Studland Wills

Original Wills and Administrations of Archdeaconry Court of Dorset
held at Dorset County Record Office

Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/W/1661 56

Ephraim Hayward of “Ullway” [Ulwell]
Dated: 29 Mar 1654

- a young man living in the parish of Studland being bound to Sea as soon as please God

- Manases Hayward (younger brother): five pounds, also one coverled “the best”; one silver spoon; a great chest;
  one [word obliterated] “the best”; two pewter dishes; one pestle and mortar, and all his wearing apparel

- Henry Hayward (brother): four pounds and all the rest of his goods not yet mentioned

- William Havercome (brother*): three pounds

Executor: Henry Hayward
Signed Ephraim Hayward
Witness: Edward Hayward
Proved: 25 May 1661 – sworn before John Lyndly

[*Probably what we would call today a brother-in-law – at this time there was no distinction between
a blood brother and a brother by marriage.]


Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/W/1663 49

William Puckkett   Yeoman of “Nuton [Newtown] in the parish of Studland in the Isle of Purbucke
in the Countie of Dorsett
Dated: 03 Nov 1663

- beinge in good health and of perfect memorie”

- Bethia (wife): forty shillings

- John, son of John Browne of Carington in the Isle of Pubbuck: ten shillings

- Joyce, dafter of the said John Browne: ten shillings

- Elizabeth, dafter of the said John Browne: ten shillings

- James, son of the said John Browne: ten shillings

- Marie, dafter of William Smith: ten shillings

- John, son of John Parlett of Wareham: five shillings

- Jane Frampton (daughter): rest & residue

Executrix: Jane Frampton (daughter)
The mark of William Puckkett
Witnesses: James Farwell (his mark), William Hooper
Proved: 1663

Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/W/1665 30 [parchment water damaged & eaten away in places]

Thomas Grove Gent of Studland in the Isle of Purbeck in the County of Dorsett
Dated: 08 Dec 1665

- being sicke in body, but of good and perfect remembrance & memory

- Alexander Grove (son): twenty pounds per annum out of the Lease and during the term of the Lease of Studland Farm,
  to remain to him and his assigns

- Elizabeth Grove (daughter): two hundred and fifty pounds to be paid to her at age 24

- Thomas & Alexander Grove (sons): if Elizabeth dies unmarried, then her two hundred and fifty pounds to be equally divided
  between them and their assigns

- Thomas Grove (son): the inheritance of all his lands and tenements

- Thomas, Alexander & Elizabeth Grove (children): after the decease of their mother Frances, all his household goods, viz.,
  bedsteads, beds with all their furniture, brass, pewter, tableboards & stools and suchlike household stuff or household goods
  which are to be equally divided between them

- The Poor of Corfe Castle: 5 shillings

- The Poor of Studland: 5 shillings

- Frances Grove (wife) & Thomas Grove (son): rest & residue

Signed Thomas Grove
Executors: Frances Grove (wife) & Thomas Grove (son)
Overseers: Edward Harvey & John Haward both of Corfe Castle, Gent.
Witnesses: John Beaumont, Edward …
Proved: 02 Mar 1665/5 – Frances Grove , relict of the deceased, and Thomas Grove , son of the deceased, were sworn in to
administer the estate before John Beaumont, Rector of Studland



DHC Ref: DA/I/1665 7 [parchment water damaged & eaten away in places]
An Inventorie had and taken of all such goods and chattells as
Thomas Grove ye Elder of Studland
deceased had the day of his disceas praised by Edward Hancok, John Ford & William Hayward
ye 22th of January Anno Domini 1665[/6].


Imprimis. 4 standing bedsteads 04 00 00
Item. 3 truckle bedsteads   10 00
Item. 7 fether beds 22 00 00
Item. 10 fether bolsters 4 00 00
Item. … ? rugs & 3 coverleds 4 00 00
Item. 7 paire of blanckets 3 10 00
Item. 6 fether pillows 1 04 00
Item. 3 paire of curtains & vallens 3 00 00
Item. 13 paire of sheats 7 00 00
Item. 3 diaper board cloths 3 10 00
Item. 3 hollen bord cloths 2 00 00
Item. 4 canvese bord cloths   08 00
Item. 22 diaper napkins   18 00
Item. 3 dozen of canvese napkins   15 00
Item. 6 hand towells   03 00
Item. 5 paire of hollen pillyties & 3 canvese paire of pillyties 1 00 00
Item. His wearing apparel 4 00 00
Item. A bason & pere and 3 dozen of pewter dishes 7 00 00
Item. 6 pewter sasers & a pewter pot & a pewter candlstick   03 06
Item. 2 dozen of pewter spoons   02 06
Item. A brase chasen dish & brase candelstick   06 00
Item. 5 kushens 1 00 00
Item. 3 carpet cloths   10 00
Item. Chease 1 10 00
Item. Butter 1 05 00
Item. Lampte 2 05 00
Item. A furnace & 5 brase cr… 3 kittills & 2 skillets & 2 brase pan 8 00 00
Item. 2 paire of angers a pair of dogs a paire of recks 3 spits & a fender … & pan & a paire of tongs … paire … …othuck 2 paire of hang… a bar … 2 00 00
… & 3 side … & 3 other … 2 00 00
---- 12 00 00
Item. 6 gine stooles   06 00
Item. A fryen pan a griddion & to steny.. & a paire of billowes   05 00
Item. 3 kusshens chaires & 9 cusshen stools 2 ? 00
Item. 3 chest & a trunck & a bred bin 1 05 00
Item. 3 muskets & 3 bandelers 3 swords and a fowlinge prase [piece] 3 00 00
Item. … & trendels & other trifels 2 00 00
Item. … mill 1 00 00
Item. … .heat a van a willow & sacks 1 06 00
Item. … lockes 14 05 00
Item. weans wheals suls & all other plows tacklinges 14 05 00
Item. Wheat threst & unthrest 30 00 00
Item. Barly threst & unthrest 6 00 00
Item. A bushell of beans   05 00
Item. Wheat in grase 35 00 00
Item. 13 score and od sheape 89 00 00
Item. 8 oxen 6 kowes & 16 yonge beafe and ye fodder belonging to them 65 00 00
Item. Horses mares & colts 10 10 00
Item. 2 swines 1 00 00
Item. Porck beafe & provision for the house 8 10 00
Item. 2 chest on stons & other small things   06 00
Item. gease turkey & other pultere 1 07 00
Item. Opon bond 30 00 00
Item. Due for rents at Corfe 3 10 00
Item. Due for rent at Westwood 13 15 00
Item. Due rent at Corfe 2 10 00
Item. 3 stocks of beas   10 00
Item. 3 dozen of trenchers   01 09
Item. A warming pan & other small trifles   06 03


436 14s ?


Signed: Edward Hancoke, John Ford, William Hayward



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/W/1667 33
Noncupative Will

Lucrece Talbott Widow of Studland
Dated: 07 Nov 1666

- being sick in body but of perfect mind and memory, “mindeinge and intending to make her last Will and Testament
  did make the same by Word of mouth as followeth, viz:”

- William, Henry, Peter & John Talbott (sons): all and singular her goods, chattels and credits moveable and immoveable
  to be equally divided between them

- John Ford (friend): [one?] sheep

- John Bayly (friend): [one?] sheep

Executor: John Talbott (son)
Overseers: John Ford & John Bayly (friends)
Witnesses: John Foard, John Bailie, Joane Talbott, Anne Talbott
Proved: 05 Jun 1667 - John Ford and John Bayly testified to the veracity of the deceased’s nuncupative
Will and John Talbott,
the son and Executor, was sworn in before Gilbert Jones

NB: in the registers Lucretia and other members of her family are often styled “Talbott alias Havercombe”



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/W/1669 52 [parchment water damaged & eaten away in places]

Frances Grove widow of Studland
Dated: 16 Nov 1666

- being “not well in helth of boudey, but of sound and perfect memory”

- Alexander Grove (son): forty shillings a year during his life

- Betey Grove (daughter): six pounds a year out of my “exostership” [executorship?] in Studland Farm
  during her life and a box of childbirth linen and wearing apparel

- Thomas Grove (son): rest & residue

- John & Will Howard (sons): one shilling apiece

Executor: Thomas Grove
Overseers: John Howard & Will Howard (sons)
Signed Frances Grove
Witness: Will Balling of Studland
Proved: 01 Feb 1669/70 – sworn before Humphry Newman, Surrogate



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/A/1669 39 [parchment water damaged & eaten away in places]
Administration Bond

Alexander Grove late of Studland in the County & Archdeaconry of Dorsett intestate deceased
Dated: 01 Feb 1669/70

- Sureties: Thomas Grove Gent. of Studland & Roger Clavell Gent. of Steeple

- Amount: £40

- Bound to: Richard Meredith Archdeacon of Dorset

- Administrator: Thomas Grove, the natural & lawful brother of the deceased

- Condition of the obligation: to make an inventory of the goods, chattells and credits of the deceased and to exhibit
  the same to the Registry of the Archdeacon’s Court and make a just Account of his Administration when thereto
  lawfully required.

Witness: Richard Fitzherbert



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/A/1669 40
Administration Bond

Ursula Moulam widow late of Studland in the County & Archdeaconry of Dorsett deceased
Dated: 15 Jun 1669

- Sureties: Alexander Moulam Husbandman of Studland, Thomas Grove Gent. of Studland & John Painter Seaman of Studland

- Amount: £48

- Bound to: Gilbert Jones Surrogate of Richard Meredith Archdeacon of Dorset

- Administrator: Alexander Moulam during the nonnage and minority of John Talbot Executor nominated constituted and
  appointed in the last Will and Testament of the said Ursula Moulam deceased

Condition of the obligation:
- to make an inventory of the goods, chattells and credits of the deceased and to exhibit the same to the Registry of the
  Archdeacon’s Court at or before the 29th day of September next ensuing
- to well and sufficiently maintain and bring up the said John Talbot the Executor in good and honest education allowing
  unto him competent and sufficient meat drink and cloth and all other things necessary belonging unto his said bringing up
  until he attain and come unto the full age of one and twenty years or be married
- to render and make a true and just Account of and upon his Administration when thereto lawfully required.

