 - 06 Dec 1835 - Mary and Eliza daughters of David & Eliza GODWIN baptised,abode High street, an earthernware vender, Rev George Wood Rector

577 - 27 Dec 1835 - Frances daughter of William & Sarah COOMBS baptised, abode Colliton Row, a painter, Rev George Wood Rector


578 - 05 Jan 1836 - Jane daughter of Josiah & Ann SPENCER baptised, abode Pease Lane, a brickburner, Rev George Wood Rector

579 - 15 Jan 1836 - John son of Thomas & Elizabeth WOOD baptised, abode High Street, a brazier and tinman, Rev George Wood Rector

580 - 15 Jan 1836 - William son of Thomas & Jane NEWMAN baptised, abode High street, a tailor, Rev George Wood Rector

581 - 05 Feb 1836 - Elizabeth daughter of John & Eleanor BRIDGE baptised, abode Hennings Town in the parish of Fordington, a carpenter, Rev George Wood Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 24 Feb 1836 - Note burial record says from Fordington]

582 - 07 Feb 1836 - Mary Ann daughter of George & Mary HOW baptised, abode Pease Lane, an ostler, Rev George Wood Rector

583 - 10 Feb 1836 - Martha Thorner daughter of Henry & Martha CHICK baptised, abode Pease Lane, a carpenter, Rev W.R.Churchill Vicar of Winterborne St Martin

584 - 21 Feb 1836 - Sarah Mary daughter of William & Mary OLD baptised, abode Frome Whitfield in this parish, a shepherd, Rev George Wood Rector

585 - 24 Feb 1836 - James son of James & Frances Georgiana CULL baptised, abode Frome Whitfield (in this parish), a yeoman, Rev George Wood Rector

586 - 25 Feb 1836 - George son of George & Elizabeth MABER baptised, abode Church gate, a bricklayer, Rev George Wood Rector

587 - 04 Mar 1836 - Fanny daughter of John & Johanna GUY baptised, abode Libbeth Hill, a servant viz Butler to Rev W.R.Churchill, Rev George Wood Rector

588 - 28 Mar 1836 - Frederick Osborne Leonard son of Thomas & Olivia PATCH baptised, abode High street, a bookseller, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 3rd child of Thomas Patch (1800-1867) by his wife Olivia]

589 - 28 Mar 1836 - Henry son of John & Catharine BAILEY baptised, abode West Back street, a cabinet maker, Rev George Wood Rector

590 - 14 Apr 1836 - William illegitimate son of Elizabeth WRIGHT baptised, abode South Back Street, from the parish of All Saints, a strumpet, Rev George Wood Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 18 May 1836 - base born]

591 - 08 May 1836 - John son of Joseph & Mary SARGENT [SARGEANT] baptised, abode Pease Lane, a servant, Rev George Wood Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 6th Mar 1837]

592 - 13 May 1836 - Georgina daughter of George & Mary Ann ANDREWS baptised, abode High West street, a currier, Rev George Wood Rector [Note Beneficiary under Will of her father George ANDREWS (1791-1851)]

593 - 16 May 1836 - John son of John & Sarah FRY baptised, abode South Back Street, a groom (viz to Herbert Williams Esq) , Rev George Wood Rector

594 - 05 Jun 1836 - John illegitinate son of Sarah DUFALL baptised, abode Pease Lane from the parish of St Peter,a strumpet, Rev George Wood Rector

595 - 06 Jun 1836 - Charlotte Eliza daughter of James & Jane MILLS baptised, abode Pease Lane, a Tailor Rev William Gane Officiating Minister

596 - 12 Jun 1836 - Selina daughter of Thomas & Martha SMITH baptised, abode Frome Whitfield (in this parish) a blacksmith, Rev George Wood Rector

597 - 08 Jul 1836 - Susan (aged 7 yr) daughter of George & Susan WYATT, abode Libboth Hill, an adjutant of the Dorset regiment of Militia, Rev George Wood Rector

598 - 24 July 1836 - Jane daughter of Philip & Elizabeth WINZAR baptised, abode Pease Lane, a mason, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

599 - 26 July 1836 - Mary daughter of John & Mary DAVIS baptised, abode South Back Street, a wheelwright, Rev George Wood Rector

600 - 14 Aug 1836 - Mary daughter of William & Jane BISHOP baptised, abode Nursery Gardens, a nursery and seeds man, Rev George Wood Rector

601 - 27 Aug 1836 - Emily Jane daughter of William & Jane BRIDGE baptised, abode High Street, a solicitor, Rev George Wood Rector [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of William BRIDGE a Solicitor to Jane HENNING at HT Church Dorchester on 16th Sep 1835]