Witnesses: Roger Clavell Notary Public, Thomas Gilbert


Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/W/1671 68 [parchment water damaged & eaten away in places]

Edmond Squibb [also as Edmente Sqube]
Dated: 1670

- John Squb (son): one … [shilling]

- Lorrete Squb (daughter): one … [shilling]

- Edmente Squb (son): one shilling

- Francis Squb (son): one shilling

- Sturtone Squb (son): one shilling

- Lorrete Squb (natural wife): of all his goods moveable and non-moveable, paying to Edmente (son) ten pounds,
  to Lorrete (daughter) twenty pounds and to Stourton (son) twenty pounds which is the last of that their grandfather
  Edward Sturte gave upon Will

- Edith Chisman (granddaughter): one shilling

- William Squb (grandson): one shilling

Executrix: Lorrete Squb (natural wife)
Overseers: Robart Duk and Thomas Hulle
Edmente Squb (marked with a cross)
Witnesses: John Squb (X), Francis Squb (X), Lorrete Squb (X), Edmund Squibb (X)
Proved: 12 Apr 1671



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/A/1671 94
Administration Bond

William Foard late of Studland deceased
Dated: 11 Oct 1677

- Sureties: Ann Foard widow of Studland & Edward Beaumont of Poole

- Amount: £100

- Bound to: Ralph Ironside

Administratrix: Anne Foard, relict of the deceased
Condition of the obligation: to make an inventory of the goods, chattells and credits of the deceased and to
exhibit the same to the Registry of the Archdeacon’s Court of Dorsett at or before the twenty-fourth day of
November next ensuing and make an Account of her Administration at or before the twenty-fifth day of March
next ensuing.

Witness: Richard Fitzherbert Notary Public



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/A/1679 41
Administration Bond

John Ford late of Studland intestate deceased
Dated: 30 Jun 1679

- Sureties: John Vie [signed Vye] Farmer of Studland & Henry Vie Farmer of Swanage

- Amount: £40

- Bound to: Henry Jones Surrogate of Ralph Ironside Archdeacon of Dorset

Administratrix: Joane Vie alias Ford, wife of the above-bounden John Ford and mother of the deceased
Condition of the obligation: to make an inventory of the goods, chattells and credits of the deceased and
to exhibit the same to the Registry of the Archdeacon’s Court of Dorsett and to make a true and just Account
of her Administration when thereunto lawfully required

Witness: William Rose, Dorothie Rose



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/A/1681 89
Administration Bond

Robert Duke late of Studland intestate deceased
Dated: 24 Feb 1681/2

- Sureties: Thomas Duke Farmer of Studland & John Swire Yeoman of Galton in the parish of Owermoigne

- Amount: £100

- Bound to: Henry Jones Surrogate of Ralph Ironside Archdeacon of Dorset

Administrator: Thomas Duke , the natural and lawful son of the deceased
Condition of the obligation: to make an inventory of the goods, chattells and credits of the deceased and to exhibit the
same to the Registry of the Archdeacon’s Court of Dorsett before when thereunto lawfully required and make a true and
just Account of his Administration at or before the Feast of St Michael the Archangel next ensuing

Witness: Richard Fitzherbert



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/A/1684 103
Administration Bond

John Sustins late of the parish Studland intestate deceased
Dated: 24 Mar 1684/5

- Sureties: Henry Sustins Mariner of Corfe Castle & Sampson Sustins Mariner of Studland

- Amount: £20

- Bound to: Henry Jones Surrogate of John Feilding Archdeacon of Dorset

Administrator: Henry Sustins , the natural and lawful son of the deceased
Condition of the obligation: to make an inventory of the goods, chattells and credits of the deceased and to
exhibit the same to the Registry of the Archdeacon’s Court of Dorsett before the twenty-fifth day of July next
ensuing and to make a true and just Account of his Administration before the twenty-fourth day of February
next ensuing.
Witness: Richard Fitzherbert



 Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/A/1685 63
Administration Bond

John Havercome late of Studland in the Isle of Purbeck deceased
Dated: 08 Aug 1685

- Sureties: Abigail Havercome * widow of Studland & John Chadock Farmer of Studland

- Amount: £20

- Bound to: Henry Jones Surrogate of John Feilding Archdeacon of Dorset

Administratrix: Abigail Havercomb, the relict of the deceased
Condition of the obligation: to make an inventory of the goods, chattells and credits of the deceased
and to exhibit the same to the Registry of the Archdeacon’s Court of Dorsett at or before the twenty-fourth
day of January next ensuing and make a true and just Account of her Administration at or before the
twenty-fourth day of June next ensuing

Witness: Richard Fitzherbert
[*The surname is spelt in a variety of ways throughout the document.]



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/W/1686 39

John Pushman of Dean in the Isle of Purbicke being in perfect memory
Dated: 01 Jan 1685/6

- Honer Patreg (granddaughter): Lease held by the said Honer’s life, paying Elizabeth Smeth (granddaughter) five shillings a year

- Elizabeth Smeth (granddaughter): Baylis Tenement

- Hana Smeth (granddaughter): one shilling

- William Patreg (grandson): “my hefer to yearen bullock”

- John Patreg (grandson): yearlen bullock

- John Patreg (son) & Jeane Patreg (granddaughter): rest & residue to be equally divided between them.
  If John outlives Jeane, and she has a husband at the time of her death, then her share will go to her husband
  for the term remaining. If Jeane outlives John, then John’s wife shall enjoy his share during Jeane’s Life.

Executors: John Patreg (son) & Joane Patreg (granddaughter)
Overseers: Mr Collens & Mariner Brown
The mark of John Pushman

Witnesses: John Browne, John Pollard
Proved: 26 Nov 1686 – Executors sworn before Richard Rodderick at Blandford Forum


Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/W/1687 31

Martin Talbot  Mariner of “Oulway” [Ulwell] in the parish of Stuldand in the Isle of Purbeck & Countie of Dorset
Dated: 24 Jan 1686/7

- being in good & perfect memory though weake in body

- Margrett Talbot (wife): all his goods & chattels, moveable and immoveable during the term of her natural life

- Thomas & Peter Talbot (sons): two-thirds of all the goods & chattels, moveable and immoveable after Margrett’s
  decease, to be equally divided between them

- Children of John Talbot (son) lately deceased: one-third part of all the goods & chattels, moveable and immoveable
  after Margrett’s decease

- Joshua Talbot (son): his tenement at Oulway and all the plough tackling during the term of the lease

- Ann Stiles (daughter): ten pounds to be paid to her out of the lease left to Joshua
- Children of John Talbot (son) lately deceased: ten pounds to be paid to them out of the lease left to Joshua

- Thomas Talbot (son): ten pounds to be paid to him out of the lease left to Joshua

- Peter Talbot (son): five pounds to be paid to him out of the lease left to Joshua

- Martin Talbot (grandson): his gun

- Ann Stiles (daughter): his red horse

Executors: Thomas Talbot & Peter Talbot (sons)
Signed Martin Talbot
Witnesses: Robert Turner, Rogyer Barker, Frances Coles

Probate Court: 24 Jun 1687 – Thomas & Peter Talbot appeared with their mother, Margaret Talbot , the relict of the deceased.
Since Thomas Talbot was aged 20 and Peter Talbot aged 18 they could not be sworn in as Executors.
[See Admon dated 24 Jun 1687 below.]


Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/A/1687 65
Administration Bond

Martin Talbot late of Oulway in the parish of Studland deceased
Dated: 24 Jun 1687

- Sureties: Margaret Talbott widow of Oulway in the parish of Studland & John Ventree Farmer of Studland

- Amount: £40

- Bound to: Henry Jones Surrogate of John Feilding Archdeacon of Dorset

- Administrator: Margaret Talbot  relict of the deceased, during the nonage and minority of her sons
  Thomas Talbot & Peter Talbot

Condition of the obligation:
- to make an inventory of the goods, chattells and credits of the deceased and to exhibit the same to the
  Registry of the Archdeacon’s Court of Dorsett at or before the first day of July next ensuing
- to well & sufficiently maintain and bring up the said Thomas Talbott and Peter Talbot Executors in good
  & honest education allowing unto them competent meat, drink and clothes and all other things necessary &
  belonging to ye said bringing up until they attain & come to full age or are married
- and to make a true and just Account of her Administration when thereto lawfully required

Witness: William Horlocke

NB: the spelling of ‘Talbot ’ varies throughout the document, sometimes with one ‘t' at the end and sometimes with two.


Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/I/1687 82 [parchment water damaged & eaten away in places]

A trew and perfect Inventory of all the goods and chatels of

Marten Talbut of Ulwell desesed taken and vallued by
Richard Collens and John Pollard


  £ s d
Item. for on [one] chatle 40 00 00
Item. for three Cows and Hefer 12 00 00
Item. for tenn yong beafe 12 ? ?
Item. for three and forty sheep 12 ? ?
Item. for to [two] horses  2 10 ?
Item. for hay  3 00 ?
Item. for his waring aparel  3 00 ?
Item. for to beds furnished  8 00 00
Item. for to cofers & other things in the other Chamber   15 00
Item. for one chest and cofer and box and other things in ye Chamber   12 00
Item. for three brase crocks and to iorn crockes and to ketles  1 15 00
Item. for fiv puter dishes and to skelets and to smale tankett   12 00
Item. for one coberd one tablebord and three chairs and other things   13 00
Item. for foure barels & one ?selt one handel and one chorn   14 00
Item. for to coules and other things   06 00
Item. for plow tackeling  1 00 00
Item. for one pig and to fleches of bakon  2 00 00
Item. for one gun   12 00


104 18s 00d

Exhibited: ?? Jun 1687


Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/A/1687 64
Administration Bond

John Talbot  late of Studland deceased
Dated: 28 Jun 1687

- Sureties: Margaret Talbot widow of Studland, Luke Barnes Farmer of Langton Wallis & John Horder
  Innholder of Blandford

- Amount: £110

- Bound to: Henry Jones Surrogate of the Archdeacon of Dorset

- Administrator: Margaret Talbot , relict of the deceased

- Condition of the obligation: to make an inventory of the goods, chattells and credits of the deceased and to exhibit
  the same to the Registry of the Archdeacon’s Court of Dorsett at or before the first day of August next ensuing and
  make a true and just Account of her Administration before the first day of June next ensuing.

Witness: William Horlocke



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/I/1687 83 [parchment water damaged & eaten away in places]

June the 14th 1687
A true and perfect Inventory taken of all the goods and chattels and credits of

John Talbut late of Studland in the County of Dorsett deceased apprised
by us whosse names are heare under written the daye and yeare above said

  £ s d
Imprimis. left in moneys to the value of ? ? ?
Item. in the hall one Table bord one Cobard and all things else belonging to that Roome 1 01 ?
Item. in the Coffery three bear vessells one conel one trendell one payle and other necessaries   07 06
Item. in the Chamber one bead steads a feather bed and all things theare to belonging valued at 3 10 00
Item. To Chest one Cofer to Boxes and other nesessaries 1 00 06
Item. in Buter and Brase   13 04
Item. in lining [linen] to the value of 1 00 00
Item. a cradell   01 06
Item. for his wearing app[ar]ell 5 00 00


55 13s 10d


Signed: James Summers, John Vye
Exhibited: 28 Jun 1687 by Margaret Talbot before Richard Rodderick Surrogate



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/W/1688 7

Jane Norman  Widow of Dean in the parish of Studland & County of Dorset
Dated: 21 Oct 1687

- being sick in body but of good & perfect memory and understanding

- Mary Hardy (daughter): one shilling

- Jane Hardy (granddaughter): one sheep hog (written “on sheap hoge”)

- Josua Ninham (son-in-law): one shilling

- Charls Ninham (grandson): two weather sheep and one hog

- Anne Norman (daughter): rest & residue

Executrix: Anne Norman (daughter)
The mark of Jane Norman
Witnesses: Margarett Welles, Mary Welles, the mark of Elisabeth …RY

Proved: 29 Jun 1688



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/I/1688 24
A trew and perfect Inventory of all the goods and C[h]atle of
Jane Norman of Dean widow late decesed in the Isle of Purbicke and County of
Dorset taken and valued by John Pollard and Thomas Duke

  £ s d
Item. for to [two] Cows and one bullock 5 00 00
Item. for three and twenty sheep 5 10 00
Item. for one pig hog 1 00 00
Item. for fowr pots of beefe   16 00
Item. for wheate in sheef 1 00 00
Item. for goods in ye hall 2 00 00
Item. for goods in the Chamber 2 10 00
Item. for goods in the butre 1 00 00
Item. for hay 1 00 00
Item. for her wareing aparle 1 10 00
Item. for and other lumber and things forgot   06 08


21 12s 08d


Exhibited: 29 Jun 1688 at Blandford Forum before Richard Rodderick Surrogate



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/A/1689 52
Administration Bond

John Ventury late of the parish of Studland intestate deceased
Dated: 21 Mar 1689/90

- Sureties: Alice Ventury widow of Studland & Abraham Thick Farmer of Deane in the parish of Studland

- Amount: £120

- Bound to: Henry Jones Surrogate of the Archdeacon of Dorset

Administrator: Alice Ventury , relict of the deceased
Condition of the obligation: to make an inventory of the goods, chattells and credits of the deceased and to
exhibit the same to the Registry of the Archdeacon’s Court of Dorsett at or before the first day of May next
ensuing and make a true and just Account of her Administration before the first day of March next ensuing.

Witness: William Horlocke Notary Public, Thomas Iveleaf



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/I/1689 82

John Venturey
A trew & perfect Inventory of all & singular ye goods Creditts & Chattels of John Venturey
late of the p[ar]ish of Studland in the Isle of Purbeck in the County of Dorsett deceased taken &
appraised by us whose names are hereunto subscribed the eleventh day of March Anno Domini 1689/90


Inprimes. 25 Cuppells at 06 apeese 7 10 00
Item. 20 drie sheepe at 05 apeese 5 00 00
Item. 29 Hooges at 04 apeece 5 16 00
Item. three Heaifers of three yeeares old 5 10 00
Item. three Heaifers of to [two] yeeares old 3 15 00
Item. three Heaifers of one yeeare old 3 00 00
Item. To yearland Coltes at 1 00 00
Item. three other Coltes at 3 00 00
Item. foure other horse bests at 4 00 00
Item. one Barren Cowe at 1 10 00
Item. Eaight stockes of Beefe at 05 apeese 2 00 00
Item. in the Halle of Peauter and Brase 1 06 08
Item. one Leanery Cubbord one Tabelbord on Cheast & other trifels to the valley of 1 00 00
Item. in the buttery two Beare vessels & other small vessels to the valley of   05 00
Item. two Goones 1 00 00
Item. in the Chamber one bead & beadstead & all theare to be longing to the valley of 2 10 00
Item. one Great Chest & Coffer whith other thinges   10 00
Item. the Lenen & Woollan to the valley of 3 00 00
Item. one bad Carte & wheales   10 00
Item. the Corne on the Ground 3 00 00


55 02s 08d


Taken by us: Lewis Cockram, John Vye
Exhibited: 21 Mar 1689/90 before Henry Willis Surrogate



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/I/1689 88

December the 24: 1689
A true and perfect Inventory taken of all the goods of
Elizabeth Vye late of Studland in the County of Dorset deceased apprised by us
whose names are here under written the day and yere above said

  £ s   d
Imprimis. left in moneys 14 00 00
Item. in rings to the valy of 02 00 00
Item. for hir waring appell & some other trifell things to the valy of 02 00 00


18 00s 00d

Signed: William Havercom, John Vye
Exhibited: 18 Jan 1689/90 to the Registry of the Archdeaconry of Dorset


Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre


DHC Ref: BC/W/T/1691 98
Administration Bond

Robert Turner late Rector of Studland intestate deceased
Dated: 19 Dec 1691

- Sureties: Robert Turner Gent of Studland & Alexander Harvy Gent of Blandford Forum

- Amount: £40

- Bound to: Henry Jones Surrogate of the Bishop of Bristol

Administrator: Robert Turner, son of the deceased
Condition of the obligation: to make an inventory of the goods, chattells and credits of the deceased
and to exhibit the same to the Registry of the Archdeacon’s Court of Dorsett at or before the first day
of April next ensuing and make a true and just Account of his Administration before the first day of
December next ensuing.

Witness: William Humfry, William Horlocke


Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: BC/W/T/1691 90

Robert Turner
December the 24th 1689
A true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods Creditts and Chattles of
Mr. Robert Turner Clerke late Rector of Studland in the County of Dorsett
and Diocese of Bristoll intestate deceased taken and appraised the sixth day of
December in the Third Yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady
William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland
King and Queen Defender of the Faith and Anno Domini 1691 By us whose
names are hereunto subscribed

   £  s d
Impris. for halfe a yeares rent due for the Rectory of Studland 12 10 00
Item. money due upon Bond 56 00 00
Item. money in house 11 10 00
Item. for all his waring Closse Linan & woollan hats Stockens & Shoes 03 17 00


83 17s 00d


Valued by us: Joseph Mash, the mark of Roger Baker
Exhibited: 19 Dec 1691 by Robert Turner, son & Executor, at Blandford Forum before Richard Rodderick Surrogate



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/I/1691 110

A true and perfect Inventory of all the Goods and Chattles of
Thomas Grove deceased late whilest he lived of the parish of Studland in the Isle of Purbeck and County of Dorset gent,
taken and appraysed the Sixth day of November Anno Domini 1691 by Thomas Cockeram gent. and James Havelland
as followeth:


   £  s d

Within Doores

Imprimis in Sheepswool 9 00 00
Item in Lumber wool   08 00
Itt his wearing apparrell 5 00 00
Itt the Tenement in Studland aforesaid 150 00 00
Itt the Tenement in Corfe Castle 30 00 00

In the Hall

Item One Tableboard a Livery Cupboard, six Joyned Stooles five Chairs, a small Trunk and a small Desk 1 15 00
Itt two fowling peeces, two Muskets, two Swords 2 05 00
Itt a Clock, one Jack, one pair of Andirons, one pair of iron Dogs, one pair of Tongs, and one fire Shovel 2 00 00
Itt a Small Still, a pair of Billows w[i]th other small things   10 00

In the Chamber within the Hall

3 10 00
Item. a feather bed and standing Bedsteed w[i]th Curtanes and Vailings, two feather bolsters, two small
feather pillows, one Rugg with other beadclothes thereunto belonging
1 00 00
Itt one Chest, a Side Table, three covered Stools, one Chair, two boxes, one looking glass, two Brushes
and a Cushion wth other small things

In the Hall Chamber

4 00 00
Item Two feather beds, a standing Bedsteed wth Curtains and Vailings, two feather bolsters, two small
feather pillows and a Rugg w[i]th other Bedclothes thereunto belonging
Itt Eighteen Silver Spoons, one Silver Tankard, two Silver bowls, one great & the other small, two silver d… dishes 11 06 00
Itt a pair of Andirons, a pair of Iron dogs, a pair of Tongs and a fire Shovel   05 00
Itt a Wardrobe, a Chest, a Box, one Chair, two Stools, a Hanging Shelf, three Purslanes plates, two Earthen basons
and Ewer, six Earthen China Dishes wth other earthenwares
  15 00
Itt Seven pair of Canvas Sheets, three pair of Holland Sheets, two pair of Dowlas Sheets 5 00 00
Itt Six pair of Hollande pillowties, four pair of Canvas pillowties, Two diaper Tableclothes, Eight and twenty
diaper Napkins,Two diaper cupboard clothes, Three Holland Cupboard clothes, Three Holland Tableclothes,
Twelve Holland Napkins, four Canvas Table clothes, twelve Canvas Napkins and six Canvas Towels
7 16 00
Itt a feather Truckle bed and Bedsteed wth one feather bolster, a Rugg and other bedclothes thereunto belonging 1 15 00

In the Outer Chamber

Item a feather bed and a standing Bedsteeed wth curtains & veilings, two feather bolsters, two small feather pillows
and a Rugg wth other bedclothes thereunto belonging
3 00 00
Itt a feather Truckle bed and Bedsteed with one feather bolster, a Rugg and other bedclothes thereto belonging 1 15 00
Itt two great Chests, a Trunk, two small Boxes, a Desk, a Coffer wth other small things 1 05 00

In the Kitchen

Item A Tableboard, four Joyned Stools   05 00
Itt  One and forty pewter platters, two pewter basons, three pewter pie plates, four pewter candlesticks,
twelve pewter plates,six pewter vinegar censers, two pewter Chamber pots, a pewter suck-bottle, five pewter butter
censers, a pewter flagon, and a pewter pinte
4 00 00
Itt Five Brass pots, three brass Kettles, three brass Skimers, a brass Colander, two brass Chafing dishes, six brass pans,
a brass Skillet and Basting Ladle
8 00 00
Itt A Bellmetal Skillet, a bellmetal pankin 1 00 00
Itt Three spits or broaches, a Jack, an Iron Dripping pan, a pair of Iron Andirons, a fender, a Grediron, an Iron pot,
a bellmetal pill
1 09 00
Itt. an old Settle, two Chairs, three pailes, three cowls, a Meashing fat, a Kive, an Ambey & a Cheese press 1 17 00
Itt. A furnace, a Slice of bacon, wth other lumber things 2 10 00

In the Milkhouse

Itt. 200 weight of ordinary Cheese, four dosen of butter 1 00 00
Itt an old Cupboard, a butter Trendle, a Stone cheese silt, three Shelves, with earthen wares and other small
lumber things
  05 06

In the two Butteries

Item Six Beer vessels, two beer Horses, an old Tub, and Six Small Shelves, wth other lumber things   06 00

In the Barn

Item four bushals of wheat, thirty bushals of Barly, three bushals of Oates, two bushals of Beanes, and four
bushalls of Peas
2 11 00
Itt One Garner in a little out House wth six bushals of Malt in the same   15 00
Itt four old Tubbes and an old Malt Mill   05 00