602 - 28 Aug 1836 - John son of Jethro & Hannah GUY baptised, abode Pease Lane, a carpenter, Rev George Wood Rector

603 - 11 Sep 1836 - Eliza daughter of John & Ann BRYANT baptised, abode Frome Whitfield (in this parish), a thatcher, Rev George Wood Rector

604 - 25 Sep 1836 - Mary daughter of George & Hannah LUCAS baptised, abode Pease Lane, a carpenter and joiner, Rev George Wood Rector [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 18 Oct 1836]

605 - 02 Oct 1836 - James son of John & Elizabeth DAY baptised, abode Pease Lane, a blacksmith, Rev George Wood Rector

606 - 05 Oct 1836 - Louisa base born daughter of Eliza ARNOLD baptised, abode Pease lane, reputed father (unclear soldier ?) by Rev George Wood [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 30 Jan 1837 - Note:- have year of burial wrong as 1836? see NBI]

607 - 16 Oct 1836 - Sarah daughter of Henry & Sarah LAKE baptised, abode Pease Lane, a carpenter, by Rev George Wood [Note:- 9th child from the marriage of Henry Lake (1786-1871) to Sarah ROBERTS at Holy Trinity Chyurch Dorchester on 22nd Aug 1816]

608 - 19 Oct 1836 - Rhoda Baker daughter of Charles & Rhoda DUFALL baptised, abode High Street, a china man, by Rev George Wood [See Comments about the family of Charles DUFALL (1800-1871) alias John DEWFOL]

609 - 21 Oct 1836 - John Charles son of John & Sarah HOPKINS baptised, abode thoroughfare in this parish, a Tailor, by Rev George Wood [Note:- Buried Holy trinity Dorchester 5th Mar 1837]

610 - 23 Oct 1836 - Albert son of William & Elizabeth DAVIS baptised, abode Shire Hall Lane, a cabinet maker, by Rev George Wood

611 - 06 Nov 1836 - Alfred son of Cornelius (deceased) & Elizabeth MILES baptised, abode High Street, a mason, by Rev George Wood

612 - 09 Nov 1836 - Ellen daughter of George & Susan WYATT baptised, abode Libbeth Hill, adjutant of the Dorset regiment of Militia, by Rev George Wood

613 - 10 Nov 1836 - Talbot Ashley Pattison son of John Albion & Dorcas alias Darkey Knight COX baptised abode High street, a Banker, by Rev George Wood [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of John Albion COX to Dorcas Knight Sayers at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 12 Jan 1832]

614 - 11 Nov 1836 - Mary daughter of John & Mary GUY baptised, abode South Back Street, a labourer, by Rev George Wood

615 - 19 Nov 1836 - Mary daughter of William & Frances WALLIS baptised, abode South Back street, a Tailor, by Rev George Wood

616 - 20 Nov 1836 - Augusta daughter of William & Augusta WATTS baptised, abode Glyde Path Hill, a blacksmith, by Rev George Wood

617 - 27 Dec 1836 - Charles Thomas son of Thomas & Anne Frances LOCK baptised, abode West Back street, a miller, by Rev George Wood [Note:-1st child from the marriage of Thomas LOCK (1810-1879) to Ann Frances POUNCY at St Peters Church Dorchester on 14th May 1834]


618 - 18 Jan 1837 - Edward son of Edward & Ellen MONDEY baptised, abode West Back Street, a cabinet maker and builder, by Rev George Wood

619 - 17 Feb 1837 - George son of Luke & Susan BELLOWS baptised, abode South Back Street, an ostler at Antelope Inn, by Rev George Wood [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 20 May 1837]

620 - 03 Mar 1837 - Thomas Bishop son of John & Eleanor BRIDGE baptised, abode Hennings Town in the parish of Fordington, a carpenter, by Rev George Wood

621 - 14 Mar 1837 - Frederick son of John Acres & Edna CURME baptised, abode High Street, an upholsterer and cabinet maker, by Rev George Wood [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of John Acres CURME to Edna KEET at Frensham in Surrey 19th June 1827 - Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 26 May 1837]

622 - 01 Apr 1837 - Peter son of James & Elizabeth SWINDLES baptised, abode From the Queens Arms Inn in Pease Lane, a hawker and pedler, by Rev George Wood [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 29 Apr 1838]

623 - 07 Apr 1837 - James son of James & Maria HARDY baptised, abode High Street, a clock and watch maker, by Rev George Wood

624 - 17 Apr 1837 - Elizabeth daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth HODGES baptised, abode South Back street, a carpenter, by Rev George Wood

625 - 26 Apr 1837 - Sarah daughter of Thomas & Jane NEWMAN baptised, abode High Street, a Tailor, by Rev George Wood