Without Dores

Item. Two Wheat Reeks 10 00 00
Itt Two Hay Reeks 5 00 00
Itt Two piggs 1 10 00
Itt Four Horse beasts 6 00 00
Itt Six Oxen 12 00 00
Itt Nine milch Cowes & one Bull 18 00 00
Itt Four Hifers aged three yeares & a small Bull 6 06 08
Itt Three Stears aged two yeares and two Hifers aged two years 5 00 00
Itt Four Hifers aged one yeare 4 00 00
Itt Six Weanling calves 2 00 00
Itt Sheep of all sorts 260 58 10 00
Itt a Waggon, a Dungpot, a Dragg, two Harrowes, three draught Chimes, Sulls, Yokes and other Plough Timber 7 15 00
Itt a fold and fold Barr   10 00
Itt in Lumber and other Goods forgotten 1 00 00


403 00s 02d

By us: Thomas Cockram, James Havelland
Exhibited: 11 Nov 1691 by David Grove the Executor before Henry Willis at Blandford Forum



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/A/1692 54
Administration Bond

Dated: 06 Oct 1692
Richard Paine late of Studland in the Isle of Purbeck deceased

- Sureties: Philip Patridge Mariner of Studland & Thomas Duke Yeoman of Studland

- Amount: £100

- Bound to: Henry JONES Surrogate of the Archdeacon of Dorset

Administrator: Philip Patridge, father-in-law of the deceased and grandfather & curator of Elizabeth,
Richard & Edith Paine, ye children of the deceased
Condition of the obligation: to make an inventory of the goods, chattells and credits of the deceased
and to exhibit the same to the Registry of the Archdeacon’s Court of Dorsett before the last day of
January next ensuing and make a true and just Account of his Administration before the last day of
October 1693

Witness: Richard Fitzherbert
Sworn before: Mr Willis



Edward Miller of Wuton in parish of Studland, husbandman
Will dated: 5 May 1690

- Mary, Henry and Elizabeth (son and daus): 20s each when executors see fit

- executors to dispose of goods and stock as they see fit for the breeding or placing a broad of my younger children

- Giles Collens of Ower, husbandman, Sampson Sistens of Braders and Henry Sistens of Ower, all in parish of Corfe Castle: executors

Witnesses: John Collins, Sarah Denord (x)
Proved 28 April 1693 before Richard Roderick, Surrogate BC/I/M61

Inventory: 9 April 1693 Not transcribed here - see original. Includes 10 stocks of bees and hay and rye in the house
By Thomas Ross, Alexander Collings Total £85 16s 4d


John Vey [Vye] of Studlan [Studland], yeoman
Inventory appraised 25 January 1698/89

Not transcribed in full here: includes 'sheep and horses Ruther cattle and hay, corn unthreshed and in
the house' valued at £117
Total: £191 18s
Appraised by John Franklin, Thomas Duke

Robert Turner of Studland, Yeoman
Died 27 April 1704


  £ S D
His Apparell 10 00 00
7 Rudder Beasts, all the sheep and 4 horses 59 00 00
A Rick of wheat & stag of hay 10 00 00
3 Beds and Bedsteeds, 2 Chests, a Trunk, a Coffer and 2 Boxes 10 16 00
Plate, 2 Table boards, 2 joynt stooles and one forme in the kitchen 03 12 00
All the Pewter, a Furnace, 2 Hettles, a Brasse pan, a brasse pot, a iron pott, a skillett, a bed pan, 9 chayers, a musquet & fowling piece in the Buttery 03 10 00
Meat with other provisions 00 15 00
A Chattell Leasehold 17 10 00
2 Morgages 45 00 00
Plowtackling with other lumber 02 00 00
Moneys in house 40 00 00
Total  [incorrect] 202 01 00

Appraised 9 May 1704 by James Summers, Morgan and Thomas Genkings [Jenkins] [for details consult copy of the original available on Ancestry]
Total £202 1s    £25 debts


Transcribed, researched & donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Kim Parker

(DHC Ref: AD/W/1705 25)

Dated 18 Feb 1697
Henry Corban Of Haven Point, Studland & Langton Matravers Tailor

- being weak of body but of sound mind and memory

- my said Wife: All that my Meadow ground called and known by the name of Cabalston Meadows lying and being
  in the Parish of Worth within the said Isle of Purbeck if the Estate I have therein shall last so long which is for a
  certain number of yeares yet unexpired and determining upon the lives of my two Sonnes Alexander Corban
  and William Corban.

  All that my Cloase of Pasture ground lying & being at a certain place commonly called and known by the name of
  Dean within the said Parish of Studland, if the Estate I have therein shall last so long which is for a certain number
  of yeares yet unexpired and determined upon the lives  of my two Sons the said Alexander and William

  And also I give and bequeath unto her more all my Household goods during her natural life.

- William Corban (son) : all that my said Meadow grounds call and known by the name of Cabalston Meadows
  for and during all the residue and remainder of the Estate and right I have in the same (after the death and decease
  of me the said Henry Corban the Donor and Mary my said Wife)

- William Corban (son) : do yearly and every year during the time and space of seven years (next after the death
  and decease of me the said Henry Corban and Mary my said Wife) pay unto my Son the said Alexander Corban
  the summe of Twenty Shillings by the year until the summe of seven pounds be fully paid him, and no longer.

- Rebecca (daughter and Wife of Richard Brownsie) : all that my said Cloase of Pasture ground lying and being at a
  certain place commonly called and known by the name of Dean aforesaid for and during all the residue and remainder
  of the Estate and right I have in the same (after the death and decease of me the said Henry Corban the Donor and
  Mary my said Wife).

- Alexander and William (sons) and Rebecca (daughter and Wife of Richard Brownsie) : all my household goods to
  be equally parted & divided between them after the death and decease of my said Wife.

- Richard Brounsie (Son in Law) : the house that he do now live in, with the Garden and all that do thereunto belong called
  and known by the name of Court Poundhouse lying and being in the Parish of Langton within the said Isle of Purbeck
  for and during all the residue and remainder of the Estate and right I have or ever had or might have in the same.

- Edward Cole (Son in Law) : one shilling

- John Edmonds (Son in Law) : one shilling

- Elizabeth (Granddaughter and Wife of Henry Harris) : one shilling.

- Susan Corban (Grand daughter) : one shilling

- Mary Corban (Grand daughter) : one shilling

- William Cole (grandson) : one shilling

- all which legacies of one shilling apiece given unto my said two Sons in Law and of one shilling apiece given to my said several
  Grand children paid them equally by and between my Executors within one whole yeare after my decease, and the decease of
  my said Wife

- William Corban (son) and Richard Brounsie (Son in Law) : All and singular other my goods and Chattels whatsoever not herein
  and hereby before by me given and bequeathed

Executors: William Corban (son) and Richard Brounsie (Son in Law)
Signed: Henry Corban (his mark – when this being dun he was in good health and memory)

Witnesses: Thomas Coastfield
Richard Beast (his mark)

Proved: 6 March 1705[/6] on the Oath of Richard Brownsie before Philip Baker, Surrogate.

nb: The deceased died in the Parish of Langton Matravers


(DHC Ref: DA/I/1705 11)

Henary Corben

A Perfect Inventory of all the goods and Chetels of Henary Corben late of Langton in the County of Dorset
Deceased taken and valued by the Apraysers whose names are hereunto subscribed the 20th day of February 1705:
and is as followeth

  £ s d
Item one Chetell Lese lying in the parish of Studland 07 00 00
Item one fether bed too fether bolsters too fether pilloes one bedsteed one coneled too bed quilities
too bed sheetes too bed blancets
02 10 00
Item fouer Boxses one trunck one bras pot one Cittel one wormingpan one Spit one pair of tongs one flower tub   10 00
Item three pater Dishes one Saser one pater flagon one pater cup one eathen dish fouer earthen botels one Cuboute one Jainte Stoole one tabelborde one turne   10 00
Item In the Hands of William Corben the Sun of the said Henary Corben one floik Bed and Bedsteed and too pilloes
and too blankets one pater Dish one braspot one Cittel one Tabelborde one Jainte stoole one pater Bason that they
onde they had in there passion but woode not let us see it
Item Waring Aparel 01 00 00


11 10 00

John Hemblin
Thomas Coastfield

Probate Note on the Inventory (in Latin):Richard Brownsea the Executor sworn before me the 6th day of March 1705/6
W. Baker



Henry Corban was not buried at Studland. The probate clause on the Will states that he died at Langton, so he was likely
buried at Langton Matravers. Unfortunately there is a gap in the Parish Register from 1699-1710, so the date is unknown.
It is likely that Henry’s widow, Mary, also died in this time frame, as no burial has been discovered for her. The details of
their earlier lives – their respective christenings and marriage – are lost, possibly casualties of the tumult of civil war, as so
many of Dorset’s records were. Mary may have been a Phippard before marriage, since Margery Chinchen’s will refers
to her daughter Rebecca as a cousin and Margery was a daughter of William Phippard. However, it could also have been
one of Henry Corban’s sisters who was married to William, so Margery’s Will is not conclusive evidence either way.

The Will mentions three children and infers three or four others who predeceased their parents:

• Alexander
• William
• Rebecca, the wife of Richard BROUNSIE
• The wife of Edward COLE, and mother of William COLE (Mary)
• The wife of John EDMONDS and the mother of Elizabeth, wife of Henry HARRIS (Susannah)
• The father of Susan and Mary CORBAN (Henry)


Alexander is likely the Alexander Corban who married Temperance Fry at Worth Matravers on 30th November 1685.
Assuming they married aged 21, this gives an estimated birth year of 1664. The record of the christening of one of their
sons has survived: John Corban, christened at Langton Matravers on September 1st, 1695. From the names given to their
children, we can infer that Alexander Corban (c1693-1757) and Peter Corban (c1705-1772), who both had daughters
named Temperance – an atypical name at the time – were also sons of Alexander & Temperance. They likely had other
children, but so far no clues have been found in contemporary documents as to which ones. Temperance was buried at
Langton Matravers on January 20th, 1729/30 and Alexander on December 21st, 1742.


William Corban is possibly the one married to Margaret. The record of the christening of one of their sons has survived:
James Corban, christened at Langton Matravers on July 22nd 1712. William was buried at Langton Matravers on 31 Jan 1715/16
and his widow Margaret on October 30th, 1736. Here again it is likely that this couple had other children.


Rebecca Corban married Richard Brounsie or Brownsea some time before 1679 when her first known child, Jone Brownsea,
was born (christened at Langton Matravers October 26th, 1679). The family seems to have moved between Langton Matravers
and Worth Matravers, as the next child, Ann Brownsea, was christened at Worth on September 4th, 1681, while the one after
that, Peter Brownsea, was christened at Langton on December 23rd, 1683. It is probable there were other children born to this
couple before these three. In particular, it seems likely that Richard Brownsea (c1677-1747) is their son. Rebecca was left a
yellow rug in the Will of her cousin Margery Chinchen (proved 1693), while her husband Richard was left a bushel of corn that
Edward Cole had given her. Rebecca was buried at Langton Matravers on April 2nd, 1715 and Richard on February 25th, 1738/9.


The record of the marriage of Edward Cole and the christening of his son William Cole, has not survived, nor has the record of
his wife’s burial, but Margery Chinchen’s Will, which mentions Susanna Corbin, Rebecca (Corban) Brownsy and Edward Cole,
also makes mention of a cousin, Mary Cole, who was probably Edward’s wife. ‘Mary’ was one of the top-three most popular names
for girls at this time and by the second half of the seventeenth century it had become traditional for couples to name children after
their parents, so it seems likely that Henry and Mary Corban would have had a daughter called Mary.

Two days before his second marriage to Sarah Hall, Edward Cole drew up a Will dated (October 18th, 1714), dividing his possessions
between his new wife and his son, with a token for his grandchildren. Edward was buried at Langton Matravers on May 9th, 1717, but
the Will was not proved until February 11th, 1720/1. There is a Sarah Cole buried at Langton Matravers on March 10th, 1732/3, but
no indication that she was a widow.


In the Langton Matravers christening register, there is an entry on February 5th, 1670/1 for Sarah, daughter of John & Susannah
Edmonds. Unfortunately, coverage of the registers is very patchy until 1710, so the only other mention of this couple is in the burial
register on May 24th, 1685, when Mary, daughter of John & Susannah Edmonds was buried. This is the only John Edmonds
mentioned in the records of Langton Matravers at the time. It is not inconclusive, as John Edmonds is a fairly common name and
there is nothing to proved that the couple lived at Langton Matravers, but if it isn’t them, then this is an enormous coincidence.

One other detail lends support to the theory that this is the couple in question: Henry Corban’s granddaughter, Elizabeth, wife of
Henry Harris. She probably married around 1695. The couple had a son, John Harris, christened at Corfe Castle on May 21st, 1696.
Sadly the baby died and was buried at Langton Matravers on June 7th, 1696 (“John, son of Henry & Elizabeth Harris”), suggesting
that one or other of his parents had a connection with the village. Their next child was a girl, christened Susanna Harris at Corfe Castle
on April 9th, 1699. This child also died in infancy and was buried at Corfe Castle on August 6th, 1699. There were two further
children christened at Corfe Castle, Sarah Harris on August 11th, 1700 and Henry Harris on March 17th, 1702/3, before Elizabeth
herself succumbed. She was buried at Corfe Castle just a day after her last child was christened (March 18th, 1702/3: “Elizabeth,
wife of Henry Harris, fisherman”). Her baby son followed soon after, buried September 26th, 1703. This is a leap of faith, but the
pattern of names for her children – John, Susanna, Sarah and Henry (her husband’s parents being Henry & Edith Harris) – and
the fact that her first child was buried at Langton Matravers, suggests a connection with John & Susannah Edmonds.

Although she pre-deceased her grandfather, he may have been too infirm to change his Will. The phrase in parenthesis after his
signature (“his mark – when this being dun he was in good health and memory”) may be an indication that Henry was losing his faculties.


On June 29th, 1676 Henry Corban married Ann Cook at Worth Matravers. Henry died five years later and was buried at Worth Matravers
on December 30th, 1681. Although the christening records of any children they may have had are now lost, it is likely they would have
had two to three children during their brief marriage, which fits with the two grandchildren, Susan Corban and Mary Corban, mentioned
in their grandfather’s Will.

Reading the Wills of John Coock (dated August 9th, 1716) and of his sister Alles Cook (dated January 3rd 1733/4) of Worth Matravers,
both make bequests to, and name as a co-Executrix, a certain Susannah, wife of Henry Curtis. John describes Susannah as his
kinswoman, while Alice describes her as her cousin. Neither description precludes her from being their niece, since “kinswoman” and “cousin”
where generic terms that described a variety of relationships that we today would be more specific about. It seems likely, therefore, that
Susannah’s maiden name was Corban, that she is the daughter of Henry & Ann Corban and the granddaughter mentioned in Henry Corban
senior’s Will. Both John & Alice Cook’s Wills mentions various Mary’s. No relationship is stated, but one of them may have been Henry &
Ann Corban’s other daughter, Mary Corban.



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/A/1705 13
Administration Bond

John Patridge late of Studland, but in the Ship Torbay deceased
Dated: 18 Jan 1705/6

- Sureties: Elizabeth Patridge widow of Studland & Thomas Duke Yeoman of Studland

- Amount: £100

- Bound to: Charles Sloper Archdeacon of Dorset

Administratrix: Elizabeth Patridge, relict of the deceased
Condition of the obligation: to make an inventory of the goods, chattells and credits of the deceased and to
exhibit the same to the Registry of the Archdeacon’s Court of Dorsett before the last day of June next ensuing
and make an Account of her Administration when thereto lawfully required

Witnesses: Richard Fitzherbert, Notary Public
Sworn before: Thomas Sutton, Surrogate


Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/I/1705 20

John Patridge

The Inventory of ye Goods of
John Patridge of ye Parish of Studland in ye County of Dorsett lately deceased
in Her Majestys service in ye ship called ye Torbay taken & apprized ye 15th of Jan. 1705/6 by us whose names are
here underwritten

  £  s d
One Feather bed & bedding 1 10 00
Item. A table board   02 00
3 Pewter Dishes   01 06
1 Gun   08 00
1 Chest & 1 Coffre   04 00
2 Iron Pots wth other Lumber   05 00


2 10s 06d

Witness our hands: Richard Gerard Rector, Thomas Duk, James Sumers
Exhibited: 18 Jan 1705/6



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/A/1706 50
Administration Bond

Peter Corban late of Studland, but in ye Ship Torbay deceased
Dated: 08 Apr 1706

- Sureties: Elizabeth Corban widow of Studland & Thomas Duke Yeoman of Studland

- Amount: £100

- Bound to: Charles Sloper Archdeacon of Dorset

Administratrix: Elizabeth Corban, relict of the deceased
Condition of the obligation: to make an inventory of the goods, chattells and credits of the deceased and to
exhibit the same to the Registry of the Archdeacon’s Court of Dorsett before the last day of October next
ensuing and make an Account of her Administration when thereto lawfully required

Witnesses: Richard Fitzherbert, Notary Public
Sworn before: Henry Willis, Surrogate

NB: Elizabeth Corban nee Payne probably married John Gover at Studland on 25 May 1709 & eventually
moved to Corfe Castle having had five more children (half-siblings to her daughter, Edith, by Peter Corban ):
William, Elizabeth, Richard, Lewis & Edward Gover



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: AD/I/1706 95

Peter Corben

Ye Inventory of the Goods & Chattells of Peter Corben of ye Parish of Studland in ye County of Dorsett
but in Her Majesties service in ye ship called ye Torbay dec[eas]ed, taken & appraised ye 4th of April in ye year
of our Lord 1706 by us whose names are here underwritten

   £  s d
Bed bedding & sheets 1 10 00
Two chests   07 00
1 Cubbard 2 Tables & 1 Bench   10 00
Pewter   09 00
2 Pots one brass ye other iron   05 00
1 Gun   03 06
An old Boat Cloths & Lumber   15 00
It. for ye deceased’s Service 9 Months & half on board ye said Ship [in the handwriting of the clerk of the court]      


3 19s 06d

Signed: Richard Gerard Rector of Studland, Thomas Duk, James Sumers
Exhibited: 08 Apr 1706



Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC REF: DA/W/1706 45

Henry Havercomb Mariner of and belonging to her Majesty’s Ship Jersey
Dated: 02 May 1705

- not being in bodily health yet of Sound and disposing mind and memory

- Elizabeth Havercomb (“beloved mother” of the parish of Studland, Dorsetshire):
  all pay and monies (short warrants [?]; prize money; bounty money; conduct money;
  smart money; pensions and wages) due to him; all lands, tenements, goods, chattels
  and estate whatsoever as shall in any ways be due, owing or belonging to him at the
  time of his decease

Executrix: Elizabeth Havercomb (mother)
Signed: Henry Havercomb

Witnesses: Holiday Halborow of the Dewey, Thomas Martin of ye Cambridge and John Stanton of [illegible]
Proved: 01 Mar 1706/7 – Executrix sworn before Thomas Sutton, Surrogate

Note in the margin: “He was killed on board The Gosport”


Christopher Spragg of Studland but of her Majesty’s Ship ‘Eagle’
Administration bond: Frances Spragg of Studland, widow and James Sumers of Studland Yeoman bound 2 January 1707/08

- Frances Spragg widow and relict of Christopher Spragg to administer

Witnesses: Clarke, Notary Public
Sworn before Thomas Sutton, Surrogate

Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/W/1709 36

John Chaddock Husbandman of Studland in the Isle of Purbick
Dated: 29 Oct 1708

- being “sick and weake in body but of perfect mind and memory”

- Anne Talbut (“daughter-in-law”): twenty pounds + the ten pounds her brother owes her for
  putting his Life into the tenement the testator now possesses

- Anne Talbut (“daughter-in-law”): two feather beds, one of which was her mother’s and the
  other to be selected by his Executor; three feather bolsters; three feather pillows; the box that
  was her mother’s; the lesser oaken box in his chamber; one of the painted boxes; one flask;
  the great chest that stands in the hall; the coffer that stands in the little chamber; the standing
  bedstead now in his house; the ‘cobert’ [cupboard?] that was her mother’s; the copper skillet
  and one iron pot

- Anne Talbut (“daughter-in-law”): four gold rings – one with a seal on; one with a diamond stone;
  one which is engraved and the last one his smallest ring; the smallest silver dish; a silver spoon;
  the worst of the warming pans; [some words obliterated by water damage]

- Anne & John Talbut (“daughter-in-law” & “son-in-law”); the linen and all the pewter to be equally
  divided between them

- Edith Corben (“my sister’s son’s daughter” i.e. great niece): five shillings

- Joseph Corben (“my sister’s sone” i.e. nephew): two shillings and sixpence

- John Talbut (“son-in-law”): rest & residue

Executor: John Talbut (“son-in-law”)
The mark of John Chaddock

Witnesses: David Grove, Thomas Talbott, Christopher Summers
Proved: 09 Jul 1709 – Executor sworn before Thomas Sutton, Surrogate

NB: “Daughter-in-law” and “son-in-law” in this context means step-daughter and step-son. Anne and John
Talbut were the children of John Chaddock’s second wife, Margaret/Marguerite, the widow of John Talbot.
John Chaddock had had three daughters by his first wife, Abigail, the widow of John Talbot alias Havercombe
(nee Beaumont), but all died in infancy, as had Abigail’s first daughter, Ann, from her first marriage (and
presumably the second daughter too, Abigail, of whom there is no further mention in the records)


Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/I/1711 21

A true Inventory of all ye Goods & Chattells of
Wm Patridge lately disceased October 23rd Anno Domini 1710

  £ s d
Imp. The Beding it he left 2 00 00
Itt  A Chest & Coffer & Table Board 1 00 00
Itt  The Peuter & Brasse   10 00
Itt  The other Lumber Goods   05 00
Itt  A Gunn   05 00
Itt  A Heifer 1 06 08
Itt  The Flock of Sheep 15 00 00


20 06 08

Appraised by us: Thomas Jinkines, John ?Joner
Exhibited: 07 Sep 1711

NB: No place of residence mentioned on the Inventory, but given the rareness of the name Patridge / Partridge in Dorset
at that time and proximity of the date of the Inventory to the burial of William Partridge at Studland on 10 Oct 1710, it is likely to be Studland.