626 - 07 May 1837 - Thomas son of John & Mary SHERRING baptised, abode Coker's Farm frome Whitfield (in this parish) a labourer, by Rev George Wood

627 - 12 May 1837 - Robert William son of John James & Elizabeth LAMBERT baptised, abode High West street, an Esquire, by Rev George Wood [Note:- Article Dorset County Chronicle Thursday 20 Apr 1837 BIRTHS: April 13 at dorchester, Mrs LAMBERT, wife of John James LAMBERT Esq, of a son]

628 - 04 Jun 1837 - Charles son of John & Elizabeth HARRIS baptised, abode Pease Lane, an ostler, by Rev George Wood

629 - 18 Jun 1837 - Joseph son of Joseph & Elizabeth BARNES baptised, abode South Back street, a Tailor, by Rev George Wood

630 - 18 Jun 1837 - Elizabeth Jane daughter of William & Elizabeth Oram ESCOT baptised, abode High Street near the church, Attorney's Clerk, by Rev George Wood

631 - 18 Jun 1837 - Charles son of Samuel & Amelia RUSSELL baptised, abode frome Whitfield (in this parish) a servant to Wm [William] HENNINGS Esq, by Rev George Wood

632 - 23 July 1837 - Jane daughter of Thomas* & Elizabeth GILMAN baptised, abode Pease lane, an ostler at the George Inn, by Rev George Wood [Note:- added in the margin " I have since ascertained this man's name to be Daniel not Thomas viz No. 696 GW]

633 - 25 July 1837 - Elizabeth daughter of Edward & Mary HICKS baptised, abode Colleton Row a servant to Mr Cousins, by Rev George Wood

634 - 04 Aug 1837 - Fanny Greening daughter of Robert & Frances CURTIS baptised, abode West Back street, a tailor, by Rev George Wood [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of James Robert England CURTIS [1811-1891) to Frances GREENING at All Sts 14 Mar 1833]

635 - 14 Aug 1837 - Eliza daughter of John & Charlotte DUFALL baptised, abode South Back street, an Ostler at the Feathers Inn, by Rev George Wood [Buried Holy Trinity dorchester 31 Aug 1837]

636 - 27 Aug 1837 - Susanna daughter of James & Anne VINCENT baptised, abode Hollis Farm Frome Whitfield (in this parish) a labourer, by Rev George Wood

637 - 03 Sep 1837 - Charles James son of Isaac & Mary HODGES baptised, abode Colleton Row a shoemaker, by Rev George Wood [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Isaac HODGES Junior (1804-1885). to Mary TRENT at HT on 13 Apr 1828].

638 - 15 Sep 1837 - William Watts son of James & Frances Georgina CULL baptised, abode Frome Whitfield (in this parish) a yeoman, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister

639 - 09 Oct 1837 - Julia daughter of William & Jane BRIDGE baptised, abode High street, an Attorney, by Rev George Wood [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of William BRIDGE a Solicitor to Jane HENNING at HT Church Dorchester on 16th Sep 1835]

640 - 13 Oct 1837 - John Rice son of John & Mary BONNET baptised, abode Pease Lane, a printer, by Rev George Wood

641 - 22 Oct 1837 - Eliza daughter of Robert & Matilda ROGERS baptised, abode Pease Lane, a Servant to Mr Bridge, Rev Howell James Officiating Minister

642 - 22 Oct 1837 - Thomas Andrew Barret illegitimate son of Charlotte GRUNSEL baptised (born in transition] abode Pease Lane, "this woman was reported to have come from Islington & to have belonged to Lymington Hampshire, Rev Howell James Officiating Minister

643 - 28 Oct 1837 - Sarah Sophia daughter of William Lewis & Rose Ann HENNING baptised, abode Grampound now called Grove House Fordington, an esquire, Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister [Note:- See Burke's Family Records page 313 - 6th child of William Lewis Henning of Frome Whitfield Dorset J.P. born 27th May 1794 who married 23 June 1825 to Ann Rose only daughter and heiress of Robert SHURLOCK of Snowdenham, Bramley, Surrey ]

644 - 26 Nov 1837 - George Bearman son of John & Ann Bearman SEAL baptised, abode Perkin's Barton, a tailor, by Rev George Wood

645 - 29 Nov 1837 - Robert Henry son of Henry Sydenham & Amelia Gillie SABINE baptised, abode high street, an Attorney, by Rev George Wood

646 - 29 Nov 1837 - Frederic son of Philip & Elizabeth WINZAR baptised, abode Pease Lane, a stone mason, by Rev George Wood

647 - 04 Dec 1837 - James Bishop son of William & Elizabeth LESTER baptised, abode Pease Lane, a serving man, by Rev George Wood [Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 13 Apr 1838]

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