Susannah Addames [Adams] of Studland
Will dated: 5 September 1711

- 'my body being in a weak and low condition'

- James Duke son of [missing]: £10, bed and all belonging and a little bible

- George Duke son of Thomas: £5 in his father's hands

- Marey Phipard: piece of gold; Sarah Phipard and Ann Wise: small piece of gold each

- Marey Ifsep[Isep]: [missing] 'whittell'

- 'Elizabeth'[no surname given]: red large [missing] and 'Ell of Holland and pair of piltons'

- Susana Summers: [missing] 'cote' [coat]

- James Wise: house at Poole 'and if James wife enjoy the house in P...quietness he must give
  her brother's children [each] of them 40s a piece'

- Mr Grove: [missing] and his wife: red petticoat

- John Addams ('loving grandson') son of Mathew Addams: rest and executor

Witnesses: Marey Sims, Elizabeth Corbin [Corben], Treyberry Wellstead [probably Tryphena Wellstead]
Proved 6 September 1712 by executor


Angell Corben of Studland
Will dated: 14 March 1714/15

- 'very sick and weak of body'

- John Edmunds the son of Edward Edmunds: £10

- Margaret[?] [surname Wallis?] (sister): £5

- Mary Northover (her dau): £5

- Joy [text missing]ham (sister): £5

- Frances Norman (sister): £5

- Frances Norman her daughter: £5

- Mary Norman another daughter of hers: £5

- John Corben (bro): £5 and wearing apparell

- William the son of [text missing] Baily junior: £2

- Sarah Styles: £[text missing] Josep[? text missing] King: 10s

-  [text missing] olin [text missing]: 4s

- [further bequests text missing - one line shows surname Bayly]

- Edward Edmunds, Thomas Burdham and William Norman: executors

- John Jennings of Town and County of Poole, physican (my friend): trustee

Witnesses: John Jennings, Elizabeth Shovth[?], Dorothy Duke
Proved 21 February [1715/16 year missing]


Thomas Duke of Studland, yeoman
Will dated: 9 June 1717

- 'weak of body'

- wife: 5s

- John Talbott and his wife Jane (dau): 20s

- Elizabeth Pollard (gdau): £5 when 20 years old or marriage

- John Duke and George Duke (sons): rest and executors

Witnesses: William Cull, Bridget Tuxbery
Proved 21 April 1722 by John Duke before Thomas Riley, surrogate


The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Microfilm 0090732 1729 – 1730 bundle 66 (1729), number 18

Thomas Deverd, Mariner of Studland, Dorset
Dated: 1 October 1729

- George Corne: right and title belonging to South Haven Passage during the life of Mrs Mary Wells

- Noah Deverd (cousin): 1s

- Rose Corne daughter of George: right and property belonging to Dulish, and other goods etc.

Executrix: Rose Corne
Signed by testator
Witnesses: William Milner, Alexander Humber, Marten Talbott
Proved: 1729/30
Administration bond: 24 February 1729/30
George Corne of Studland, John Mosse, Gentleman of Blandford and Richard Fitzherbert,
Gentleman of Blandford are bound.

Condition: George Corne to administer the goods of Thomas Deverd of Studland, deceased during
minority of Rose Corne, the executrix in the will
Signed by those bound.


George Franklyn or Franklin of Studland 
Nuncupative will: 3 April 1732

Oath that: 'Mr George Franklyn did this day about two hours before his death...leave to his daughter two hundred pounds
               to be paid by his son out of his estate, which estate he said he had power to dispose of' 'he appointed his mother
               to take care of his children'

Witnesses: Benjamin Culme (in his hand), Lewis Cole, James Masterman, Francis Andrews
Proved 27 April 1732 at Blandford Forum by Mary Tarver during minority of Betty Franklyn before John Walker Surrogate


Inventory appraised 10 April 1732 by Giles Grove and John Duke.
John Harding, John Sanders, Thomas Cole
Total: £164 0s 2 1/2 d
Not transcribed here - see original

Administration bond: Mary Tarvar or Tarver of Honybrook in Wimborne Minster, Thomas Tarvar or Tarver of Hinton Parva,
yeoman and John Tarvar or Tarver of Honybrooke, yeoman bound 27 April 1732

- Mary Tarvar administratrix of goods of George Franklyn together with the nuncupative will [not to hand]
  during minority of Betty Franklyn, child of deceased

Witnesses Fitzherbert, R Erle


Rebecca Seamore of Studland 
Will dated 15 April 1731

- Thomas Duke son of John Duke of Woodhouse in parish of Studland and Samuel Seamore eldest son of John Seamore
  in Sanwich [Swanage]: all goods equally divided and executors

- John Duke (said) and John Seamore (said): trustees for said Thomas Duke and Samuel Seamore

Witness: Peter Gould, John Stone, Robert Roe


Administration bond: John Duke of Studland, yeoman and John Seamore of Sandwich, trustees appointed
by her will and administrators bound 27 April 1732

Witnesses: William Pottel, Christopher Barnett


Thomas Jenkins of Studland
Will dated 22 February 1732/33

- 'sick and weak'

- Henry Jenkins of Brinscomb: £5 and Elizabeth, Mary, John and Morgan 1s each

- Morgan (bro), his wife and dau: 1s each Jane Smith wife of Richard Smith (my sister's dau): 50s

- Edith Jenkins ('loving wife'): rest, after her decease to Robert Turner Adams

Witnesses: Benjamin Culme [likely writer of the will], G Hickson [Hixon], Ann Brase[?]
Administration bond: Edith Jenkins of Studland, widow, Thomas Benett of same husbandman
and James Duke of same bound 29 March 1734

Edith Jenkins, widow and relict of Thomas Jenkins to administer will

Edith Jenkins gives mark as 'Elizabeth' Jenkins

Witnesses: Benjamin Culme (also sworn before him) and Robert Adams


Abner Fall, mariner of His Majesty’s Ship ‘Princess Amelia’ [of Studland]

- Abner Fall the elder of Studland, Yeoman, Robinson, Clerk of East Stoke and
  Martha Rose of Wareham, spinster bound 15 [or 16] October 1743

- Abner Fall the elder to administer goods of his son Abner Fall

Witnesses: W Somner, Thomas Edgar



Giles Grove
Administration bond: Mary Grove of Studland, widow, Edward Dampier of Langton Matravers yeoman and
Thomas Summers of Studland, yeoman bound 28 May 1744

- Mary Groves, widow and relict to administer goods of Giles Groves her husband

Witnesses: Simon Browne, George Bayly


Edith Jenkins of Studland, widow
Will dated: 16 February 1742/43

- Elizabeth Addams dau of Robert Turner Addams late of Studland, deceased: £35 which James Duke owes me

- Sarah Addams dau of said Robert Addams: £25 which James Duke of Portsmouth also owes me

- If Elizabeth or Sarah die before 21 years, then to their mother

- Mary Addams sister of Robert Turner Addams: feather bed and bedsted with bedding

- Rose late wife of Robert Turner Addams: feather bed and bedsted with bedding

- James Duke (said): gold ring

- Elizabeth wife of George Corn of Haven: gold ring both

- Which rings are in the hands of Rose late wife of Robert Turner Addams

- John Sumers: gold ring

- Morgan Jenkens (bro): 20s

- Richard Phippard of Brenscombe in parish of Corfe Castle, wife Elizbeth and each of children: 1s each

- Jane widow of John Frampton: 1s

- Richard Smith of Langton: 1s and each of his children 1s

- Elizabeth and Sarah Addams (said): rest and their legacies in hands of James Duke to be kept and
  laid out for their benefit until they come of age or married

- James Duke and George Corn of Haven in parish of Studland: guardians and executors in trust for Elizabeth and Sarah Addams

Witnesses: Robert Roe, Ann Bonfeld [Bonfield]
Proved 6 August 1745 by George Corn, power reserved to James Duke, sworn before Thomas Sollen, Surrogate


The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Microfilm 0090742 1746 – 1747 bundle 83 (1747), number 92

James King of HMS ‘Norfolk’
Dated: 18 July 1740

- ‘being in perfect health’ ‘considering the dangers of the sea’

- Elizabeth (wife) of Studland near Poole: all pay etc.

Executrix: Elizabeth (wife)
Signed by testator
Witnesses: John Graves, Jo: Sussex, Thomas Thomas
Elizabeth (widow) sworn before Thomas Colson, Rector of Studland, 18 November 1747



The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Microfilm 0090743 1748 – 1749 bundle 85 (1749), number 42

Elizabeth Layfield, spinster of Studland, Isle of Purbeck, Dorset
Dated: 6 April 1749

- I gave by deed poll 24 June 1740 to Albina (niece) daughter of Benjamin Culme, deceased,
  Clerk of Studland all my goods, plate, jewels etc. Wheras Albina is deceased ‘to obviate any
  doubt that may arise out of the death’, I affirm that the operation of the deed poll is still ‘agreeable’
  and the legal representative of Albina shall alone have it and take profits of my effects.

Executrix : Jane Culme (niece)
Signed by testatrix
Witnesses: James Snook, Judith Culme, Susana Small (x)
Proved: 1749



The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Microfilm 0090743 1748 – 1749 bundle 85 (1749), number 60

George Hixson, Mariner of HMS ‘Sandwich’
Dated: 24 August 1745

- ‘being in bodily health’ ‘considering the perils and dangers of the seas’

- Elizabeth (wife) living in Studland: wages, money, lands etc. due to me.

Executrix: Elizabeth (wife)
Signed with ‘H’ his mark

Witnesses: John Hulme, Captain Phillips, Clerk
Proved: 28 August 1749 by oath of Elizabeth before Thomas Colson 
Order: 9 October 1751
On behalf of Elizabeth Hixson, widow and executrix of George belonging to HMS ‘Sandwich’
and ‘Royal George’, who left goods in Province of Canterbury for the jurisdiction of the Prerogative
Court of Canterbury, but Elizabeth ‘being ignorant thereof did incautiously and unadvisedly’ prove
the said will in the Court of Archdeacon of Dorset where it remains. The surrogate at the petition of
the proctor of Elizabeth has interposed his interlocutory order for transmitting and leaving in the
registry of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury the original will.



Edward Edmonds of Studland, fisherman
Will dated: 3 December 1741

- 'being in health of body'

- Mary Smedmore (sister): 1s

- Mary Edmonds (loving wife): rest and executrix

Witnesses: Ann Corn, Sarah Angel; Richard Corpe, Notary Public
Proved 11 December 1752 by Mary Edmonds, widow before Thomas Colson


Transcribed by Ros Dunning


Mary Edmonds, of Studland
Dated: 15 January 1753

- being in Health of Body and of Sound Mind & Disposing Memory

- my neice Hannah Biles, wife of William Biles in the County of Dorset, Mariner: all the Lands Tenements Goods Chattles Ready
  Money and Personal Estate Whatsoever and wheresoever to Her, her Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns

Executrix: my Niece Hannah Biles
Witnesses: Thos Colson   Ann Bartlett  the Mark of Jane Culme
Proved 28 May 1754


DHC: CC/W/536

William Gould, husbandman of Newton Farm, Studland
Will dated: 13 April 1755

- 'weak of body'

- Grace Gould, Mary Gould and Rebecka Gould (loving daughters): £5 each 3 years after my decease

- 'Michall Gould' (loving wife) : £3 a year 'as long as she continues in my name and remains a widow'; her wearing
  apparell, bed with a pillow, bolster, 2 sheets, 2 blankets, coverlet and bedstead

- 'Also I give my large silver spoon to the child that is not born or to my wife'

- John (loving son): rest of estate whether leasehold, house, household goods, money, stock in husbandry,
  boats, nets, cattle etc; and executor

- Mr John Brimble (bro in law) of Hamworthy and William West (loving friend) of Studland: trustees

Mark of William Gould

Witnesses: William Miller, apothecary; John Brimble (his mark)
Sworn in open court 23 May 1755



John Hardey [Hardy] of Studland, farmer
Will dated 25 November 1755

- William Oserd [Ozzard] (son in law): 1s

- Marey Oserd (dau): 1s

- Sarah Hardey (dau): £20

- Elizabeth Hardey (dau): £20

- Robert Hardey (son): all goods etc, cattle and sheep; executor

Witnesses: George Bayly, Michael Short
Proved 10 November 1756 by Robert (son) before John Cooth, Surrogate


Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: BC/AH/1757 83

Jane Havercombe  Widow of Studland in ye Isle of Purbuicke
Dated: 05 Jan 1756/7

- being “sick and weake in body but of perfect mind and memory”

- Bety Vinson (daughter): one-third part of my household goods and all that she shall leave behind her

- Jane Ceorben (daughter): one-third part of all my household goods and all that she is now in possession of

- Hannah Havercombe  (daughter): one-third part of all my household goods and all that she is now in possession
  of – if she marries or is inclined to be married to “Tiles [Titus?] Caorben so that there is such a thing Desired
  she is not to inway or reseve any thinge that ever was mine & her parte menchened one this my Will is to be Equally
  to be parted between my Dafter Betey Vinson & my Dafter Jane Corben”

Executor: none named
The mark of Jane Havercombe

Witnesses: George Bayly, John Havercome
Proved 25 Jul 1757 – Betty Vincent, “the natural and lawful daughter” of the deceased, was sworn in to administer her
late mother’s estate before Sam. Lamt. Milbourne, Surrogate

Biographical Notes - Kim Parker

Jane Bayly married Edmund Havercombe (son of Peter & Elizabeth (Squibb) Havercombe, born 23 Jun 1699 at Studland)
on May 4th, 1723 at Studland.

The couple had 5 children christened at Studland:
- 07 Sep 1726 Betty
- 17 Oct 1729 Jane
- 18 Mar 1731/2 Hannah
- 01 May 1735 Mary
- 20 Aug 1740 Edmond

Mary and Edmund junior probably died in infancy, but as there is a gap in the Parish Register (1726-83) as well as in the
Bishops Transcripts (1734-41), we cannot know for sure.

Edmund Havercombe senior died and was buried at Studland on 27 Aug 1755.
Jane Havercombe died and was buried at Studland on 29 Aug 1756.
From Jane’s Will it is clear that her daughter Betty had married and become Betty Vincent. It is likely that she was married to
George Vincent and was the mother of a son, George, christened at Studland on 20 Mar 1751/2. Young George died and
was buried at Studland on 19 Mar 1757/8. There is no trace of his father (due to the patchiness of PR/BT coverage of Studland
at this time). Certainly there is no mention of him in Betty’s Will, in which she left almost everything to her sister Jane, her
brother-in-law Peter Corban and their two children Jane and Peter.

Betty Vincent nee Havercombe died and was buried at Studland on November 6th, 1758.
Jane Havercombe junior married Peter Corban junior (son of Peter & Mary (Cole) Corban christened at Langton Matravers on
October 30th, 1730) at Church Knowle on May 27th, 1751. They had a daughter Jane christened at Studland on March 27th,
1752 and a son Peter christened there on February 8th, 1753/4. Their next four children were christened at Langton Matravers:
Hannah on March 6th, 1758/9; Mary on February 7th, 1760/1; Alexander on May 30th, 1764 and John on April 4th, 1766.

Jane Corban nee Havercombe died and was buried at Langton Matravers on May 6th, 1766.
Peter Corban lived to the ripe old age of 81 and was buried at Langton Matravers on January 4th, 1812.
Hannah Havercombe died and was buried at Studland on July 3rd, 1757. A little over two years later Titus Corban, her putative
fiance and brother of Peter Corban, married Sarah Brown at Langton Matravers on 26 NOV 1759.


Mary Grove of Studland, widow
Will dated 8 August 1757

- Mary (dau) wife of Henry Freer, mariner of Studland: £20

- Honour (dau) wife of Henry Mate of Bere Regis, yeoman: £7 'for which I have his note of hand and also all interest due to said note'

- Ann (dau) wife of Michael Short junior of Studland, mariner to enjoy, then in order of lives: house or cottage with garden, lately purchased
  of John Bankes, Esquire Lord of the Manor of Studland to hold for the lives of Ann Short (dau), Sarah (Michael and Ann Short's dau) and
  Martha (dau of Henry Freer and Mary of Studland, mariner)

- Ann (dau): rest, money, rings, plate, clothes, household goods; and executrix

Witnesses: Thomas Colson, James and Ann Snook
Proved by Ann Short 18 December 1758 before Thomas Colson


The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Microfilm 0090747 1759 – 1761 bundle 95 (1759), number 57

Betey Vinson alias Betty Vincent of Studland, Isle of Purbeck, Dorset
Dated: 23 October 1758

- Peter ‘Coarben’ (brother-in-law): 1s

- Jane ‘Coarben’ (sister): ‘a long cloak riden hood which was my mother’s’

- Jane Corben’s (sister) ‘daster’ [daughter]: my best gown and my ‘pane petey coate’
  and suit of linen of all kinds

- Peter son of Jane Corben (sister): gold ring

- Elizabeth, Ann and Jane Stone (‘good friends’): wearing apparel ‘both lining and willing’ [linen and woollen].

- John Hanercom (uncle): remainder of goods

- ‘I desire to be buried in a hansome a manner as my father and mother were’

Executor: ‘I maks choys of my ounkell John Hanercom’
Signed by testator with x
Witnesses: John Summers, Thomas Meeds (x), George Bayly
Proved: 30 November 1759 by oath of John Havercome (uncle) sworn before
Thomas Colson, Rector of Studland.



The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Microfilm 0090747 1759 – 1761 bundle 96 (1760), number 48

Thomas Summers of Studland, Isle of Purbeck, Dorset
Dated: 1 September 1749

- Edith Meaden (daughter): silver cup, silver dram dish the largest I have, broad piece of old gold
  of 25s value, smallest brass kettle, feather bed and bedding standing in the Outer Chamber of
  the house I now lie in.

- John Summers (son): silver sall seller, silver bowl, largest brass kettle, all my sheep in Brandsbay
  or north ground mark, with my wagon and plough chains, 2 plough horses and 4 oxen, my featherbed
  and bedding that I now lie on. All land in Corfe Castle, my black heaffer now on Brandsbay ground,
  2 red [black crossed out] cows now at Studland and my largest gun

- Thomas Summers (grandson) son of John: my other gun

- William Summers (grandson): 10s

- William and Hannah Bayley (grandchildren): other bed and bedding and £10 each when 21 years old.
  They are to be given a ‘proper and sufficient maintenance’ until they are 21 years old by
  John Summers (son) and Edith Meaden (daughter).

- John Summers (son) and Edith Meaden (daughter): residue

Executor and executrix: John Summers (son) and Edith Meaden (daughter)
Signed by testator
Witnesses: Simon Browne, George Hood, Robert Roe
Proved: 13 March 1760 by oath of John Summers (power being reserved for Edith Meaden likewise)



John Seymour of Studland, yeoman
Administration bond: Jane Seymour, widow of Studland and Robert Goodwin of Wareham, innholder bound 26 May 1764

- Jane Seymour relict of John Seymour to administer goods, sworn before John Hutchins, Rector of Wareham, surrogate

Witnesses: [John] Hutchins and Anne Maria Hutchins


James Duke of Studland
Administration bond: Thomas Meaden of Studland, yeoman, Thomas Summers of same yeoman and
John Redman of same yeoman bound 30 September 1766

- Thomas Meaden, principal creditor to administer goods of James Duke

Witnesses: Christopher Rawlinson, Jane Fish
Thomas Meaden creditor of deceased of the sum of £23 11s 3d, sworn before Thomas Colson, clerk


Thomas Elby the elder of Studland
Administration bond: Thomas Elby of Studland, mariner, Thomas Hixon farmer and Jared Trew husbandman
both of Sandwich [Swanage] bound 5 August 1768

- Thomas Elby son of Thomas Elby the elder to administer goods

Witnesses: John Pyke, Joseph Edmonds Thomas Elby sworn before John Pyke.
Goods under £20 Inventory of goods and chattles of Thomas Elby and Mary his wife, lately deceased.
Valued by James Talbott and John Nineham dated at Studland 2 November 1768

Dwelling house, garden and fields £7 Kettle and pot 5s Settle and coffer 2s 6d Bedstead cupboard tub and trundle 6s
Total: £7 13s 6d


John Ridman of Studland, victualler
Administration bond: Thomas Phippard of Wareham, brewer, William Nicholls of Blandford Forum,
woolstapler and John Doe bound 26 August 1769

- Thomas Phippard, principal creditor to administer goods of John Ridman

Witnesses: Thomas Fitzherbert, Notary Public Thomas Phippard sworn before Robert Worgan, Surrogate


John Summers of Studland, yeoman
Will dated: 7 December 1796

- John, George and Edith Summers (sons and dau): tenement on west side of East Street, Corfe Castle in
  occupation of [blank] Balson, forever as tenants in common

- Thomas Summers otherwise Corn (natural son): £5

- William (gson and son of William (son) deceased: £5

- Martha Coates (gdau): £5

- Edith Summers (dau): copyhold cottage or dwellinghouse garden and plot of ground adjoining at
  Studland called Bailys together with two grounds belonging lately inclosed from the Common of Studland,
  which I hold under Henry Bankes for the lives of Rose (dau) wife of Thomas Rowe and Edith (said)

- Rose (dau) wife of Thomas Rowe: £5

- John, George and Edith Summers (sons and dau): rest and remainder of leasehold and
  copyhold estate, goods etc; executors and executrix

Witnesses: John Morton Colson, John Hood, George Filliter
Proved 5 February 1797 by executors and executrix, goods under £1000.
Sworn before John Morton Colson, Commissioner

Transcribed by Kim Parker from microfilms at the Dorset History Centre

DHC Ref: DA/W/1811 54

John Pond of Ulwell in the Isle of Purbeck and County of Dorset Yeoman
Dated: 16 Feb 1810

- John Pond (eldest son): two Tenements or Messuages at Swanage, now in the occupation of Thomas Burdon
  & Edward Toop, for and during his natural Life, and then to return to William Pond & Thomas Pond

- James Pond (son): two Tenements or Messuages at Swanage, one of them now in the occupation of Joseph
  Lush the other occupied by John Gillingham and a shop now Void, during the life of his Brothers John &
  William Pond, and ten pounds

- Children of James Pond (grandchildren, unnamed): the Premises bequeathed to James Pond, after their
  father’s death, share and share alike
- George Pond (grandson, son of James Pond ): his Silver Watch
- Sarah & Mary Ann Pond (granddaughters, daughters of James POND): one guinea each

- William Pond (son): his Living at Ulwell in the parish of Studland now in his own occupation together with the stock
  and crop on the said Living, also a Waggon on Farmer Old's premises together with all his household goods, moveable
  and immoveable, and all his Book Debts; a right in the Cains to turn out his stock, also the house that Thomas Hixon
  occupies and the storehouse now in the occupation of Henry Gillingham, and the slaughter house, John Burdon’s
  house & William Pond is to keep it in repair and to Pay the Lords rent; and his stock on Dean Living

- Thomas Pond (son): his Bay Mare and the Plot behind Ulwell Mill in the Parish of Swanage, now in the occupation of
  said Thomas Pond

- Thomas & William Pond (sons): the remainder of the Moneys to be divided between them – “except Henry Gillingham’s
  which he is to keep in repairs at his own expense”; they are to keep the above Premises in good repair and shall neither sell
  nor mortgage nor give away any part of the same under forieture of their Estate to their others Brothers; also his Pew in
  Swanage Church for which they shall pay each a part of the Church rates.

Executor: William Pond
Signed by John Pond

Witnesses: Henery Curtes, James Searley, William Wellstood
Proved: 08 Nov 1811 – William Pond sworn in as Executor before John Warton Clerk, Substitute for this purpose specially appointed
Effects under £500


Transcribed by Ros Dunning


Matthew Gould, yeoman of Newton in the Parish of Studland
 20 November 1821

- Dearly Beloved Wife Betty: all my Property ie Live and Dead Stock Crops Monies Debts Dues Household Goods and Furniture
  and everything God shall please to endow me with - for her Natural Life

- my youngest son Moses: after the decease of wife, one half of the property

- my other children, David Gould, William Gould, Henry Gould. Jane Churchill, Elizabeth Heysome, Sarah Randall, Ann Summers
  and Susannah Dier: after decease of wife, other part or half to be equally divided amongst them

- son David Gould: Wearing Apparel

- son Moses Gould: my Bed and Bedstead wheron I sleep myself

- daughter Jane Churchill: one other Bed and Bedstead

- daughter Ann Summers: one other Bed and Bedstead

-  daughter Susannah Dier: one other Bed and Bedstead

- grandson David Gould: my Watch

- son Moses Gould: my Cart and Salting Selt

- my daughter Susannah Dyer: my Clock


Executor: Moses Gould
Witnesses: J B Dugdale   George Vincent

Admin with Will annexed to Moses Gould - 1 January 1822 at Blandford Forum



John White of Studland, yeoman
Will dated: 17 October 1820

- 'in perfect health of body'

- James (son): £120, and part of goods, namely: 'oaken Winskut dinen table and the round magoney claw table
  and magoney waiter, five wooden bottom cheirs and the clock'

- Isaac (son): £40, and part of goods, namely: magoney leg dinen table the turned up beddsted and the matres with the
  beed linen what is left when Marey and Moriar [Mary and Maria] have taken theirs and the brass furnes or kittel and
  all my waren aparel'

- Marey [Mary] Stickland (dau): £40, and part of goods, namely: 'the Beach four poast beedstead with the white curtans
  not in youse the beed on the turnd up beedstead with one pare of best sheets one best blankett and the pach quilt one
  smal piler bolster and cloth and the white drawers and the larg glass and the childrens cheirs high and low'

- Morriar [Maria] Summers (dau): £100, and part of goods, namely: 'four post beedstead and curtans with the beed I know
  sleep on and the white quilt bolster and cloath one smal piller one pare of best sheets one best blanket the magoney drawers
  the two magoney hare bottom cheirs'

- Martha White (gdau): 'square magoney claw table with the Japan waiter'

- Joseph (son): 'I give to my sun Joseph White home I likewise constitue make and ordain the sole executrix' [sic]

Witnesses: William Medway, William Hutchins
Proved 19 November 1822 by Joseph White of Langton Matravers, dairyman (son), goods sworn under £450.
Testator died 24 October 1822.
Sworn before Thomas Topping, Surrogate


George Damon of Studland, Innholder
Will dated: 27 November 1835

- Susannah (wife): use and occupation but not the disposing power of live and dead stock and crop farming, utensils and implements
  of husbandry, household goods and furniture, books, plate, linen, woollen, china, glass and ornaments of the person in my dwellinghouse
  land and premises at Studland or elsewhere. After her decease or day of second marriage to Thomas Willcox of Studland, labourer (nephew)

- Susannah (wife): tenements, gardens and lands in Studland or elsewhere under any grant lease or demise of lives' leasehold tenements at
  Studland or elsehwere. After her decease or day of second marriage to Thomas Willcox of Studland, labourer (nephew)

- John Pushman of Sandwich otherwise Swanage, stone merchant and Thomas Randall the younger of the same, stone merchant: rest and remainder on trust to
  invest the same in Parliamentary stocks or public funds in their names to pay dividends to Susannah (wife) then to Thomas Willcox (nephew);
  to be both trustees and executors

Witnesses: Harry Jenkins, Nitson, Purbeck, yeoman James Hussey, Swanage, draper Robert Dugdale, solicitor, Wareham
Before John Morton Colson, Commissioner Commission 24 September 1844 to Thomas Randall the younger of Sandwich
otherwise Swanage, stone merchant, sole surviving executor.
Thomas Randall sworn 27 September 1844, goods sworn under £200.
Testator died 9 September 1844. Before John Morton Colson, Commissioner


Edith Summers of Studland, spinster
Will dated: 4 October 1834

- My two servants 'whoever they may be that shall be in my service and living with me at the time of my
  decease': best feather beds (a bed to each) with bed clothes, bolsters, pillows and furniture belonging
  which they 'may immediately after my decease take possession of and remove out of the house'.

- George Summers (nephew): remaining household goods and furniture and money; executor

Signed: her mark

Witnesses: D Davies [David Davies], Curate of Studland; Susan Deamon, Studland
Proved 2 September 1835 by George Summers (nephew) of Studland.
Goods etc below £200. Testatrix died 24 June 1835.
Sworn before George William J Chard, Surrogate


The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Microfilm 0090781 1848 - 1851 bundle 186 (1850), number 42

Mary Galpin, widow of Studland, Dorset
Dated: 18 June 1849

- Elizabeth Patten Hunt (daughter) widow of Thomas Wyatt Hunt, and Edward Patten Galpin (son):
  £250 each in 12 months after decease

- Ellen Jane Galpin, William Salway Galpin and Emma Lucretia Galpin children of John Galpin (late son),
  deceased: £250 divided between them when 21 years. Interest from the sum held during their minorities
  to be paid to Betsy Geuge[?] Galpin widow of John Galpin (late son)

- Thomas Patten Galpin, Jane Galpin and Mary Galpin (son and daughters): residue

Executor and executrix: Thomas Patten Galpin, Jane Galpin and Mary Galpin
Signed by testatrix
Witnesses: Clavell Filliter and Freeland Filliter, solicitors of Wareham

Codicil: 18 June 1849: if any of the three children of John Galpin (late son) die without issue then their
share goes to siblings. If all die then to be divided among my 5 children
Witnesses: Clavell Filliter and Freeland Filliter, solicitors of Wareham
Commission: 18 September 1850 to Thomas Patten Galpin, yeoman of Studland, Jane and Mary
Galpin, spinsters of Studland, to administer the will of the testatrix deceased
Goods sworn under £1500
Testatrix died 4 April 1850 [‘died 6 April 1850’ inserted in margin]
Signed by all commissioned
Commission certified 24 September 1850



Joseph Horlock of Studland, yeoman
Will dated: 3 March 1848

- Jane Horlock (dau): £250 'being the money I received on my marriage with her late mother'; all household goods and furniture
  which did belong to her late mother

- Eliza (dau) wife of John White: £10

- Thomas and Joseph (sons): rest and residue, monies, live and dead stock and crop farming utensils and implements of husbandry,
  household goods, furniture etc to Thomas and Joseph (sons) upon trust for all my children:

- Thomas
- Mary wife of Samuel Smith
- Joseph
- John
- Sarah wife of John Goringe
- Edward
- James
- William
- Susan
- Ann wife of Thomas Bickingham
- Eliza wife of John White
- Jane

- Executors to carry on farming but only if all agree otherwise dispose of residuary property and divide between them

- Thomas and Joseph (sons): executors

Witnesses: William Furmedge of Studland, yeoman; Robert D Marshfield of Wareham, attorney at law

Codicil: 6 August 1855
Revokes residuary bequest so far as it concerns all household goods furniture plate books watches and ornaments of the person
and three cottages at Ansty Pleck in Manor of Hilton, Dorset.

- Eliza White (dau): plate and plated articles

- Jane Horlock (dau): my silver watch, case and appendages

- Eliza White and Jane Horlock (daus): household goods furniture and books divided between them

- Eliza White (dau): three lifehold cottages at Ansty Pleck in Manor of Hilton, Dorset

Witnesses to codicil: Robert D Marshfield, Sarah Randle
Commission: 11 December 1856 to Thomas Horlock of West Creech in parish of Steeple, yeoman and Joseph Horlock
of Brinscombe in parish of Corfe Castle, yeoman executors.
Goods and effects sworn under £450.
Joseph Horlock died 11 August 1856. His sons Thomas and Joseph Horlock sworn 6 January 1857 before H M Capel, Commissioner